Rogue Helper (RH) Macro - v6.0 by Jerle

Im having trouble with it doing my strike skill. I have assassins strike. Ive read the readme and tried everything. Can anyone help? my IM are always up AIM daywalkerbd YIM daywalkerbd420 ICQ 46062404. Will really apreciate it.

When I had to set my strike skill in game, RH seemed to only except the first word as my strike skill. So if you set Assassin's Strike in game, the macro would only use "Assassin's" Try ending the macro, open up the RHSettings.ini and make sure you have the line:

StrikeSkill=Assassin's Strike

Also, make sure you have Assassin's Strike hotkeyed and in your command bar along with "hide" and "sneak" and make sure autohs is on so your rogue can be hidden when it is preparing to strike.
This isn't working at all. I've set the MA but the rogue just stands there. Yes, he auto targets but doesn't attack when the mob is in camp. When I turn on auto attack, he keeps fighting even with all of the damage he takes.

I've checked all the plugins, what should I check?
This isn't working at all. I've set the MA but the rogue just stands there. Yes, he auto targets but doesn't attack when the mob is in camp. When I turn on auto attack, he keeps fighting even with all of the damage he takes.

I've checked all the plugins, what should I check?

You have AssistPercentage set right?
Is he turning attack on but not moving behind the mob to attack it, or just targeting it and not even turning attack on?
Targeting but not moving or turning to face. He also doesn't auto hide in between fights. He will attack if I hit autoattack.
If you havent already, make a few hot keys on your command bar. How I have mine set up for one of my rogues is like this.

Hotkey 1, (2 lines) and I labeled it "Assist" :

/assist main
/echo Seeking a Victim...

Hotkey 2.

Backstab (from the combat skills tab Ctrl + C)

Hotkey 3.

Sneak (hotkeyed from the Abilities tab Ctrl + A)

Hotkey 4.

Hide (hotkeyed from the Abilities tab Ctrl + A)

Hotkey 5

Deadly Precision (from the combat abilites tab)

Hotkey 6

Kinesthetics Discipline (from the combat abilities tab)

Hotkey 7

Assassin's Strike (from the combat abilites tab, your rogue may have Swiftblade Rk. XX or Daggerlunge Rk. XX if higher level)

Hotkey 8, 9, 10 are just ones that wouldnt effect RH such as aa illusion goblin, and couple clickies I have hotkeyed.

If nothing else, PM me a copy of your ini and I can look over it for you. Hope that helps.
One thing I cant seem to figure out is if its possible to turn off the bounce feature? I was using RH last night on a few mobs that deflect spells and was spamming myself out. Or how woul you edit the ini to ignore a mob deflecting spells? I'm sure Ive overlooked the answer, but glancing over each page here and the 60+ pages at MQ2 have fried my brain.
When using the remote controller parts of this, It randomly stops reacting to tells. I try to /addmaster <> again but wont reply. I restart the macro as well and nothing. thx
I run 2 rogues on this macro on 2 different computers , both compiles , macro, and ini's are identical one works perfect the other not at all any clue why?
That was the first thing I tried. The non working one doesn't even target the mob. 2 days ago both worked fine and I have changed nothing on either computer.
make sure you have the mq2melee and/or autoskills of "hide" "sneak" and "evade" all turned off. the biggest issue i had with it stop working was in those functions. once i let the macro handle the actual hide/sneak/evade, it worked just fine.
Make hotkeys for Hide/Sneak and all other abilities to go on your hotkey bar. I bet it works then :)

Good point, however with my experience with character ini's, if he has the exact same ini, they will have the same hotkeys and such.
Try another copy/paste of the working PC files onto the non-working PC again?

Name_Server.ini from your EQ directory
RHSettings.ini from your MQ/macros directory

Those are the files I'd copy over.

I have been searching around the forums, but can't find exactly what I am looking for - I see some references... but...

I am trying to find out how to have a rogue (or any char for that matter) redo clickies when they fade.
IE - Pull out clickie from a bag, equip it, utilize it, replace with orginal item... all automatically... Rogue in background window with RH running.

Is there anything like this?
Look at /iclick /Ibounce and /ISET within roguehelper


/iclick <itemalias>

This command is part of a set of three commands used to manage clickable items and their effects. This particular command allows you to request RH to invoke the clickable effect for a given item. If you're not wearing the item, RH will fetch it, click it, put it back in it's original container (in it's original spot) and close the container. The item in question must be aliased with the /iset command prior to using this command.

Have RH fetch the item aliased as "ring" (perhaps a Coldain's Hero Ring), and click it to invoke it's effect:
/iclick ring


/iset <itemalias> KEEPUP|NOKEEPUP <"Item Name">

This command is part of a set of three commands used to manage clickable items and their effects. This particular command allows you to set and store an item alias for a given clickable item. You also can specify whether or not you want RH to automatically try to maintain the spell effect of this item. If a superior spell effect doesn't stack with the item's effect, you should use the /ibounce command to specify said spells.

Have RH alias "ring" for your Coldain's Hero Ring, and also indicate you wish RH to maintain the Shield of the Eighth, if possible:
/iset ring keepup "Coldain Hero's Insignia Ring"

or if those don't work for you

MQ2Clickies plugin may work for you.