Macro A tip macro for raid healer, helping you set/clear the ETW.


Dec 15, 2009
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Say you are a healer in raid, you need put all your raid tanks who are outside of your own group to your ETW, and every time the raid tank list changed, you need wipe out it..
Manually you get bored, especially if you are boxing multiple healer...

Here is the savior.

| Set your XTarget Window in Raid, By KingArthur.
|V1.1 20190328

Sub Main
/declare dummy int local 0
/declare XSetMove string outer ${Param0}
/call CheckPlugin MQ2XAssist
/call DefineTank
/call DynamicETW

Sub DefineTank
/declare Tank2 string outer TankName1
/declare Tank3 string outer TankName2
/declare Tank4 string outer TankName3
/declare Tank5 string outer TankName4
/declare Tank6 string outer TankName5
/declare Tank7 string outer TankName6

Sub DynamicETW
/declare i int local 2
/declare j int local 2
/declare z int local 1
/if (!${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},CLR,DRU,SHM]}||!${Select[${XSetMove},Set,Clear]}) {
     /echo You are not a healer, end this.
 } else /if (${XSetMove.Equal[Set]}) {
    /for j 2 to 7
     /if (!${Group.Member[${Tank${j}}].ID}&&${Spawn[pc ${Tank${j}}].ID}) {
	    /if (!${Me.XTarget[${i}].ID}) {
		   /xtarget set ${i} ${Tank${j}}
		   /delay 5
		   /varcalc i ${i}+1
		} else {
          /varcalc i ${i}+1
   /next j
} else /if (${XSetMove.Equal[Clear]}) {
    /cecho \ay Now Clear the ETW.
     /for z 1 to 13
     /xtarget remove
	 /delay 3
	 /next z

Sub CheckPlugin(string pluginname)
        /if (!${Bool[${Plugin[${pluginname}]}]}) {
            /squelch /plugin ${pluginname}
            /echo ${pluginname} not detected! This macro requires it! Loading ...

How to use it?

Edit the TankName1 to TankName6 to your raid tank name accordingly.

/mac XT set will set those tanks who are outside of your group to ETW, starting from the 2nd XTarget slot.

/mac XT clear will wipe out the ETW, resetting it to all AutoHater mode.


  • XT.mac
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