MMOBugs MacroQuest Test Server - Latest Release

Test patch

Hi all, Test was just patched. Not sure what for, perhaps to fix problems with instances.

Anyway, MQ2 now down.
Test just updated.
New client version:
Jan 08 2018

Thanks guys!
Test has been updated.

"Test has been updated today with our current Live build. There are no new patch notes at this time. Everything should match Live."
Test has been updated.

New client version:
Feb 12 2018
They just brought Test down for like 30 minutes but it's back up again.

Don't know if that impacts the work on updating the Test compile.

Test server update is pretty bad. It broke all our updating tools (Not on purpose). They've tinkered with how they compile eqgame.exe which is making doing offsets very time consuming until we figure out where they all now are. EQMule said it would be at least 3 days.

Hopefully we have this sorted out before this patch hits live.
Sorry about the delay test server people. This patch has been a pain.

I'm about to head to bed but finally got something working for live. I'll make it a priority to get it ported over to Test server as soon as I wake up.
CTD every time

Itried loading it several different ways and also rebooted the computer but no luck.

MQ2 crashes my EQ session every time as soon as it loads into the actual game. I believe I sent crash reports.

Tried it on 2 different computers and multiple accounts.

Interestingly the Live version loaded fine and was working.

I just tried launching MQ2 first and then an EQ session via the launcher and I get to the character select screen fine. When I select a character it starts to load (I can hear the EQ music start) but as soon as the actual character is about to load (i.e. the UI screen) it all just disappears.

No crash report screen comes up.