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    • htw
      htw replied to the thread MQ2MMOWarp issue.
      I pushed update, it should be good to go.
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread LuA Help.
      Do you have all the files in your lua dir? Esp. the lua\mq dir? It looks like it's failing to load that, or something in the lua...
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread Holyflag not working.
      Can't use those {} or lines like that. Just one line of the doability same line, that's all one ini entry in the ini. holyflag9=1...
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread Loading issues.
      What do these commands show? /mmoversion /plugin list
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread How to specify different directory?.
      You can set it with the command in game, and see how it saves it. However, no, it's not in macroquest.ini, it's in config\MQ2Lua.yaml
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread How to specify different directory?.
      Use the conf option LuaDir, to set it.
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread How to set up MQ2Notify.
      Welcome, and thanks for coming by! I was really happy when I first found cmail and it just… worked. Thanks for writing it and sharing...
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread Newbie Help - MMO Setup not Loading.
      No problem man, I’m glad you got it working as well it’s appreciated you letting me know!
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread Newbie Help - MMO Setup not Loading.
      I am just trying guessing btw, because I grabbed one from and old zip, it self updated, and ran without issue. I also grabbed the one...
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread Newbie Help - MMO Setup not Loading.
      Could check event log, or redist?
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread Newbie Help - MMO Setup not Loading.
      Oh, and make sure the tray icon isn't in the hidden part, i.e. click the ^ down there to make sure it's not really running.
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread Newbie Help - MMO Setup not Loading.
      Hmm. Try these steps: 1) Download the live mmoloader and overwrite the one in your mq dir: Download MMOLoader for Live 2) Open your...
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread Newbie Help - MMO Setup not Loading.
      You might try to manually update MMOLoader.exe in case it is being blocked. Try downloading this manually and overwrite the one in your...
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread How to set up MQ2Notify.
      I pushed a live release with /mmoexec along with the changes/fixes I did to MQ2Melee. MQ2Melee: Fixed wrong IDs for ROG 123 Tanacious...
    • htw
      htw replied to the thread newb help.
      To run a macro (which should be in your mqdir\macros), you would do: /mac macroname So assuming it doesn't need any parameters, you do...
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