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      MQ won't work on truebox until Omens of War releases unfortunately. Your best bet is to load up SEQ for maps
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      tw1ggy reacted to Sir Humphrey Appleby's post in the thread How to set up MQ2Notify with Like Like.
      Thank you. I appreciate the offer. If you or your users would like to try out a build with OAuth2 support, please get in contact with me...
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      tw1ggy replied to the thread How to set up MQ2Notify.
      Just want to say thank you, htw, for sharing, I am going to try it out as well.
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      tw1ggy reacted to htw's post in the thread How to set up MQ2Notify with Like Like.
      That plugin's code is really outdated, and takes quite a few hoops to use with any modern email server. It needs to be updated (I don't...
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      tw1ggy replied to the thread tlp.
      This is a lie perpetuated by mule. There was never any meeting or agreement. You are wrong.
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      tw1ggy reacted to Spiken's post in the thread tlp with Like Like.
      This is 100% delusional, if you think this is true, you can then put on the tinfoil hat also if you believe this is the case, this is...
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