Rogue Helper (RH) Macro - v6.0 by Jerle

Any updates on this? I was unable to load it last night and not sure why.

did you even put it in the macro folder? because it does not come defaulted in the zip anymore I do not believe.

Worked just fine for me not long ago but will check in 6 hours or so if no one else has commented by then.
Yeah. DLed it again and added it to the right folder. Just not getting anything but the unable to open message.
welp i just checked this and it works perfect with the latest compile.

So...your problem is on your end.

You need to list exactly what your doing (because your not doing something :p), and we can see if we can figure it out.
Added the files like normal and typed /mac rh .....

But i think youre right, it's gotta be something on my end. I added the showbonus mac to my folder and got the same unable to open message, so im not sure what going on now.
I'd check your file structure and that you are running mq2 from the right location.

i.e. D:\mq2\macro is where the macros are and D:\mq2 is where the macroquest2.exe is
RH Issues

You need to adjust a few commands first. More on that in a moment, first some info on what I think is going on (happened to me way back when)...

One of the problems with RH is that it's designed for somone to be sitting at the keys using this as a "Rogue Helper" not a "Rogue totally afk" by design.

A few things to ensure you have setup first to avoid any weirdness.

/assist off (eq command no MQ2 or Macro related, just shuts the auto asssit on target ofmob off)

/stickdist 85 85 (choose your own distance, this is a check of the distance from the tank to the rogue, and the rogue to the tank and to the mob) If this is too low and the tank and mob are too far it won't asssit. If it's too big it will jump on anything below the engage HP's from a mile off - also bad.

When the default RH macro hits the end of a leash (via the /leash ###, be it from chasing a mob when it runs, or too far from the tank, whatever, it switches "/autoassist off" (does the same when it zones too).

Easiest theory to fix this is to correct the /autoassist off settings to your play style (no two are the same).

You need to simply do one of three things (well maybe more, but I've used a shit load of () already so I'll keep it to three).

1 - Open the RH.mac in notepad, don't use wordpad it buggers up formatting in plain text, and remove or comment out with | all the "/autoassist off" commands. This may cause issues with leash snapping and bouncing around but hey, we are all lazy - and this should work.

2 - Look for the "Event Exp" section in the bottom / middle of the mac in one of the Subs and add a "/autoassit on" so every time something dies it puts autoassit back on after each fight. Better solution IMO.

3 - Manually type in /autoassist on every time it stops responding to mobs in range of the tank and himself -- If you like RSI this is for you!

Any more issues, let me know. I have a working totally AFK RH I use with my 6box squad and am happy to PM it to you once I make sure I don't have any toon names lurking in the depths of my shredded version.

Good luck!

Well on rog i have /assist off but not sure if im doing the rest correct i have a assist key made that is set proper to what you posted but im not sure if its even being used or if i did that part wrong i made it though or does this have to be set in ini someplace
If you make your hotkey like it tells you on the original RH page you do not need to edit the macro at all. It uses the Emote Seeking a victum to turn on attack.
It also lets everyone and their brother know you're using RH, why the fuck would you wanna do that??
It also lets everyone and their brother know you're using RH, why the fuck would you wanna do that??

What does?
The hotkey? it uses the MQ2 window as output so no one but you sees the message... Buy a fucking clue.
JJ means /echo but yes by doing a little bit of reading you could have figured that out.
opening bsing

ok I have been having problems with the mac not using opening strikes, i think the coding is bad or its just me but when i code it in the rogue discs but does not attack at all.
| Rogue Helper (RH) Macro 
| - v6.0 by Jerle (10/26/04) 
| Documentation for RH is now separated from the macro properly.  Please look for
| RHDocs.html for syntax and use, or RHChangeLog.txt for the implementation
| change log.
| RH Syntax: 
| Usage: /mac rh 
| Default settings can be changed by their respective controlling /command
| Type /rhhelp for help or /status to see current settings!

#Chat tell
#Chat group
#Event StrikeVic       "#*#Seeking a Victim#*#" 
#Event AttackOn        "#*#Auto attack is on#*#" 
#Event AttackOff       "#*#Auto attack is off#*#" 
#Event TooFarAway      "#*#Your target is too far away, get closer#*#"
#Event Exp             "#*#You gain#*#experience#*#" 
#Event Slain           "#*# slain#*#"
#event Zoned           "You have entered#*#"
#event Zoned           "LOADING, PLEASE WAIT..."
#Event GotHit          "#1#YOU for#*#points of damage."
#Event GotMissed       "#1#to#*#YOU, but #*#" 
#Event SpellBounced    "#*#Your spell did not take hold#*#"
#Event SwitchWeapon    "#*#|${switchtext}|#*#"
#Event FTrap           "#*#You sense a trap in this direction." 
#Event BTrap           "#*#You are certain that #*#" 
#Event TogEvade        "[MQ2] Autoevade#*#"
#Event TogPick         "[MQ2] Autopick#*#"
#Event TogStick        "[MQ2] Autostick#*#" 
#Event TogHS           "[MQ2] Auto Hide & Sneak#*#" 
#Event TogLeash        "[MQ2] Leash#*#" 
#Event TogAuto         "[MQ2] Autoassist#*#" 
#Event TogDynaggro     "[MQ2] Dynaggro#*#" 
#Event TogPause        "[MQ2] Pause#*#"
#Event TogTSwitch      "[MQ2] AutoTargetSwitch#*#"
#Event TogTraps        "[MQ2] AutoTraps#*#"
#Event TogDynclose     "[MQ2] Dynclose#*#" 
#Event LinkParse       "[MQ2] LinkParse#*#" 
#Event SetStopFighting "[MQ2] SetStopFighting#*#"
#Event SetEndFloor     "[MQ2] SetEndFloor#*#"
#Event SetStrikeDisc   "[MQ2] SetStrikeDisc#*#"
#Event SetCloseness    "[MQ2] SetCloseness#*#"
#Event SetFirstassist  "[MQ2] SetMainassist#*#"
#Event SetSecondassist "[MQ2] SetSecondassist#*#"
#Event SetThirdassist  "[MQ2] SetThirdassist#*#"
#Event SetAutoNinja    "[MQ2] SetAutoNinja#*#"
#Event SetWeaponSwitch "[MQ2] SetWeaponSwitch#*#"
#Event SetStickDist    "[MQ2] SetStickDist#*#"
#Event SetChicken      "[MQ2] SetChicken#*#"
#Event SetDisc1        "[MQ2] SetDisc1#*#"
#Event SetDisc2        "[MQ2] SetDisc2#*#"
#Event SetLeashFlex    "[MQ2] SetLeashFlex#*#"
#Event SetVerbosity    "[MQ2] SetVerbosity#*#"
#Event SetChannel      "[MQ2] SetChannel#*#"
#Event DragBodies      "[MQ2] DragBodies#*#"
#Event LootMyCorpse    "[MQ2] LootMyCorpse#*#"
#Event AutoFollow      "[MQ2] AutoFollow#*#"
#Event AddMaster       "[MQ2] AddMaster#*#"
#Event RemMaster       "[MQ2] RemoveMaster#*#"
#Event ItemSet         "[MQ2] ItemSet#*#"
#Event ItemBounce      "[MQ2] ItemBounce#*#"
#Event ItemCast        "[MQ2] ItemCast#*#"
#Event HelpInfo        "[MQ2] RH Help#*#"
#Event StatInfo        "[MQ2] RH Status#*#"
#Event  Invited         "#1# invites you to join a group." 

Sub Main

  /echo Loading Rogue Helper... Please Wait!

  /declare FollowGuy         string outer NULL

  /declare doEvade bool outer TRUE 
  /declare StopFightingHealth int outer 0
  /declare StrikeSkill string outer Assassin 
  /declare MinEndurance int outer 0
  /declare isEnraged bool outer FALSE 
  /declare strikeReady bool outer FALSE 
  /declare strikeTimer timer outer 0 
  /declare LDExp float outer ${Me.PctGroupLeaderExp} 
  /declare AAExp float outer ${Me.PctAAExp} 
  /declare Exp float outer ${Me.PctExp} 
  /declare doStick bool outer TRUE 
  /declare X float outer 
  /declare Y float outer 
  /declare behindTarget bool outer FALSE 
  /declare i int outer 
  /declare dir int outer 
  /declare delta int outer 
  /declare strafedir string outer 
  /declare closeness int outer 70
  /declare doHideSneak bool outer FALSE
  /declare doLeash bool outer FALSE 
  /declare leashlength int outer 0
  /declare stakeX int outer ${Me.X}
  /declare stakeY int outer ${Me.Y}
  /declare leashholder string outer Soaan
  /declare doAutoassist bool outer Soaan 
  /declare mainassist string outer Soaan
  /declare firstassist string outer Nobody
  /declare secondassist string outer Nobody
  /declare thirdassist string outer Nobody
  /declare assistpct int outer 95 
  /declare oldtargetID int outer ${Target.ID}
  /declare assisttimer timer outer 0
  /declare doDynaggro bool outer FALSE
  /declare gotHit bool outer FALSE
  /declare aggrotimer timer outer 0
  /declare ialias string outer None
  /declare doIclick bool outer FALSE
  /declare bouncenum int outer 1
  /declare ibounce string outer None
  /declare itemspellname string outer None
  /declare clicktimer timer outer 0
  /declare isPaused bool outer FALSE
  /declare ninjamode string outer OFF
  /declare ninjadist int outer 50
  /declare doPick bool outer FALSE 
  /declare doSwitch bool outer FALSE 
  /declare switchtext string outer +Undefined+
  /declare weapon1 string outer None
  /declare weapon2 string outer None
  /declare wstype string outer Detrimental
  /declare doTSwitch bool outer TRUE
  /declare lastevent string outer None
  /declare rngtarget int outer 100
  /declare rngtank int outer 100
  /declare useMU bool outer FALSE
  /declare doTraps bool outer FALSE
  /declare oldheading string outer Default
  /declare doChicken bool outer FALSE
  /declare nimblehealth int outer 20
  /declare doEscape bool outer FALSE
  /declare nimbletimer timer outer 0
  /declare nimbleactive timer outer 0
  /declare chickentimer timer outer 0
  /declare doDisc1 bool outer FALSE
  /declare disc1 string outer Deadly Precision
  /declare disc1end int outer 60
  /declare disc1reuse int outer 5
  /declare disc1reusetimer timer outer 0
  /declare doDisc2 bool outer FALSE
  /declare disc2 string outer Kinesthetics
  /declare disc2end int outer 60
  /declare disc2reuse int outer 5
  /declare disc2reusetimer timer outer 0
  /declare discactive timer outer 0
  /declare leashflex int outer 10
  /declare doDynclose bool outer TRUE
  /declare closenessdesired int outer 70
  /declare acquiretimer timer outer 0
  /declare snuggleup bool outer FALSE
  /declare isTanking bool outer FALSE
  /declare verbosity int outer 2
  /declare channel string outer echo
  /declare rhversion string outer 6.0

  /goto :BypassVCheck
  |- Check versions and load aliases if necessary
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Version].Equal[${rhversion}]}) /goto :EndAlias

  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} Setting Aliases...
  /squelch /alias /status /echo RH Status
  /squelch /alias /rhhelp /echo RH Help
  /squelch /alias /autoevade /echo Autoevade
  /squelch /alias /autopick /echo Autopick
  /squelch /alias /stopfight /echo SetStopFighting
  /squelch /alias /strikedisc /echo SetStrikeDisc
  /squelch /alias /endfloor /echo SetEndFloor
  /squelch /alias /autostick /echo Autostick 
  /squelch /alias /autohs /echo Auto Hide & Sneak
  /squelch /alias /leash /echo Leash 
  /squelch /alias /autoassist /echo Autoassist 
  /squelch /alias /dynaggro /echo Dynaggro
  /squelch /alias /closeness /echo SetCloseness
  /squelch /alias /mainassist /echo SetMainassist
  /squelch /alias /secondassist /echo SetSecondassist
  /squelch /alias /thirdassist /echo SetThirdassist
  /squelch /alias /drag /echo DragBodies
  /squelch /alias /lootmycorpse /echo LootMyCorpse
  /squelch /alias /autofollow /echo AutoFollow
  /squelch /alias /iset /echo ItemSet
  /squelch /alias /ibounce /echo ItemBounce
  /squelch /alias /iclick /echo ItemCast
  /squelch /alias /pause /echo Pause
  /squelch /alias /autoninja /echo SetAutoNinja
  /squelch /alias /addmaster /echo AddMaster
  /squelch /alias /remmaster /echo RemoveMaster
  /squelch /alias /weaponswitch /echo SetWeaponSwitch
  /squelch /alias /targetswitch /echo AutoTargetSwitch
  /squelch /alias /stickdist /echo SetStickDist
  /squelch /alias /autotraps /echo AutoTraps
  /squelch /alias /autochicken /echo SetChicken
  /squelch /alias /autodisc1 /echo SetDisc1
  /squelch /alias /autodisc2 /echo SetDisc2
  /squelch /alias /leashflex /echo SetLeashFlex
  /squelch /alias /verbosity /echo SetVerbosity
  /squelch /alias /channel /echo SetChannel
  /squelch /alias /dynclose /echo Dynclose
  /squelch /alias /lp /echo LinkParse


  |-- Update the Version information
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Version" "${rhversion}"

  |-- Read in INI settings, if defined...  Leashing is only stored TRUE if there is a Leash-holding Master!
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoEvade].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doEvade ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoEvade]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,StopFightingHealth].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset StopFightingHealth ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,StopFightingHealth]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,StrikeSkill].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset StrikeSkill ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,StrikeSkill]}    
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,MinEndurance].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset MinEndurance ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,MinEndurance]}    
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoStick].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doStick ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoStick]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Closeness].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset closeness ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Closeness]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoHideSneak].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doHideSneak ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoHideSneak]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Leashing].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doLeash ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Leashing]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,LeashHolder].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset leashholder ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,LeashHolder]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,LeashLength].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset leashlength ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,LeashLength]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,LeashFlex].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset leashflex ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,LeashFlex]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoAssist].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doAutoassist ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoAssist]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AssistPercentage].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset assistpct ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AssistPercentage]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,MainAssist].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset mainassist ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,MainAssist]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,MainAssist].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset firstassist ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,MainAssist]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,SecondAssist].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset secondassist ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,SecondAssist]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,ThirdAssist].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset thirdassist ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,ThirdAssist]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,DynamicAggro].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doDynaggro ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,DynamicAggro]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoNinjaMode].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset ninjamode ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoNinjaMode]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoNinjaDistance].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset ninjadist ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoNinjaDistance]} 
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoPickPocket].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doPick ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoPickPocket]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,WeaponSwitching].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doSwitch ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,WeaponSwitching]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,TargetSwitching].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doTSwitch ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,TargetSwitching]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,StickRangeToTarget].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset rngtarget ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,StickRangeToTarget]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,StickRangeToTank].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset rngtank ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,StickRangeToTank]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,TrapNegotiation].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doTraps ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,TrapNegotiation]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoChicken].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doChicken ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoChicken]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,NimbleHealth].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset nimblehealth ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,NimbleHealth]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,ContingencyEscape].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doEscape ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,ContingencyEscape]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoDisc1].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doDisc1 ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoDisc1]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc1].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset disc1 ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc1]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc1Endurance].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset disc1end ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc1Endurance]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc1Reuse].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset disc1reuse ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc1Reuse]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoDisc2].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset doDisc2 ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,AutoDisc2]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc2].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset disc2 ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc2]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc2Endurance].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset disc2end ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc2Endurance]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc2Reuse].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset disc2reuse ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Disc2Reuse]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,DynamicCloseness].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset dynclose ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,DynamicCloseness]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Verbosity].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset verbosity ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Verbosity]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Channel].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset channel ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,Channel]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Weapons,Weapon1].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset weapon1 ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Weapons,Weapon1]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Weapons,Weapon2].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset weapon2 ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Weapons,Weapon2]}
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Weapons,SwitchText].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset switchtext ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Weapons,SwitchText]}
  /varset closenessdesired ${closeness}
  /varset wstype ${FindItem[${weapon1}].Spell.SpellType}

  |- Build Empty master list in RHSettings.ini file if it doesn't exist
  /if (!${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Masters,Controller1].Length}) {
    |- It's not in there yet
    /for i 1 to 20
      /ini "RHSettings.ini" "Masters" "Controller${i}" "Nobody"
    /next i

  /echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 
  /echo Jerle's Rogue Helper Macro (v${rhversion}) Starting... 
  /echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 
  /echo Use "/rhhelp" to display help information
  /echo RH Status


   |- Service any events 

   |- If we're stunned or RH is paused, just service events 

   /if (${Me.State.Equal[STUN]} || ${isPaused}) {
     /delay 2
     /goto :ForeverLoop 

   |- While fighting or not fighting...

   |- Turn attacking back on if enraged target, and no longer facing it
   /if (${isEnraged} && ${Target.ID} && ${doAutoassist} && !${Me.Combat}) {
     /varset behindTarget ${Macro.Return} 
     /if (${Target.ID} && ${behindTarget}) {
       /attack on
       /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Attack re-started (No Enrage Risk): ${Target.CleanName}

   |- Check if we should chicken out
   /if (${doChicken} && (${Me.PctHPs}<=${nimblehealth}) && !${chickentimer}) {
     /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} Autochicken to the rescue!
     /if (!${nimbletimer}) {
       /disc nimble
       /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} Nimble mode activated!
       /varset nimbletimer 21m
       /varset nimbleactive 12s
     } else /if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Escape]} && !${nimbleactive}) {
       /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} Contingency Escape activated! (Nimble expired/unavailable)
       /attack off
       /alt activate 102 
       /varset chickentimer 30s
     } else {
       /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ... or not! Can't escape, can't nimble... Farewell!
       /varset chickentimer 2m

   |- Stop fighting if we lose our target
   /if (${Me.Combat} && !${Target.ID}) /attack off 

   |- Are we suposed to stick to a target?
   /if ((${Me.Combat} || ${strikeReady}) && ${Target.ID} && ${doStick} && (${Target.Distance}<${rngtarget}) && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) { 
     |- Check to see if we're too far from our tank (if applicable)
     /if (${doAutoassist} && (${Spawn[${mainassist}].Distance}>${rngtank})) {
       /if (${useMU} && ${Stick.Status.Equal[ON]}) /squelch /stick off
       /goto :DoneSticking
     |- Check to see if we're mounted and dismount if so
     /if (${Me.Buff[Summon Drogmor].ID} || ${Me.Buff[Summon Horse].ID}) /dismount

     |- Use MQ2MoveUtils ? If so, start sticking and bypass RH movement tools
     /if (${useMU}) {
       /varset isTanking FALSE
       /if (${aggrotimer.Value} || ${Me.TargetOfTarget.Name.Equal[${Me}]}) /varset isTanking TRUE
       /if (!${Stick.Status.Equal[ON]} || ${snuggleup}) {
         /if (${isTanking}) {
           /squelch /stick 11 behind moveback mpause
         } else { 
           /delay 1s
           /squelch /stick 11 behind moveback mpause
         /varset snuggleup FALSE
       } else {
         /if (${Stick.MoveBehind}) {
           /if (${isTanking}) {
           /squelch /stick off
         } else {
           /if (!${isTanking}) {
             /squelch /stick off
             /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} Maneuvering behind target again...
       /goto :DoneSticking

     /if (${Target.ID}) /face fast ${If[${Me.Underwater},,nolook]} 

     |- If we're too far away to hit it, get 1 second closer, unless we can hit it in less time 
     /if (${Target.Distance}>${Math.Calc[${Target.MaxRangeTo}*${closeness}/100]}) { 

       |- Set current position first before potentially moving (in case we get stuck) 
       /varset X ${Me.X} 
       /varset Y ${Me.Y}  

       /if (!${Target.ID}) /goto :Foreverloop 

       |- Move
       /keypress forward hold 
       /delay 1s ${Target.Distance}<${Math.Calc[${Target.MaxRangeTo}*${closeness}/100]} 
       /keypress forward 

       |- Check to see if we got stuck trying that 
       /if ((${Me.X}==${X}) && (${Me.Y}==${Y})) { 
         |- We're stuck, back off a second, move left or right (randomly) for .5 seconds 
         /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} We're STUCK on something, backing up... 
         /keypress back hold 
         /delay 1s 
         /keypress back 
         /if (${Math.Rand[2]}) { 
           /varset strafedir STRAFE_LEFT 
         } else { 
           /varset strafedir STRAFE_RIGHT 
         /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} Unsticking: Strafing ${strafedir} a half-second... 
         /keypress ${strafedir} hold 
         /delay 1s 
         /keypress ${strafedir} 

     /if (!${Target.ID}) /goto :Foreverloop 

     |- If we are close enough to hit it (and don't have aggro), lets try to get behind it a little bit at a time 

     /if ((${Target.Distance}<=${Target.MaxRangeTo}) && !${aggrotimer.Value} && !${Me.TargetOfTarget.Name.Equal[${Me}]}) { 
       /varset behindTarget ${Macro.Return}    

       |- If we're not behind it, strafe around it a little 
       /if (!${behindTarget}) { 
         |- Which way do we strafe? 
         /varcalc delta ${Me.Heading.Clock}-${Target.Heading.Clock} 
         /if (${delta}>6) /varcalc delta ${delta}-12 
         /if (${delta}<-6) /varcalc delta ${delta}+12 
         /if (${delta}<0) { 
           /varset strafedir STRAFE_LEFT 
         } else { 
           /varset strafedir STRAFE_RIGHT 
         |- Set current position first before moving (in case we get stuck) 
         /varset X ${Me.X} 
         /varset Y ${Me.Y}    
         /if (!${Target.ID}) /goto :Foreverloop  

         |- Execute a strafe in the correct direction 
         /keypress ${strafedir} hold 
         /delay 2
         /keypress ${strafedir} 
         /if (${Target.ID}) /face fast ${If[${Me.Underwater},,nolook]} 
         |- Check if we're stuck and warn if so (go through target to fix it)
         /if ((${Me.X}==${X}) && (${Me.Y}==${Y})) { 
           /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} We're STUCK trying to get behind target!
           /delay 1s
   } else {
     /if (${useMU} && ${Stick.Status.Equal[ON]}) /squelch /stick off

   |- Check on switching weapons (assuming it's a buff-weapon and buff is down)

   /if (${doSwitch} && ${wstype.Equal[Beneficial]}) {
     /varset itemspellname ${FindItem[${weapon1}].Spell}
     /if (${itemspellname.NotEqual[${Me.Buff[${itemspellname}]}]} && !${FindItem[${weapon1}].InvSlot.Name.Equal[mainhand]} && !${FindItem[${weapon1}].InvSlot.Name.Equal[offhand]}) {
       /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Beneficial proc-weapon swapping...
       /call Weapon_Swap "${weapon1}" "${weapon2}"

    |- Are we fighting? 

    /if (${Me.Combat}) { 
     |- ** We are fighting ** 

     |- Respond to enraged targets
     /if (${isEnraged} && ${Target.ID}) {
       /varset behindTarget ${Macro.Return} 
       /if (${Target.ID} && !${behindTarget}) {
         /attack off
         /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Attack ceased (Enrage Risk): ${Target.CleanName}

     |- If we're sneaking, stop... since it serves no purpose and affects strafing
     /if (${Me.Sneaking}) /doability "Sneak"  

     |- Check up on our autoassist targets if applicable, and switch if MA switches (1 second checks)
     /if (${doTSwitch} && ${doAutoassist} && ${Target.ID} && !${assisttimer}) {
       /varset oldtargetID ${Target.ID}
       /assist ${mainassist}
       /varset assisttimer 1s

     |- Did we just switch targets?  If so, turn off attack and start the loop over!
     /if (${doAutoassist} && ${Target.ID}!=${oldtargetID}) {
     /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} --> *SWITCH* target to: ${Target.CleanName}
       /varset oldtargetID ${Target.ID}
       /attack off
       /delay 2
       /varset assisttimer 1s
       /goto :ForeverLoop

     |- Check for leash tugging and move back to stake some if so 
     /if (${doLeash}) { 
       /if (${leashholder.Equal[Nobody]} && (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${stakeY},${stakeX}]}>${leashlength})) {
         /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} CHOKE! We're at the leash's length! (${leashlength} ft.) 
         /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Autoassist is now OFF!
         |/varset doAutoassist FALSE 
         /attack off
         /if (${useMU}) /squelch /stick off
         /face fast ${If[${Me.Underwater},,nolook]} loc ${stakeY},${stakeX} 
         /keypress forward hold 
         /delay 1s ${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${stakeY},${stakeX}]}<${Math.Calc[${leashlength}*${leashflex}/100]}
         /keypress forward         
         |- Slow 180degree turns take time, and we may have turned off attack, so...
         /goto :ForeverLoop
       /if (!${leashholder.Equal[Nobody]} && ${Spawn[${leashholder}].ID} && (${Spawn[${leashholder}].Distance}>${leashlength})) {
         /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} CHOKE! Tugging on ${leashholder}'s leash! (${leashlength} ft.) 
         /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Autoassist is now OFF!
         |/varset doAutoassist FALSE 
         /attack off
         /if (${useMU}) /squelch /stick off
         /squelch /face fast ${If[${Me.Underwater},,nolook]} id ${Spawn[${leashholder}].ID}
         /keypress forward hold 
         /delay 1s ${Spawn[${leashholder}].Distance}<${Math.Calc[${leashlength}*${leashflex}/100]}
         /keypress forward         
         |- Slow 180degree turns take time, and we may have turned off attack, so...
         /goto :ForeverLoop
       |- Broken leash check
       /if (!${leashholder.Equal[Nobody]} && !${Spawn[${leashholder}].ID}) {
         /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Master DEAD or ZONED! Leash is BROKEN! 
         /varset doLeash FALSE
         /varset leashholder Nobody
         /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Leashing" "${doLeash}" 
         /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "LeashHolder" "${leashholder}" 
         /goto :ForeverLoop

     |- Are we so hurt we should stop fighting for a bit? 

     /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=${StopFightingHealth}) { 
       /attack off 
       /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} Getting my ass kicked, ceasing combat! 

     |- Can we evade?  Should we? 

     /if (${doEvade} && ${Target.ID} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.AbilityReady["Hide"]} && (!${Me.Moving} || ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Nimble Evasion]})) { 
       /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} Evading ${Target.CleanName} 
       /attack off 
       /delay 1 
       /doability "Hide" 
       /attack on 

     |- Shall we do our optional discs?

     /if (${doDisc1} && !${disc1reusetimer} && !${discactive} && !${strikeTimer} && ${Target.ID} && ${Target.PctHPs}>=50 && ${Me.PctEndurance}>=${disc1end}) {
       /disc ${disc1}
       /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} Disc #1: ${disc1} activated
       /delay 1s
       /varset discactive 1m
       /varset disc1reusetimer ${disc1reuse}m

     /if (${doDisc2} && !${disc2reusetimer} && !${discactive} && !${strikeTimer} && ${Target.ID} && ${Target.PctHPs}>=50 && ${Me.PctEndurance}>=${disc2end}) {
       /disc ${disc2}
       /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} Disc #2: ${disc2} activated
       /delay 1s
       /varset discactive 1m
       /varset disc2reusetimer ${disc2reuse}m

    } else { 
     |- ** We are not fighting

     |- If we're not hiding or moving, check clicky maintained spells
     /if (${Me.Invis} || ${Me.Moving} || ${clicktimer} || ${Me.State.Equal[BIND]}) /goto :DoneItemChecks
     /varset i 1
     /varset ialias ${Ini[RHItems.ini].Arg[${i},|]}
     /if (${ialias.NotEqual[NULL]}) {
       |- Obtained an itemalias from the RHItems.ini file
       |- We supposed to keep this spell up?
       /if (${Ini[RHItems.ini,${ialias},KeepUp].Equal[FALSE]}) /goto :NextItem
       |- Scan the item's bounce list for the active bouncers
       /varset bouncenum 1
       /varset doIclick TRUE
       /varset ibounce ${Ini[RHItems.ini,${ialias},BounceOff${bouncenum}]}
       /if (${ibounce.NotEqual[NULL]}) {
         /if (${ibounce.Equal[${Me.Buff[${ibounce}]}]}) /varset doIclick FALSE
       } else /goto :DoneBounceChecks
       /varcalc bouncenum ${bouncenum}+1
       /goto :BounceCheckLoop
       |- By now we won't click the item if a bouncer spell is on us
       |- Just have to check to see if the existing buff is on too
       /varset itemspellname ${FindItem[${Ini[RHItems.ini,${ialias},FullName]}].Spell}
       /if (${itemspellname.Equal[${Me.Buff[${itemspellname}]}]}) /varset doIclick FALSE
       |- Finally, do it if we should
       /if (${doIclick}) /docommand /iclick ${ialias}
       |- Did we fail to find that previous item? (i.e. Dead and naked at bind point!)
       /if (${clicktimer}) /goto :DoneItemChecks
       /varcalc i ${i}+1
     } else /goto :DoneItemChecks
     /goto :ItemCheckLoop

     |- Put the closeness value back to the user's desired setting...
     /varset closeness ${closenessdesired}

     |- Lets hide and sneak if not already and we're set to do so ** 

     /if (${doHideSneak} && ${Me.AbilityReady["Sneak"]} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.State.NotEqual[BIND]} && !${Window[TradeWnd].Open} && !${Window[MerchantWnd].Open} && !${Window[BigBankWnd].Open}) /doability "Sneak" 
     /if (${doHideSneak} && ${Me.AbilityReady["Hide"]} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.Sneaking} && (!${Me.Moving} || ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Nimble Evasion]}) && ${Me.State.NotEqual[BIND]} && !${Window[TradeWnd].Open} && !${Window[MerchantWnd].Open} && !${Window[BigBankWnd].Open}) /doability "Hide" 

     |- It's possible we're poised for a Strike, check and fight if so 

     /varset behindTarget ${Macro.Return} 
     /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Me.Standing} && ${Me.State.NotEqual[BIND]} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${behindTarget}) { 
       /if (${strikeReady} && ${Me.AbilityReady["Backstab"]}) { 
         /doability "Backstab" 
         /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} Executing a strike: ${Target.CleanName} 
         /varset strikeReady FALSE 
         /attack on 

     |- It's also possible we never got behind a target and strike expired! 

     /if (${strikeReady} && ${Target.ID} && !${strikeTimer.Value} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) { 
       /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} Didn't find the back of a target in 30 seconds! 
       /varset strikeReady FALSE 
       /attack on 

     |- If we're set to autoassist, lets find a target 
     /if (${doAutoassist} && !${isEnraged} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.State.NotEqual[BIND]}) { 
       |- Is main assist alive/in-zone? 
       /if (!${assisttimer} && !${strikeReady}) { 
         |- Lets try all the assists in priority order until we get an NPC to whack on
         /if (!${Me.Casting.ID}) /assist ${firstassist}
         /delay 1
         /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) /goto :EngageCheck
         /if (!${Me.Casting.ID}) /assist ${secondassist} 
         /delay 1
         /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) /goto :EngageCheck
         /if (!${Me.Casting.ID}) /assist ${thirdassist} 
         /delay 1
         /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) /goto :EngageCheck
         |- If we got here and don't have a target, tanks are invalid or no fighting is going on
         /goto :EndAutoassist
         /varset oldtargetID ${Target.ID}
         /varset assisttimer ${Math.Calc[10+${Math.Rand[5]}].Int}
         |- Who is the valid tank?
         /if (${firstassist.Equal[Main]} || (${Math.Distance[${Target.Y},${Target.X}:${Spawn[pc ${firstassist}].Y},${Spawn[pc ${firstassist}].X}]}<${Target.MaxRangeTo})) {
           /varset mainassist ${firstassist}
           /goto :LastAttackCheck
         /if (${secondassist.Equal[Main]} || (${Math.Distance[${Target.Y},${Target.X}:${Spawn[pc ${secondassist}].Y},${Spawn[pc ${secondassist}].X}]}<${Target.MaxRangeTo})) {
           /varset mainassist ${secondassist}
           /goto :LastAttackCheck
         /if (${thirdassist.Equal[Main]} || (${Math.Distance[${Target.Y},${Target.X}:${Spawn[pc ${thirdassist}].Y},${Spawn[pc ${thirdassist}].X}]}<${Target.MaxRangeTo})) {
           /varset mainassist ${thirdassist}
           /goto :LastAttackCheck
         /goto :EndAutoassist
         |- Do we have an NPC targeted and is it hurt enough to attack? 
         /if (${Target.PctHPs}<=${assistpct} && ${Target.Animation}!=32 && ${Target.Animation}!=110) { 
           /echo Assisting ${mainassist} on ${Target.CleanName} @ (${Target.PctHPs}%) HPs 
           /echo Seeking a Victim... 
           /goto :Foreverloop      

     |- Are we supposed to look for traps?
     /if (${doTraps}) {
       /varset oldheading ${Me.Heading.DegreesCCW}
       /if (${Me.AbilityReady["Sense Traps"]}) {
         /doability "Sense Traps"
         /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} Looking for traps... 

     |- We could be on a leash, if so move 1s closer to our stake point (or master)\\

     /if (${doLeash} && !${strikeReady}) { 
       /varset lastevent Event_Leashing
       |- Look for new events
       /if (!${lastevent.Equal[Event_Leashing]}) /goto :ForeverLoop
       /if (${Me.Combat}) /goto :ForeverLoop
       /if (${leashholder.Equal[Nobody]} && (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${stakeY},${stakeX}]}>${Math.Calc[${leashlength}*${leashflex}/100]})) {
         /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} Moving closer to the Stake... ${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${stakeY},${stakeX}]} ft. away 
         /face fast ${If[${Me.Underwater},,nolook]} loc ${stakeY},${stakeX} 
         /keypress forward hold 
         /delay 1s ${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${stakeY},${stakeX}]}<${Math.Calc[${leashlength}*${leashflex}/100]}
         /keypress forward 
         /if (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${stakeY},${stakeX}]}<${Math.Calc[${leashlength}*${leashflex}/100]}) {
           /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} Arrived near enough to the Stake. 
           /face fast ${If[${Me.Underwater},,nolook]} away loc ${stakeY},${stakeX}
           /goto :LeashEnd
         /goto :LeashStart
       /if (!${leashholder.Equal[Nobody]} && ${Spawn[${leashholder}].ID} && (${Spawn[${leashholder}].Distance}>${Math.Calc[${leashlength}*${leashflex}/100]})) {
         /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} Moving closer to ${leashholder}... ${Spawn[${leashholder}].Distance} ft. away 
         /if (${Target.ID}!=${Spawn[${leashholder}].ID}) /target id ${Spawn[${leashholder}].ID}
         /if (${Me.Combat}) /attack off
         /face fast ${If[${Me.Underwater},,nolook]}
         /keypress forward hold 
         /delay 1s ${Spawn[${leashholder}].Distance}<${Math.Calc[${leashlength}*${leashflex}/100]}  
         /keypress forward 
         /if (${Spawn[${leashholder}].Distance}<${Math.Calc[${leashlength}*${leashflex}/100]}) {
           /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} Arrived near enough to Master (${leashholder}). 
           /goto :LeashEnd
         /goto :LeashStart
       |- Broken leash check
       /if (!${leashholder.Equal[Nobody]} && !${Spawn[${leashholder}].ID}) {
         /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Master DEAD or ZONED! Leash is BROKEN! 
         /varset doLeash FALSE
         /varset leashholder Nobody
         /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Leashing" "${doLeash}" 
         /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "LeashHolder" "${leashholder}" 
         /goto :LeashEnd
  /goto :ForeverLoop 


Sub Weapon_Swap(string weapon, string wieldedweapon)
  |- Is it in a Bag?
  /declare camefrom ${FindItem[${weapon}].InvSlot}
  /declare goingto ${FindItem[${wieldedweapon}].InvSlot}
  /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} ** Looking for weapon: ${weapon}
  /if (${FindItem[${weapon}].InvSlot.Pack}) {
    /if (!${Window[${FindItem[${weapon}].InvSlot.Pack.Name}].Open}) {
      /itemnotify ${FindItem[${weapon}].InvSlot.Pack.Name} rightmouseup
      /delay 2
      /goto :OpenPack
    /if (!${Cursor.ID}) {
      /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${camefrom}]} leftmouseup
      /delay 2
      /goto :GrabItem
    /declare weaponID int local ${Cursor.ID}
    /if (${Cursor.ID}==${weaponID}) {
      /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${goingto}]} leftmouseup
      /delay 2
      /goto :SwapIt
    /delay 2
    /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} ** Swapping out: ${weapon}
    /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${camefrom}]} leftmouseup
    /delay 2
    /if (${Cursor.ID}) {
      /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Failed to use existing slot, dropping to inventory!
    /if (${Window[${InvSlot[${camefrom}].Pack.Name}].Open}) {
      /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${camefrom}].Pack.Name} rightmouseup
      /delay 2
      /goto :ClosePack
  } else {
    |- It's in the main inventory
    /if (${FindItem[${weapon}].InvSlot}) {
      /itemnotify ${FindItem[${weapon}].InvSlot} leftmouseup
      /delay 2
      /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${goingto}]} leftmouseup
      /delay 2
      /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} ** Swapping out: ${weapon}
      /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${camefrom}]} leftmouseup
      /delay 2
      /if (${Cursor.ID}) {
        /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Failed to use existing slot, dropping to inventory!
    } else {
      /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** "${weapon}" not found!

Sub NinjaLoot
  |- Ninja the corpse's loot, if applicable
  /if (${ninjamode.NotEqual[OFF]}) {
    /declare LootTotal int local -1
    /declare LootSlot int local
    |- Get NPC corpse on target and continue if possible
    /squelch /target npc corpse radius ${ninjadist} 
    /if (${Target.Type.NotEqual[CORPSE]} || !${Target.ID}) { 
      /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** NPC corpse out of range or already looted! 
    |- Get 5 seconds (max) closer; warning, no detecting being stuck!
    /face fast ${If[${Me.Underwater},,nolook]} fast
    /keypress forward hold 
    /delay 1ss ${Target.Distance}<5 
    /keypress forward 
    |- Open up the loot window
    /delay 1s
    /if (${Me.State.NotEqual[BIND]}) {
      /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Massive lag or error getting to corpse.  Aborting!
    /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Looting ${Target.CleanName}  
    |- Get item count accurately  
    /if (${LootTotal}!=${Corpse.Items}) { 
      /varset LootTotal ${Corpse.Items} 
      /delay 1s 
      /goto :LootLag 
    /if (!${LootTotal}) {
      /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Empty corpse!
      /goto :DoneLooting
    |- Loot Loop
    /for LootSlot 1 to ${LootTotal} 
      |- Check for full inventory
      /if (!${Me.FreeInventory}) {
        /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** INVENTORY FULL !
        /varset ninjamode OFF
        /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** AutoNinja is now OFF!
        /goto :DoneLooting
      |- Loot item if we should, skip it if not
      /if (${Corpse.Item[${LootSlot}].ID}) {
        /if (!${Corpse.Item[${LootSlot}].NoDrop}) /goto :LootItem
        /if (${Corpse.Item[${LootSlot}].NoDrop} && ${ninjamode.Equal[ALL]}) {
          /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Looting NODROP Item: ${Corpse.Item[${LootSlot}].Name}
          /goto :LootItem
      /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Skipping Item: ${Corpse.Item[${LootSlot}].Name}
      /goto :SkipIt
      /itemnotify loot${LootSlot} rightmouseup 
      /delay 3
      /if (${Corpse.Item[${LootSlot}].ID}) { 
        /delay 2
        /goto :LootItem
    /next LootSlot
    /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Done looting ${Target.CleanName}
    /delay 1s
    /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup 
    /delay 1s

|---- EVENTS

Sub Event_StrikeVic 

/delay 1s
/attack on


Sub Event_AttackOn 
  /varset lastevent Event_AttackOn
  /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} Autoattack activated! Target: ${Target.CleanName}
  /varset acquiretimer 2s

Sub Event_AttackOff 
  /varset lastevent Event_AttackOff
  /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} Autoattack turned off! Target: ${Target.CleanName} 

Sub Event_Enraged 
  /varset lastevent Event_Enraged
  /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} Enrage detected! Target: ${Target.CleanName} 
  /varset isEnraged TRUE 

Sub Event_NLEnraged 
  /varset lastevent Event_NLEnraged
  /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} Enrage done! Target: ${Target.CleanName} 
  /varset isEnraged FALSE 
  /if (${Target.ID} && ${doAutoassist}) /attack on 

Sub Event_Exp(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_Exp
  |- Ignore leadership experience event triggers (redundant trigger)
  /if (${Line.Find[leadership]}) /return

  |- Manage aggro control here optionally
  /if (${doDynaggro} && ${doAutoassist}) {
    /if (${gotHit}) {
      |- Got hurt that fight, drop it 1%
      /if (${assistpct}>1) /varcalc assistpct ${assistpct}-1
      /varset gotHit FALSE
      /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Had Aggro! Reducing assist% to ${assistpct}%
    } else {
      |- Did not get hurt that fight, raise it 1%
      /if (${assistpct}<99) /varcalc assistpct ${assistpct}+1
      /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** No Aggro! Raising assist% to ${assistpct}%

  |- Experience calculation and reporting
  /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** XP-Delta: REG (${Math.Calc[${Me.PctExp}-${Exp}]}%), AA (${Math.Calc[${Me.PctAAExp}-${AAExp}]}%), LDR (${Math.Calc[${Me.PctGroupLeaderExp}-${LDExp}]}%) 
  /varset LDExp ${Me.PctGroupLeaderExp} 
  /varset AAExp ${Me.PctAAExp} 
  /varset Exp ${Me.PctExp} 

  |- If target died while enraged, reset it so autoassist isn't broken...
  /varset isEnraged FALSE
  /autoassist on 

  |- Do weapon swapping (back to weapon1), if applicable
  /if (${doSwitch} && ${wstype.Equal[Detrimental]}) {
    /call Weapon_Swap "${weapon1}" "${weapon2}"

Sub Event_Slain
  /varset lastevent Event_Slain
  /call NinjaLoot

Sub Event_Zoned
  /autoassist on
  /varset lastevent Event_Zoned
  /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Zoned... Setting Leash and Autoassist to OFF!
  /delay 1s 

Sub Event_TooFarAway
  /varset lastevent Event_TooFarAway
  /if (${doDynclose} && !${acquiretimer}) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Too far away - Getting 20% closer now!
    /varset closeness ${Math.Calc[${closeness}*0.8].Int}
    /if (${closeness}<20) /varset closeness 20
    /varset acquiretimer 2s
    /varset snuggleup TRUE

Sub Event_FTrap
  /varset lastevent Event_FTrap
  /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Floor Trap discovered...
  /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Disarm Traps]}) { 
    /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} ** Disarming...
    /doability "Disarm Traps" 
  } else {
    /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} ** Can't disarm yet...
  |- Face our "old" heading, in case we were spun around
  /face nolook fast heading ${oldheading}

Sub Event_BTrap
  /varset lastevent Event_FTrap
  /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Box Trap (${Target.CleanName}) discovered...
  /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Disarm Traps]}) { 
    /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} ** Disarming...
    /doability "Disarm Traps" 
  } else {
    /if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} ** Can't disarm yet...
  |- Face our "old" heading, in case we were spun around
  /face nolook fast heading ${oldheading}

Sub Event_TogEvade 
  /varset lastevent Event_TogEvade 
  /if (${doEvade}) { 
    /varset doEvade FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Auto-Evading target is now OFF! 
  } else { 
    /varset doEvade TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Auto-Evading target is now ON! 
  /ini "BSTSettings.ini" "General" "AutoEvade" "${doEvade}" 

Sub Event_SetStopFighting(string Line)


Sub Event_SetStrikeDisc(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_SetStrikeDisc
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset StrikeSkill ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Strike Discipline set to: "${StrikeSkill}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "StrikeSkill" "${StrikeSkill}"

Sub Event_SetEndFloor(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_SetEndFLoor
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset MinEndurance ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /if ((${MinEndurance}<0) || (${MinEndurance}>101)) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} Whacko endurance percentage input! Defaulting...
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Endurance Floor: ${MinEndurance}% 
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "MinEndurance" "${MinEndurance}"

Sub Event_TogStick 
  /varset lastevent Event_TogStick
  /if (${doStick}) { 
    /varset doStick FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto-Sticking target is now OFF! 
  } else { 
    /varset doStick TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto-Sticking target is now ON! 
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "AutoStick" "${doStick}"

Sub Event_TogHS 
  /varset lastevent Event_TogHS
  /if (${doHideSneak}) { 
    /varset doHideSneak FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto-Hiding & Sneaking is now OFF! 
  } else { 
    /varset doHideSneak TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto-Hiding & Sneaking is now ON! 
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "AutoHideSneak" "${doHideSneak}"

Sub Event_TogLeash(string Line) 
  /varset lastevent Event_TogLeash
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[ON]}) { 
    /varset doLeash TRUE
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Leashing is now ON!
    /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Leashing" "${doLeash}" 
  } else /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[OFF]} || (${Int[${Line.Arg[3]}]}<=0)) { 
    /varset doLeash FALSE 
    /varset leashholder Nobody
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Leashing is now OFF!
    /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Leashing" "${doLeash}" 
  } else { 
    /if (${Line.Arg[4].Length}) {
      /varset leashholder ${Line.Arg[4]}
      /if (${Spawn[${leashholder}].ID}) {
        /varset doLeash TRUE
        /varset leashlength ${Int[${Line.Arg[3]}]}
        /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Leashing is now ON! Leashlength: ${leashlength} ft. 
        /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Leash-holding master is: ${leashholder}
        /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Leashing" "${doLeash}" 
      } else {
        |- This spawn/thing/target doesn't exist
        /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Can't find "${leashholder}" -- Who is that?!
        /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Leashing is now OFF! 
        /varset doLeash FALSE 
        /varset leashholder Nobody
    } else {
      /varset doLeash TRUE 
      /varset leashholder Nobody
      /varset leashlength ${Int[${Line.Arg[3]}]} 
      /varset stakeX ${Me.X} 
      /varset stakeY ${Me.Y} 
      /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Leashing is now ON! Leashlength: ${leashlength} ft. 
      /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Stake planted at X:${stakeX}, Y:${stakeY} 
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "LeashHolder" "${leashholder}" 
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "LeashLength" "${leashlength}" 

Sub Event_SetLeashFlex(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_SetLeashFlex
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset leashflex ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /if ((${leashflex}<10) || (${leashflex}>101)) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} Leash flexibility must be between 10 and 100! Defaulting to 10...
    /varset leashflex 10
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Leash Flexibility: ${leashflex}% 
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "LeashFlex" "${leashflex}"

Sub Event_TogAuto(string Line) 
  /varset lastevent Event_TogAuto
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[OFF]}) { 
    /varset doAutoassist FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autoassist is now OFF! 
  } else /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[ON]}) {
    /varset doAutoassist TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autoassist is now ON! 
  } else { 
    /varset doAutoassist TRUE 
    /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset firstassist ${Line.Arg[3]} 
    /varset mainassist ${firstassist} 
    /if (${Line.Arg[4]} > 0) /varset assistpct ${Line.Arg[4]} 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autoassist is now ON! 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Assisting: ${mainassist} @${assistpct}% target health 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** SA is ${secondassist} & TA is ${thirdassist}
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "AutoAssist" "${doAutoassist}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "MainAssist" "${firstassist}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "AssistPercentage" "${assistpct}"

Sub Event_TogPause 
  /varset lastevent Event_TogPause
    /if (${isPaused}) { 
    /varset isPaused FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Rogue Helper is now RESUMING! 
  } else { 
    /varset isPaused TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Rogue Helper is now PAUSED!

Sub Event_TogDynaggro 
  /varset lastevent Event_TogDynaggro
  /if (${doDynaggro}) { 
    /varset doDynaggro FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Dynamic Aggro Control is now OFF! 
  } else { 
    /varset doDynaggro TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Dynamic Aggro Control is now ON! 
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "DynamicAggro" "${doDynaggro}"

Sub Event_TogDynclose
  /varset lastevent Event_TogDynclose
  /if (${doDynclose}) { 
    /varset doDynclose FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Dynamic Closeness Control is now OFF! 
  } else { 
    /varset doDynclose TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Dynamic Closeness Control is now ON! 
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "DynamicCloseness" "${doDynclose}"

Sub Event_TogPick
  /varset lastevent Event_TogPick
  /if (${doPick}) { 
    /varset doPick FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto-Pickpocketing is now OFF! 
  } else { 
    /varset doPick TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto-Pickpocketing is now ON! 
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "AutoPickPocket" "${doPick}"

Sub Event_TogTSwitch 
  /varset lastevent Event_TogTSwitch
  /if (${doTSwitch}) { 
    /varset doTSwitch FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto-Target Switching is now OFF! 
  } else { 
    /varset doTSwitch TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto-Target Switching is now ON! 
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "TargetSwitching" "${doTSwitch}"

Sub Event_TogTraps 
  /varset lastevent Event_TogTraps
  /if (${doTraps}) { 
    /varset doTraps FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto-Trap Negotiation is now OFF! 
  } else { 
    /varset doTraps TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto-Trap Negotiation is now ON! 
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "TrapNegotiation" "${doTraps}"

Sub Event_SetCloseness(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_SetCloseness
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset closeness ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /if ((${closeness}<1) || (${closeness}>100)) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} Whacko closeness percentage input! Defaulting...
    /varset closeness 70
  /varset closenessdesired ${closeness}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** AutoStick: ${doStick}, Closeness: ${closeness}
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Closeness" "${closeness}"

Sub Event_SetFirstassist(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_SetFirstassist
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset firstassist ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /varset mainassist ${firstassist}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Assisting: ${mainassist} @${assistpct}% target health 
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** SA is ${secondassist} & TA is ${thirdassist}
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "MainAssist" "${firstassist}"

Sub Event_SetSecondassist(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_SetSecondassist
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset secondassist ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Assisting: ${mainassist} @${assistpct}% target health 
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** SA is ${secondassist} & TA is ${thirdassist}
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "SecondAssist" "${secondassist}"

Sub Event_SetThirdassist(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_SetThirdassist
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset thirdassist ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Assisting: ${mainassist} @${assistpct}% target health 
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** SA is ${secondassist} & TA is ${thirdassist}
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "ThirdAssist" "${thirdassist}"

Sub Event_SetAutoNinja(string Line) 
  /varset lastevent Event_SetAutoNinja
  |- Set the new ninja distance, if supplied
  /if (${Line.Arg[4].Length}) /varset ninjadist ${Line.Arg[4]}
  |- Set the mode, toggle off if unknown
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[ALL]}) { 
    /varset ninjamode ALL
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** AutoNinja ON - Will loot ALL items 
    /docommand /lootnodrop never
  } else /if ((${Line.Arg[3].Equal[DROP]}) || (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[DROPABLE]})) { 
    /varset ninjamode DROPABLE
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** AutoNinja ON - Will loot only DROPABLE items
    /docommand /lootnodrop never
  } else {
    /varset ninjamode OFF
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** AutoNinja is now OFF!
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** AutoNinja distance is ${ninjadist} ft.
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "AutoNinjaMode" "${ninjamode}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "AutoNinjaDistance" "${ninjadist}"

Sub Event_SetWeaponSwitch(string Line) 
  /varset lastevent Event_SetWeaponSwitch
  |- Sanity Check
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[OFF]} || !${Line.Arg[5].Length} || ${Line.Arg[6].Length}) { 
    /varset doSwitch FALSE
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Weapon Switching is OFF
    /goto :SaveSwitchSettings
  |- Set the weaponswitching information
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset weapon1 ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /if (${Line.Arg[4].Length}) /varset switchtext ${Line.Arg[4]}
  /if (${Line.Arg[5].Length}) /varset weapon2 ${Line.Arg[5]}
  /varset doSwitch TRUE  
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Weapon Switching is ON
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** ${weapon1} will be swapped out for ${weapon2}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** if the text "${switchtext}" is encountered.

  /doevents flush
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "WeaponSwitching" "${doSwitch}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "Weapons" "Weapon1" "${weapon1}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "Weapons" "Weapon2" "${weapon2}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "Weapons" "SwitchText" "${switchtext}"
  /varset wstype ${FindItem[${weapon1}].Spell.SpellType}

Sub Event_SetStickDist(string Line) 
  /varset lastevent Event_SetStickDist
  |- Sanity Check
  /if (!${Line.Arg[3].Length} || !${Line.Arg[4].Length}) { 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** What? Bad Syntax.
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} Syntax:
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /stickdist <range_to_target> <range_to_tank>
  |- Set the weaponswitching information
  /varset rngtarget ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /varset rngtank ${Line.Arg[4]}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Stick: ${doStick}, Closeness: ${closeness}% MaxRange
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** -- Range to Target: ${rngtarget} -- Range to Tank: ${rngtank}
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "StickRangeToTarget" "${rngtarget}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "StickRangeToTank" "${rngtank}"

Sub Event_SetChicken(string Line) 
  /varset lastevent Event_SetChicken
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[OFF]}) { 
    /varset doChicken FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autochicken is now OFF! 
  } else /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[ON]}) {
    /varset doChicken TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autochicken is now ON! 
  } else { 
    /varset doChicken TRUE 
    /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset nimblehealth ${Line.Arg[3]} 
    /if (${Line.Arg[4].Equal[ESCAPE]}) {
      /varset doEscape TRUE
    } else {
      /varset doEscape FALSE
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Chicken: ${doChicken} -- Nimble: ${nimblehealth}% Escape: ${doEscape}
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "AutoChicken" "${doChicken}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "NimbleHealth" "${nimblehealth}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "ContingencyEscape" "${doEscape}"

Sub Event_SetDisc1(string Line) 
  /varset lastevent Event_SetDisc1
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[OFF]}) { 
    /varset doDisc1 FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autodisc #1 is now OFF! 
  } else /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[ON]}) {
    /varset doDisc1 TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autodisc #1 is now ON! 
  } else { 
    /varset doDisc1 TRUE 
    /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset disc1 ${Line.Arg[3]} 
    /if (${Line.Arg[4]} > 0) /varset disc1end ${Line.Arg[4]} 
    /if (${Line.Arg[5]} > 0) /varset disc1reuse ${Line.Arg[5]} 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Disc #1: ${doDisc1} -> ${disc1}/${disc1reuse} mins - End: ${disc1end}
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "AutoDisc1" "${doDisc1}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Disc1" "${disc1}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Disc1Endurance" "${disc1end}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Disc1Reuse" "${disc1reuse}"

Sub Event_SetDisc2(string Line) 
  /varset lastevent Event_SetDisc2
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[OFF]}) { 
    /varset doDisc2 FALSE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autodisc #2 is now OFF! 
  } else /if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[ON]}) {
    /varset doDisc2 TRUE 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autodisc #2 is now ON! 
  } else { 
    /varset doDisc2 TRUE 
    /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset disc2 ${Line.Arg[3]} 
    /if (${Line.Arg[4]} > 0) /varset disc2end ${Line.Arg[4]} 
    /if (${Line.Arg[5]} > 0) /varset disc2reuse ${Line.Arg[5]} 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Disc #2: ${doDisc2} -> ${disc2}/${disc2reuse} mins - End: ${disc2end}
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "AutoDisc2" "${doDisc2}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Disc2" "${disc2}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Disc2Endurance" "${disc2end}"
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Disc2Reuse" "${disc2reuse}"

Sub Event_SetVerbosity(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_SetVerbosity
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset verbosity ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /if ((${verbosity}<0) || (${verbosity}>2)) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} Verbosity must be between 0 and 2! Defaulting to 2...
    /varset verbosity 2
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Verbosity Level: ${verbosity}
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Verbosity" "${verbosity}"

Sub Event_SetChannel(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_SetChannel
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /varset channel ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** RH Output Channel: ${channel}
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "Channel" "${channel}"

Sub Event_SwitchWeapon
  /varset lastevent Event_SwitchWeapon
  /if (${doSwitch}) {
    /call Weapon_Swap "${weapon2}" "${weapon1}"

Sub Event_GotHit
  /varset lastevent Event_GotHit
  /if (!${aggrotimer}) /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** AGGRO Detected (struck) **
  /varset gotHit TRUE
  /varset aggrotimer 5s

Sub Event_GotMissed
  /varset lastevent Event_GotMissed
  /if (!${aggrotimer}) /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** AGGRO Detected (whiff) **
  /varset gotHit TRUE
  /varset aggrotimer 5s

Sub Event_SpellBounced
  /varset lastevent Event_SpellBounced
  /varset clicktimer 60s
        /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Just detected a BOUNCED spell!
  /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Use /ibounce to update click-item info!

Sub Event_DragBodies(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_DragBodies
  /declare ArgNum int local 3
  /declare bodycount int local

  /if (${Line.Arg[${ArgNum}].Length}) {
    |- There's a body name for this argument
    /varcalc ArgNum ${ArgNum}+1
    /goto :CountCorpses
  /varcalc ArgNum ${ArgNum}-1

  /if (${ArgNum}==2) { 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** No corpse names supplied!
  } else {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Target self (F1) to stop dragging!
  /for bodycount 3 to ${ArgNum} 
    /if (${Target.CleanName.Equal[${Me.Name}]}) {
      /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Body dragging ceased.
      /goto :CeaseDragging
    /target ${Line.Arg[${bodycount}]}'s 
    |- Lower this delay at your own risk; too many /corpse commands too fast = cheater!
    /delay 4
  /next bodycount
  /goto :DragLoop

Sub Event_LootMyCorpse
  /varset lastevent Event_LootMyCorpse
  |- Logic ripped off from Loot.mac and simplified somewhat
  /declare LootTotal int local 0
  /declare LootSlot int local
  |- Get corpse on target and continue looting if possible
  /squelch /target mycorpse 
  /if (${Target.Type.NotEqual[CORPSE]} || !${Target.ID}) { 
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Can't target my corpse. 
  /delay 1s
  /delay 1s
  /if (${Me.State.NotEqual[BIND]}) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Massive lag right now... Aborting looting.
    /keypress esc
    /keypress esc
  |- Get item count accurately
  /if (${LootTotal}!=${Corpse.Items}) { 
    /varset LootTotal ${Corpse.Items} 
    /delay 1s 
    /goto :LootLag 
  |- Loot Loop
  /for LootSlot 1 to ${LootTotal} 
    /itemnotify loot${LootSlot} rightmouseup 
    /delay 3
    /if (${Corpse.Item[${LootSlot}].ID}) { 
      /delay 2
      /goto :LootItem
  /next LootSlot
  /delay 1s
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Done looting my corpse.
  /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup 

Sub Event_Invited(string ChatType,string ChatSender) 



Sub Event_AutoFollow(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_AutoFollow
  /declare distance int local 30
  /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,FollowDistance].NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset distance ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,General,FollowDistance]} 
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /target ${Line.Arg[3]}
  /if (${Line.Arg[4].Length}) /varset distance ${Line.Arg[4]}
  /if (${distance}<10) /varset distance 10
  /ini "RHSettings.ini" "General" "FollowDistance" "${distance}" 
  /if (${Target.ID}) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autofollow on: ${Target.CleanName} (${distance} ft.)
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Change targets to stop autofollowing.
  } else {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Can't activate Autofollow -- no valid target!
  /declare followID int local ${Target.ID}
  |- Look for new events
  /if (!${lastevent.Equal[Event_AutoFollow]}) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autofollow blocked by: ${lastevent}
    /goto :StopFollowing
  /if (${Target.ID}==${followID}) {
    /if (${Target.ID}) /face fast
    /if (${Target.Distance}>${distance}) {
      /keypress forward hold 
      /delay 1s ${Target.Distance}<=${distance} 
      /keypress forward 
    /goto :FollowingLoop
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Autofollow ended.

Sub Event_ItemSet(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_ItemSet
  |- Sanity check parameters
  /if (!${Line.Arg[5].Length} || ${Line.Arg[6].Length}) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Improper use of /iset
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} -- /iset <itemalias> keepup|nokeepup <"Item Name">
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} -- For example:
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} -- /iset gobby keepup "Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring"
  /ini "RHItems.ini" "${Line.Arg[3]}" "FullName" "${Line.Arg[5]}"  
  /ini "RHItems.ini" "${Line.Arg[3]}" "KeepUp" "${If[${Line.Arg[4].Equal[keepup]},TRUE,FALSE]}"
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** ${Line.Arg[5]} (KeepUp=${If[${Line.Arg[4].Equal[keepup]},TRUE,FALSE]}) updated in INI!

Sub Event_ItemBounce(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_ItemBounce
  |- Sanity check parameters
  /if (!${Line.Arg[4].Length}) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Improper use of /ibounce
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} -- /ibounce <itemalias> "Some Spell Name"
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} -- For example:
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} -- /ibounce gobby "Strength of Tunare"
  |- Look for that item's section, return if non-existent
  /if (!${Ini[RHItems.ini,${Line.Arg[3]}].Length}) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** [${Line.Arg[3]}] not in INI file!
  |- Find the next available BounceOff key number and store the spell
  /declare bindex int local 1
  /if (${Ini[RHItems.ini,${Line.Arg[3]},BounceOff${bindex}].Length}) {
    |- This one is in use...
    /varcalc bindex ${bindex}+1
    /goto :CheckNextKey
  } else {
    |- This one not defined (yet).  Good.
    /ini "RHItems.ini" "${Line.Arg[3]}" "BounceOff${bindex}" "${Line.Arg[4]}"  
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Added "${Line.Arg[4]}" to [${Line.Arg[3]}]'s bounce list

Sub Event_ItemCast(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_ItemCast
  |- Sanity check parameter
  /if (!${Line.Arg[3].Length}) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Improper use of /icast
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} -- /icast <itemalias>
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} -- For example:
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} -- /icast gobby
  |- Look for that item's section, return if non-existent
  /if (!${Ini[RHItems.ini,${Line.Arg[3]}].Length}) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** [${Line.Arg[3]}] not in INI file!
  /declare fullname string local ${Ini[RHItems.ini,${Line.Arg[3]},FullName]}
  |- Is it in a Bag?
  /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Attempting to use: ${fullname}
  /if (${FindItem[${fullname}].InvSlot.Pack}) {
    /if (!${Window[${FindItem[${fullname}].InvSlot.Pack.Name}].Open}) {
      /itemnotify ${FindItem[${fullname}].InvSlot.Pack.Name} rightmouseup
      /delay 2
      /goto :OpenPack
    /declare camefrom ${FindItem[${fullname}].InvSlot}
    /if (!${Cursor.ID}) {
      /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${camefrom}]} leftmouseup
      /delay 2
      /goto :GrabItem
    /declare clickyID int local ${Cursor.ID}
    /declare wornat int local ${Cursor.WornSlot[1]}
    /if (${Cursor.ID}==${clickyID}) {
      /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${wornat}]} leftmouseup
      /delay 2
      /goto :SwapFirst
    |- Click it
    /delay 2
    /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Clicking: ${fullname}
    /declare previousID ${Cursor.ID}
    /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${wornat}]} rightmouseup
    /if (${Cursor.ID}==${previousID}) {
      /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${wornat}]} leftmouseup
      /delay 2
      /goto :SwapAgain
    |- Put it back
    /if (${Cursor.ID}==${clickyID}) {
      /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${camefrom}]} leftmouseup
      /delay 2
      /goto :PutItBack
    /if (${Cursor.ID}) {
      |- Something was summoned
      /delay 2
      /goto :SummonedCheck
    /if (${Window[${InvSlot[${camefrom}].Pack.Name}].Open}) {
      /itemnotify ${InvSlot[${camefrom}].Pack.Name} rightmouseup
      /delay 2
      /goto :ClosePack
  } else {
    |- Just click it
    /if (${FindItem[${fullname}].InvSlot}) {
      /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** Clicking: ${fullname}
      /itemnotify ${FindItem[${fullname}].InvSlot} rightmouseup
      /delay 2
    } else {
      /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** "${fullname}" not found!
  /delay 1 
  /if (${Me.Casting.ID}) /goto :CastLoop

Sub Event_LinkParse(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_LinkParse
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) {
    /declare comtext string ${Line.Right[-16]}
    /declare linksub ${comtext.Token[1,*]}0013895-00001-00001-00001-00001-00001A04D01F5${comtext.Token[2,*]}${comtext.Token[3,*]}
    /docommand ${linksub}

Sub Event_AddMaster(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_AddMaster
  /declare index int local
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) {
    /for index 1 to 20
      /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Masters,Controller${index}].Equal[Nobody]}) {
        /ini "RHSettings.ini" "Masters" "Controller${index}" "${Line.Arg[3]}"
        /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** ${Line.Arg[3]} added as a controller...
        /goto :FallOut
    /next index
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Master controller slots all filled! Get rid of some!
  } else {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Huh?

Sub Event_RemMaster(string Line)
  /varset lastevent Event_RemMaster
  /declare index int local
  /if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) {
    /for index 1 to 20
      /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Masters,Controller${index}].Equal[${Line.Arg[3]}]}) {
        /ini "RHSettings.ini" "Masters" "Controller${index}" "Nobody"
        /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** ${Line.Arg[3]} removed from controller list...
        /goto :FallOut
    /next index
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Can't find ${Line.Arg[3]} in access list!
  } else {
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Huh?

Sub Event_Chat(ChatType, Sender, ChatText)
  /varset lastevent Event_Chat
  |- Authenticate if valid controller
  /declare authorized bool local FALSE
  /for i 1 to 20
    /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Masters,Controller${i}].Equal[${Sender}]}) /varset authorized TRUE
  /next i
  /if (${authorized} && ${ChatText.Left[1].Equal[/]}) {
    /if (${verbosity}>=1) /${channel} ** User ${Sender} Authenticated!
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} Action --> "${ChatText}"
    /if (${Me.AFK}) /delay 1a
    /tell ${Sender} Command received, performing: ${ChatText}
    /docommand ${ChatText}
  /if (${ChatText.Equal[follow]}) { 
    /delay 1s 
    /if (!${Spawn[${Sender}].ID}) { 
      /e ${Sender} is not in zone for me to follow! 
    /leash off
    /varset FollowGuy ${Sender} 
    /echo I am Following ${Sender}!!! 
    /if ( ${Me.Mount.ID} ) /dismount 
    /target pc ${FollowGuy} 
    /delay 1s ${Target.Name.Equal[${FollowGuy}]} 
    /if ((${Following}==0)&&(${Target.Name.Equal[${FollowGuy}]})) { 
      /face fast nolook 
      /squelch /stick 12 hold uw
      /delay 1 
  /if (${ChatText.Equal[stay]}) { 
    /if (!${Spawn[${Sender}].ID}) { 
    /squelch /stick off
    /squelch /stick off
    /keypress forward 
    /keypress back 
    /echo I Stopped Following ${Sender}!!!


Sub Event_HelpInfo 
  /varset lastevent Event_HelpInfo
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} --------=========(RH Help)=========---------- 
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /rhhelp - Display this information!
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /status - Display status of all RH modes
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /pause - Suspends the operations of RH
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autoevade - Toggle autoevading on or off
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /stopfight <%> - Set % of your health to stop attacking
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /strikedisc <StrikeSkill> - Set to your best strike skill
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /endfloor <%> - Set % of your endurance needed to strike
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autostick - Toggle autosticking to NPCs while attacking
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /stickdist <range_target> <range_tank> - Set stick thresholds
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autohs - Toggle automatic hiding/sneaking while not fighting
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /closeness <%> - Set % of max hit range while autosticking
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /dynclose - Toggle automatic real time closeness adjustments
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autoassist <main_assist> <%health> - Activate autoassist
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autoassist off - Disable autoassisting
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autoassist on - Turn on autoassist w/existing tank info
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /mainassist <player> - Sets main assist to <player>
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /secondassist <player> - Sets secondary assist to <player>
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /thirdassist <player> - Sets third assist to <player>
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /dynaggro - Toggle dynamic management of assist health %
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /leash <distance> - Activate leash with <distance> ft.
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /leash <distance> <master> - Activate leash w/a master
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /leash off - Disable leashing
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /leashflex <%length> - Set leash flexibility
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /drag <body1> <body2> ... <bodyN> - Drag corpses
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /lootmycorpse - Loot your own corpse completely
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /iset <itemalias> keepup|nokeepup <"Item Name"> - Item settings
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /ibounce <itemalias> <"Spell Name"> - Add bounce-off spell
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /iclick <itemalias> - Click cast item defined in <itemalias>
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autoninja <mode> [<range>] - Automatic NPC corpse looting
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autofollow [<name>] [<distance>] - Follow <name> at <distance>
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autopick - Toggle pick-pocketing during combat on or off
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /weaponswitch <weapon1> <"switch text"> <weapon2> - weapon swap
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /targetswitch - Toggle autoswitching of targets in autoassist
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autotraps - Toggle autonegotiation of traps
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autochicken [ON|OFF|<nimble%>] [ESCAPE] - Preseves your life
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autodisc1 "Discipline Name"|ON|OFF <end%> <reuse> - Auto disc 1
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /autodisc2 "Discipline Name"|ON|OFF <end%> <reuse> - Auto disc 2
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /addmaster <name> - Add a master to remote control users
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} /remmaster <name> - Remove a master from remote control users

Sub Event_StatInfo 
  /varset lastevent Event_StatInfo
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} -------=======(Current Status)=======--------
  |- Check for the presense of MQ2MoveUtils plugin
  /if (${Stick.Status.Length}) {
    /varset useMU TRUE
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** MQ2MoveUtils ENABLED (Enhanced Movement ON)
  } else {
    /varset useMU FALSE
    /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** MQ2MoveUtils NOT FOUND (Enhanced Movement OFF)
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Evade: ${doEvade}, Cease Combat: ${StopFightingHealth}% HP 
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Stick: ${doStick}, Closeness${If[${doDynclose},[DYN],]}: ${closeness}% MaxRange
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** -- Range to Target: ${rngtarget} -- Range to Tank: ${rngtank}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Hide&Sneak: ${doHideSneak}, Auto Pickpocket: ${doPick}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Chicken: ${doChicken} -- Nimble: ${nimblehealth}% Escape: ${doEscape}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Ninja: ${ninjamode}, Distance: ${ninjadist} ft.
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto TargetSwitching: ${doTSwitch}, Auto Traps: ${doTraps}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Assist: ${doAutoassist}, Assist at ${assistpct}% HP 
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** MA: ${firstassist}, SA: ${secondassist}, TA: ${thirdassist}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Leashing: ${doLeash} (${leashlength} ft.), Master: ${leashholder}, Flex: ${leashflex}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Strike Skill: "${StrikeSkill}", End. Floor: ${MinEndurance}%
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Disc #1: ${doDisc1} -> ${disc1} / ${disc1reuse} mins - End: ${disc1end}%
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Auto Disc #2: ${doDisc2} -> ${disc2} / ${disc2reuse} mins - End: ${disc2end}%
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Dynamic Aggro Control: ${doDynaggro}
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** WeaponSwitching: ${doSwitch}, ${weapon1}->${weapon2} (${switchtext})
  /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ** Authorized remote controllers:
  /for i 1 to 20
    /if (${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Masters,Controller${i}].NotEqual[Nobody]}) /if (${verbosity}>=0) /${channel} ---- ${Ini[RHSettings.ini,Masters,Controller${i}]} allowed...
  /next i
  /doevents flush
and also on a side note what could i do to put in a endurance check that if your endurance is below an amount that the macro will use third wind and sit down till full?
Didnt you used to me able to make this kick?
Hello using this for my rogue have him set to assist at 90 percent but he will run after the a mob when im pulling can anyone help me please =)
Hello using this for my rogue have him set to assist at 90 percent but he will run after the a mob when im pulling can anyone help me please =)

Is auto attack on assist off? its a regular eq command, /assist off.
I've been messing around with this macro a little bit and I set it to work for a zerker. It works perfectly fine, it will do it's two big disc's respectively with autodisc1 and autodisc2. I changed all backstabs to frenzy's and that works fine as well... I loaded up mq2autoskills to make it so frenzy now comes from there.. is there a way to change the macro to do a disc instead? zerkers have disc's like Rage Volley that has a fast refresh and would be nice to have used non stop.

Also.. can anyone show me a way that I could add an epic click to the macro? I do /icast "Raging Tealosian Alloy Axe" (aka zerker 1.5) but all it says is that it's not in the ini file and I can't find where the ini file is that I could add it. Any ideas?

Also, just recently started having this problem. It will work normal and move behind the mob and move to the mob etc. But after about 3 kills it wont' try moving anymore.. It will say "moving 20% closer" but not even move an inch.. help please?
Last edited:
I've always used the following for item clicks.

/cast item "itemname"
was hopin I could find a way to put it into the macro to cast automatically every 6 minutes or 3 minutes with the 2.0
was hopin I could find a way to put it into the macro to cast automatically every 6 minutes or 3 minutes with the 2.0


/icast "itemname"


/cast item "itemname"
Not sure you're seeing what I'm askin for. Tryin to get it so I can add a code to the macro where it will click my epic 1.5 every 6 minutes while in combat. I don't always remember to switch over and click his epic while in a fight so would be nice if it would auto do it for me.