mq2krust / krust UI


Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM

If anyone knows junk that needs to be added to the krust buff/etc. lines, or sees anything about the UI that needs correcting (I have not used it before I started fixing it), post away & I'll get to it soon as I can.

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This is by far the UI I like most, thank you.
OK I am a noob once again. I use the Krust UI and love it but it is a challenge getting anyone to update the thing and it looks from your post that you did just that. I can not figure out how to get it in my UI folder though. There is an antiquated link on macroquest that has a bunch of old zip files that are of no value now. Please humor and old wanna be hacker and tell me how to get my UI inventory pop up replaced with yours. Thank you.

I may have UI files turned off but I am not sure how to turn them on. That would be easier in the future if you are on top of that UI. Please tell me how to turn that function on.
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OK I am a noob once again. I use the Krust UI and love it but it is a challenge getting anyone to update the thing and it looks from your post that you did just that. I can not figure out how to get it in my UI folder though. There is an antiquated link on macroquest that has a bunch of old zip files that are of no value now. Please humor and old wanna be hacker and tell me how to get my UI inventory pop up replaced with yours. Thank you.

I may have UI files turned off but I am not sure how to turn them on. That would be easier in the future if you are on top of that UI. Please tell me how to turn that function on.
Click on the link in my post above yours, and download the

Open it up, and extract the EQUI_Inventory.xml file to the proper directory. The directory will be in your <EQ directory>\uifiles\krust (or similar). E.g., mine is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\EverQuest\uifiles\krustui on some systems, and on like X:\Games\EverQuest\uifiles\krustui on others. Make sure you overwrite the file already in there. Also make sure you do not extract with path information, as the zip has all files in the "krust" directory.

Or... if you have not customized any part of krust for yourself, you can extract the entire zip (including path info), to the uifiles folder, and it will show up in /loadskin as "krust".

bah i am such a noob ty. all i needed to do was click on the link to get the zip file. the rest i knew. im just getting blind i guess. thanks very much. Its great that someone is keeping up this UI.
Ok. This is just a fan update that I have done. Noticed that the target window wasn't correctly showing certain npc's classes. Was showing them as unknown cl. I opened up the EQUI_TargetWindow.xml and went scrolling down looking for the nifty little line of coding that us hackers like so much.
Now works perfectly.
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Updated it for 7/14 patch.

Use attached files.

Updated zip from Files section also.

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Got a screenshot of how you lay this out? Definitely a sweet looking UI. Frees up a lot more of the screen than what I currently use.
Updated it for 7/14 patch.

Use attached files.

Updated zip from Files section also.


FYI I had to download these files even after installing the Krust UI from the zip found in the July 29 dist.
I updated the EQUI_CastSpellWnd file today because I didn't like seeing that my bard could sing her songs 30,000+ times with her current amount of mana. The tooltip that shows how many times you can cast will now only do so if the spell for that gem takes more than 1 mana.

I'll post the updated file below for anyone that may want to use it. You can also make the change yourself by changing every instance of:

To this:

Just make sure to put in the correct gem number if you go through and manually update them.
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Hey chyld, I know this doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but will that modification apply to spells affected by aas? Like for clerics when you cast a heal you have a chance to get a "free" cast only costing 1 mana or something. I am more curious than concerned really. And it has been awhile since I last played so I apologize if anything I wrote was innacurate.
Honestly, I have no idea. It'd be easy enough to change it to look to see if the mana cost is over 0 instead of 1. Could also just look to see if the player is a Bard in addition to the mana cost, since I think that's the only class this will regularly affect.
Attached is a fixed EQUI_Animations.xml for HoT. With this the ui will at least load. I am using the default inventory xml for now so that I have access to the extra slots.
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Completely updated for HoT. In files section.


I've looked for a fully functional version of this UI but cannot find one. Has this been updated? I've checked the files section, perhaps I am missing something but I only see source and standard MQ2 download areas
Spells are screwy again from the patch (as they were in the last few). I'm talking about

SHM, RNG, PAL is what appears off to me. I can post the new spell names if that will help.