Slipgear aug Macro

Can't think of a reason why it would be broken...many have used it, successfully. Just be sure to follow the instructions and throw a cleric buff on your shroud in case you get whacked. Also, you might add sneak ON unless you use "hiderun".

It's fast as heck if you don't run into see-invis in the hive.
It's not broken. You just can't use hide until after you get the missions from him. Also, I would like to thank the writer and make a suggestion that the mac itself have a check put into to it to make sure you're hidden and then when zoning back into Corathus to collect the aug, to unhide. There have been a couple times where I've had to reshroud b/c I was still hidden when zoning back and wasn't able to get the aug. A nifty thing though, I was able to reshroud and retrieve my aug. I also once made the mistake of having fast destroy on and accidently nuked my aug. Talking to him again got me a new one. Dunno how useful that will be though. Once again thanks for the mac and my new aug on 3 of my toons!
Confirmed, works fine, took all of 7 minutes.
This is $, worked like a charm.
Luv you, thank you, took 5mins and 2 blue screens (stupid work pc)

Love this site. :D
I just wanted to say this. Awesome macro! I just sat there amazed at the simplicity yet thoroughly enjoyable satisfaction of watching something that takes a fair chunk of time to run through happen without any input from myself in a matter of minutes. Many thanks.
can u make a macro for the new slipgear aug the updated one?? that goes thru ag and stuff?
I just tried to run this mac and it made me LD to char screen twice, then completely shut down EQ. Any ideas?
I ran this macro on my warrior, worked like a charm.

I ran it on my other toons and they all died at the same place. I wasn't paying much attention but I thik it was in Illsian like mentioned before.

Question, if your toon is big enough (warrior is like 30k hps), would it be easier to just run it without gobbie form (3k hps) and if something sees you then you just take a couple hits?

Also, since I died on those toons, I tried running the macro from the beginning and it didnt' work. Do I need to manually finish the quest or can I just take out a chunk of the maco and go from there? if so, lets say i died in ilsian, what portion would I delete or what portion would I keep?
I died in the same spot when I first used this macro. All I did was run it again from the start. It won't let you loot the items you already have. Also, you have to be uber careful to make sure that when it uses the hide ability that it says: "You have hidden yourself from view". It doesn't seem to have a check for that and that is usually what causes you to die. And the reason it suggests using the rogue instead of the warrior is b/c of the hide ability. Not very many things can see through rogue invis.
But, can I simply run the macro as an unshrouded toon? I highly doubt I'd die running the macro as a lvl 85 toon with 25khps...if i get whacked a few times, so be it.

but, a lvl 70 rogue with 3k hps is doomed when that one mob sees through sos.
That's the thing, they don't see through basic Hide. I just ran it the other day on a lvl 5 gobbo rogue. Just have to make sure it says that you have hidden yourself from view. If I were a better coder and could do better than the uber simple macs I've wrote already, I'd edit that macro to add a check to make sure that hide doesn't fail before it starts warping.
Shroud rogues are not SoS when they sneak/hide. There is no way to get the SoS ability as a shrouded character. I believe the reason the macro wants you to rogue shroud is to be invis to both regular and undead mobs at the same time.
Ok i changed the explore section to check for hiding
This is untested in the entire macro but i tested it on a rogue and it would turn his hide on when it wasn't on. Not sure about if his hide doesn't work but i think it will work.

Sub Explore(int Step)
    /declare Timeout        timer       local   10s
    /for i1 1 to ${ArraySize[${Step}]}
      /if (!${Me.Invis}) {
         /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Hide]} && !${Me.Invis}) /doability "hide"
      /delay 1s
      /if (!${Me.Invis}) {
        /echo Damn Hide Failed
        /doability "Hide"
        /goto :MakeSureHidden
         /squelch /warp loc ${Explore[${Step},${i1}]}
        /varset Timeout ${Timeout.OriginalValue}
        /if (${!TaskUpdated} && ${Timeout}) /goto :Wait
        /varset TaskUpdated FALSE
    /next i1
    /squelch /warp succor
    /varcalc Step ${Step}+1
/return ${Step}

Here is the entire macro

| Automated Slipgear macro, reworked by EvenLessSpam (ELS)
| Only thing you need to do on your own are, speak with Cartographer Slipgear in
| Corathus Creep to get ALL missions and to get reward afterward.
| The macro have been fully tested, and all locs are working.
| There's one minor issue, where /doevents doesn't work. So it will stay 10
| seconds at each spot, untill /doevents are fixed, then it will warp to next
| spot when task is updated.

#Event  EnteredZone         "You have entered #1#."
#Event  TaskUpdated         "Your task '#1#' has been updated."

Sub Main(bool SkipIntro)
    /call Init
    /if (${Defined[SkipIntro]}) /call Intro

        /if (${Stage} == 0) /call Event_EnteredZone
        /delay 5
    /if (${Stage} <= 6) /goto :Loop

Sub Explore(int Step)
    /declare Timeout        timer       local   10s
    /for i1 1 to ${ArraySize[${Step}]}
      /if (!${Me.Invis}) {
         /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Hide]} && !${Me.Invis}) /doability "hide"
      /delay 1s
      /if (!${Me.Invis}) {
        /echo Damn Hide Failed
        /doability "Hide"
        /goto :MakeSureHidden
        /squelch /warp loc ${Explore[${Step},${i1}]}
        /varset Timeout ${Timeout.OriginalValue}
        /if (${!TaskUpdated} && ${Timeout}) /goto :Wait
        /varset TaskUpdated FALSE
    /next i1
    /squelch /warp succor
    /varcalc Step ${Step}+1
/return ${Step}

Sub Init
    /declare TaskUpdated    bool        outer   FALSE
    /declare i1             int         outer   0
    /declare i2             int         outer   0
    /declare Stage          int         outer   0
    /declare ArraySize[5]   int         outer   0
    /declare Explore[5,6]   string      outer   NA

    |---- Explore the Depths (corathus) ---------------------------------------|
    |-- Edge of the Corathus Veins --------------------------------------------|
    /varset  Explore[1,1]                       -670.05 1139.16 -28.10
    |-- Sporali Mindspore Traps -----------------------------------------------|
    /varset  Explore[1,2]                       -306.61 933.71 -55.59
    |-- Crash Site of Expedition 328 ------------------------------------------|
    /varset  Explore[1,3]                       -702.77 260.47 -44.82
    |-- Whisper Springs -------------------------------------------------------|
    /varset  Explore[1,4]                       61.54 82.68 -24.07
    |-- White Snake Falls -----------------------------------------------------|
    /varset  Explore[1,5]                       -143.70 1524.56 -86.23

    |---- Chart the Undershore (eastkorlach) ----------------------------------|
    |-- North Rim Outpost -----------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[2,1]                        -554.11 -762.87 54.37
    |-- Malgrinnor: East Gate -------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[2,2]                        182.32 -663.30 -2.99
    |-- The Enclave of Jarzarrad ----------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[2,3]                        -900.74 629.90 100.00
    |-- Entrance to Runesmoke Cavern ------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[2,4]                        728.06 107.08 0.67
    |-- Jadewater Beach -------------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[2,5]                        1163.67 -435.02 9.24
    |-- The Stone Forest ------------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[2,6]                        838.30 586.54 135.12

    |---- Brave the Ruins of Illsalin (illsalin) ------------------------------|
    |-- Gallowglass Arena -----------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[3,1]                        -1374.47 -58.68 -34.29
    |-- Battlemaster's Conclave -----------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[3,2]                        -1933.15 295.49 67.72
    |-- Infested Water Caves --------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[3,3]                        -404.73 329.07 -129.78
    |-- Statue of the Deep Ray ------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[3,4]                        -923.76 -538.51 110.68
    |-- Imperial Audience Chamber ---------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[3,5]                        -2267.19 -464.17 111.81
    |-- Wallwatcher's Citadel -------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[3,6]                        -199.08 -639.76 89.11

    |---- Explore Stoneroot Falls (westkorlach) -------------------------------|
    | The Living Isles --------------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[4,1]                        198.00 -1101.00 -21.39
    |-- The Deeping Way Trade Route -------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[4,2]                        454.62 -1800.23 14.05
    |-- Versarin, the Fallen Outpost ------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[4,3]                        -928.40 -1514.39 15.07
    |-- The Ruins of Xill -----------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[4,4]                        -975.02 -30.47 54.20
    |-- The Coral Bog ---------------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[4,5]                        -363.53 -1480.83 4.38

    |---- Beware the Hive (drachnidhive) --------------------------------------|
    |-- Warren of the Conscripts ----------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[5,1]                        -250.00 1360.00 15.00
    |-- Recluse Canyon --------------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[5,2]                        -1261.73 498.71 47.53
    |-- The East Obelisk ------------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[5,3]                        -418.87 482.43 47.46
    |-- The Living Bridges ----------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[5,4]                        173.00 650.00 219.00
    |-- Queen Senday's Shrine -------------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[5,5]                        -37.73 1183.32 254.42
    |-- The Reanimation Chamber -----------------------------------------------|
    /varset Explore[5,6]                        -596.00 679.00 -23.00

    | Count the elements in each level of the array, since .Size can't do this properly.
    /for i1 1 to ${Explore.Size[1]}
        /for i2 1 to ${Explore.Size[2]}
            /if (${Explore[${i1},${i2}].NotEqual[NA]}) /varset ArraySize[${i1}] ${i2}
        /next i2
    /next i1

Sub Intro
    /echo Make sure you have all 5 "Explore" missions from Cartographer Slipgear in Corathus Creep.
    /echo You get those missions by going to Corathus Creep ('/zone corathus'), then you go to Cartographer Slipger ('/target Slipgear' and '/warp target'). Then '/say accept the mission' untill you have accepted all 5.
    /echo To check if you have all the mission press the key combination "Alt + Q", and check if the following missions are listed:
    /echo Explore the Depths
    /echo Chart the Undershore
    /echo Explore Stoneroot Falls
    /echo Brave the Ruins of Illsalin
    /echo Beware the Hive
    /echo If you have all these missions and are ready to begin, simply type '/mqpause off' without the quotes.
    /mqpause on

Sub Event_TaskUpdated
    /varset TaskUpdated TRUE

Sub Event_EnteredZone
    /delay 10s
    /if (${Stage} > 5) {
        /if (${Zone.ID} == 365) {
            /squelch /target Cartographer Slipgear
            /warp target
            /keypress back hold
            /delay 1s
            /keypress back
    /if (${Zone.ID} == 365) {
        /call Explore 1
        /squelch /zone eastkorlach
    } else /if (${Zone.ID} == 362) {
        /call Explore 2
        /squelch /zone illsalin
    } else /if (${Zone.ID} == 347) {
        /call Explore 3
        /squelch /zone westkorlach
    } else /if (${Zone.ID} == 358) {
        /call Explore 4
        /squelch /zone drachnidhive
    } else /if (${Zone.ID} == 354) {
        /call Explore 5
        /squelch /zone corathus

and thanks JJ for the help, also Dulak.
I'll test it after while. And I really didn't do much. All I did was come up with the idea lol
Well I tested it and that version of the slipgear macro is one I would highly suggest not using as it doesn't do a few things that the other one does. This one needs a lot of work whereas the one in the first post doesn't need much work at all. That's the one that I'm wanting to put the hide check in. It's almost fully automated as is but if that hide check is put in it then it will be. The one you posted VI isn't as nearly as much and has a few flaws. However, the hide check does work so your work wasn't in vain lol. Try and incorporate it into the slipgear mac in the first post and I'll test it again.
I played with both scripts last night... as a newb I found a way to manually work the first script. Shroud and head to undershore, once there I /warp S to CC zone line. Then I made sure /hiderun was on turned on /macro slipgear got all quest. Stayed watching my toon then as I landed in the water I think it was in CC ( 2nd or 3rd task update) I turned /hiderun back on and hide...completed entire task in 4 minutes on 2 toons.

Hope it makes sense, I am very new at using these so