Plugin idea - loot tracker


Dec 19, 2008
Reaction score
I'd like to see a plugin that tracks the % drop rate of items, based on how many mobs are killed by people using the compile. A plugin that keeps track of:

1) zone it dropped
2) name of mob
3) mob count (how many times total it has been killed to date)
4) mob level
5) drop % rate of that mob name
5) mob type

Everything updated to mmobugs server to keep track in some type of web html format every month.

Similar to what magelo does, but the problem with magelo is it only lists the first 200 entries. Collection would happen when you load the compile from mmobugs.
I like it. Mmo already has most of the tools available and the front end that collects the information is very doable. If semi-open to the public it could bring in additional web traffic from non users.
Yeah, it's damn useful. Not sure I get the comment about "first 200 entries." I've always found it VERY useful for pharming rare drops since it gives you a decent idea which mob is most likely to drop it.

I assume it would have to be enabled by user option? Otherwise this would be kinda intrusive, eh? Magelo's collection only works if you enable automatic Magelo update of your character's gear.
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Magelo only records the first 200 mob entries, check out the link in my original post. Plus, alot of the information is false, like 5 mobs killed shows 80% drop rate on the item.

Also, another issue with magelo is if the corpse is re-opened, reclicked again, that is recorded as a false positve. So you kill a mob, bend down to loot the corpse and then 5 minutes later bend down to loot it again or however many times before the corpse decays, those are false positive entries. I don't believe it records 1 entry for each mob id for that time interval.

A great example of this is situation is raid chests, you can search raid items and you'll notice a chest that has been looted over 3000 times, even though that many raids haven't taken place "yet" (expansion just came out for example) given lockout timers, and those entries are all erroneous.
I guess Magelo assumes if over 200 diff mobs drop a particular item it isn't particularly rare so who cares about any other mobs dropping it.
a loot database plugin for MQ2 would be good.

Would be awesome to have a way to target a mob and echo out its loot table.
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We talked years ago about doing our own db's, for various things - items, toons, etc. Just never got past the discussion 'great idea' phase. :/

Its a great idea that is a lot of work with a pretty large investment in time, and there are already sites that sort of have most of the information so ...
Its a great idea that is a lot of work with a pretty large investment in time, and there are already sites that sort of have most of the information so ...

It would require the plugin to connect to a database it would track how many times anyone who uses the plugin kills a mob and how often each item drops.
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Its a great idea that is a lot of work with a pretty large investment in time, and there are already sites that sort of have most of the information so ...

my idea would require the plugin to connect to a database it would track how many times anyone who uses the plugin kills a mob and how often each item drops.

Why is it that you always seem to turn around and resay something already posted and call it your idea? lol

If it isn't that you always seem to be making some pessimistic comment or find some way to find a fault in other threads. Seems to be a very popular trend with you. I was actually shocked you posted something positive in this thread although I see you edited it earlier, which probably leads me to believe it was some pessimistic or faulty comment to begin with.
Its a great idea that is a lot of work with a pretty large investment in time, and there are already sites that sort of have most of the information so ...

my idea would require the plugin to connect to a database it would track how many times anyone who uses the plugin kills a mob and how often each item drops.

Why is it that you always seem to turn around and resay something already posted and call it your idea? lol

If it isn't that you always seem to be making some pessimistic comment or find some way to find a fault in other threads. Seems to be a very popular trend with you. I was actually shocked you posted something positive in this thread although I see you edited it earlier, which probably leads me to believe it was some pessimistic or faulty comment to begin with.

There I edited it to remove the part you seem to be butt hurt about.

My original reply was edited because I was brainstorming on ideas how to get it done but removed them and just sent a PM to someone who i think can do it, but instead of paying them to do it now ill just ignore it and leave your idea to not happen.

Your idea is great, but good luck finding someone with the time to do it.
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Its a great idea that is a lot of work with a pretty large investment in time, and there are already sites that sort of have most of the information so ...

my idea would require the plugin to connect to a database it would track how many times anyone who uses the plugin kills a mob and how often each item drops.

Why is it that you always seem to turn around and resay something already posted and call it your idea? lol

If it isn't that you always seem to be making some pessimistic comment or find some way to find a fault in other threads. Seems to be a very popular trend with you. I was actually shocked you posted something positive in this thread although I see you edited it earlier, which probably leads me to believe it was some pessimistic or faulty comment to begin with.

There I edited it to remove the part you seem to be butt hurt about.

My original reply was edited because I was brainstorming on ideas how to get it done but removed them and just sent a PM to someone who i think can do it, but instead of paying them to do it now ill just ignore it and leave your idea to not happen.

Your idea is great, but good luck finding someone with the time to do it.

You seem to know a lot about my butt, kinda scary...

Its not my idea lol...I never said it was. Just something I'm sure quite a few of us have wanted over the years.

As far as me pointing out your true personality from how you post, I'm sure a lot of people have wanted to say it, but haven't called you out on it. I just put it to you straight forward.
Its a great idea that is a lot of work with a pretty large investment in time, and there are already sites that sort of have most of the information so ...

my idea would require the plugin to connect to a database it would track how many times anyone who uses the plugin kills a mob and how often each item drops.

Why is it that you always seem to turn around and resay something already posted and call it your idea? lol

If it isn't that you always seem to be making some pessimistic comment or find some way to find a fault in other threads. Seems to be a very popular trend with you. I was actually shocked you posted something positive in this thread although I see you edited it earlier, which probably leads me to believe it was some pessimistic or faulty comment to begin with.

There I edited it to remove the part you seem to be butt hurt about.

My original reply was edited because I was brainstorming on ideas how to get it done but removed them and just sent a PM to someone who i think can do it, but instead of paying them to do it now ill just ignore it and leave your idea to not happen.

Your idea is great, but good luck finding someone with the time to do it.

You seem to know a lot about my butt, kinda scary...

Its not my idea lol...I never said it was. Just something I'm sure quite a few of us have wanted over the years.

As far as me pointing out your true personality from how you post, I'm sure a lot of people have wanted to say it, but haven't called you out on it. I just put it to you straight forward.

Let's clarify something here. When I said my idea I was not referring to this being MY idea. I was referring to my idea on how to get it done.

So again the way I would go about this is using the mmobugs database to store the information probably use mysql to do it. NPC name, number of times killed, zone, level, item dropped. If you pull information from everyone using the plugin you will get the entire loot table for every mob faster. This way (notice i did not say MY way) would update in real time.
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Who cares who came up with the idea. In the end its not going to be as good as it could it a lot of people don't put forth effort throwing good and bad ideas at it so one of those bad ideas can stimulate a good one from someone else.

This is how big my dick is how big is yours?

Aspire and William: Not sure what has gone on between you two in the past, but don't punish the greater mass of people by having your flame wars left out in the open. Take those to PMs. Otherwise, you take a very constructive thread with a new plugin idea and demolish it by fighting back and forth.
Bump. With the new advloot linking all mobs that die, this might be worth discussing again because it should be more accurate. Of course this means id have to log into game to see wtf the new advloot is if i were to pick it up myself. Plus im not as smart as htw (Praise be upon Him) so he'd have to do any database linking.