MMOBugs MacroQuest Test Server - Latest Release


- MQ2Bot: Fixed issue with group spells being overwritten by single target versions in SelfBuff and/or Buff options
- MQ2Bot: Added resist buff / selfbuff line (group spells) and ResistClasses ini entry
- MQ2Bot: Fixed missing detection of some group spells
- MQ2Bot: Added WarpToLoot option
- MQ2Bot: NOTE - All ini entry options are case-insensitive now
- MQ2Bot: Added ${Bot.PrePullIf} to show evaluation of PrePullIf conditions without turning on and looking at debug logs
- MQ2Bot: Fixed some healing routine flows, added some emu specific checks for bugged server / netbots / eqbc, corrected some chat color errors
- MQ2Events: MQ2Events: Added processing order for ini as MQ2Events_server_char.ini -> MQ2Events_char.ini -> MQ2Events.ini.  Also added a TLO with Active and Count for enable/disable state and number of events
- MQ2MMOBugs: Added /news
- EQBCS-Classic: Updated to use code from public repo
- Fixed installer scripts
- Core/eqlib updated as of 20230620

- Updated for patch
- Updated to core 20230525

- Updated for patch
- Updated to core 20230520

- Updated for patch
- Updated to core 20230518
- MQ2EQBC: Fix crash bug

- MQ2MMOBugs: Minor fix to /mmoinix
- MQ2EQBC: Changed the `/bccmd connect` command to use the default value for port or password if not provided instead. No longer uses Last Connect values for those fields
- MQ2Targets: Fixed despawn popup notify not working
- MQ2EQBC/MQ2NetBots: Moved /bcgz, /bcgza, /bcz, /bcza from MQ2NetBots to MQ2EQBC - where they belong.  Also fixed /noparse being ignored for these commands, and is now processed properly

- Updated for patch
- Updated to core 20230316

- Updated to core 20230306

- Plugins: Replaced MQ2SlotColors with MQItemColor
- Plugins: Replaced MQ2VoiceCommand with MQTextToSpeech
- MQ2PluginMan: Updated
- MQ2HoverInfo: Removed (use MQ2ToolTip)
- Updated vc redist to v143

- Updated for patch
- Updated to core 20230216

- MQ2NetBots: Fix buff durations in ext being incorrect / offset from buffs
- MQ2NetBots: Fixed InGroup if not InZone
- MQ2NetBots: Added a couple of ext data members
- MQ2NetBots: Minor code cleanup
- MQ2NetBots: Removed unneeded verbose output from CreateMyWindow()
- MQ2Bot: Added Archery and Bow as aliases for ranged for pull skill
- MQ2GMCheck: Corrected flipped logic for gm corpses option when using /gmcheck status
- Updated to core 20230212

- Updated to core 20230203

- Updated to core 20230125
- MQ2ReachIt: Added cursor check for gank
- MQ2ChatFilter: Fixed

- Updated for patch

- MQ2Melee: Added warrior NoS abilities

- Updated for new expansion

- Updated for Patch
- Updated MQ2Overseer

- MQ2Bot: Added SK AE Aggro Spell Antipathy
- MQ2DPS: Removed plugin, switch to MQ2DPSAdv
- MQ2Melee: Added Rogue Disciplines Jugular Rend, Lance and Shadowstrike
- MQ2NoSummon: Fixed crash
- MQ2Cursor: Updated
- MQ2Overseer: Merged update
  • Like
Reactions: EQDAB
MQ updated for test.

Just a heads up. My windows defender was not happy with MMOLoader.exe on test server for some reason.
MQ updated for Test with some bug fixes.
DirectX is disabled on test server due to EQ's upgrade from DirectX9 and DirectX11. We haven't got a fix for it yet. Plugins that use it (Ones that do overlays like MQ2Nav) wont function correctly for time being.