MMOBugs MacroQuest Test Server - Latest Release

FYI the IDA Sig Plugin does not work with ida 5.0 free.
I did :)

Can you check my work please sir? I found several and the code is similar but they were a bit off in build location. Also the blank ones below the top set of offsets, i could not find anything, I check above and below, any suggestions?

#define EQPlayer__IsBodyType_j                                     0x761FD0
#define EQPlayer__IsTargetable                                     0x7622A0

#define EQPlayerManager__GetSpawnByID                              0x568300
#define EQPlayerManager__GetSpawnByName                            0x568590

// KeyPressHandler 
#define KeypressHandler__AttachAltKeyToEqCommand                   0x530040
#define KeypressHandler__AttachKeyToEqCommand                      0x530080
#define KeypressHandler__ClearCommandStateArray                    0x52FE50
#define KeypressHandler__HandleKeyDown                             0x52E7E0
#define KeypressHandler__HandleKeyUp                               0x52EAF0
#define KeypressHandler__SaveKeymapping                            0x52FF20

// MapViewMap 
#define MapViewMap__Clear                                          0x674EB0
#define MapViewMap__SaveEx                                         0x678560

#define PlayerPointManager__GetAltCurrency                         0x74C6E0

// StringTable 
#define StringTable__getString                                     0x748DB0

// PcZoneClient
#define PcZoneClient__GetPcSkillLimit                              0x555220

your test file
#define EQPlayer__IsBodyType_j                                     0x0
#define EQPlayer__IsTargetable                                     0x0

#define EQPlayerManager__GetSpawnByID                              0x58F3E0
#define EQPlayerManager__GetSpawnByName                            0x58F840

// KeyPressHandler 
#define KeypressHandler__AttachAltKeyToEqCommand                   0x5515A0
#define KeypressHandler__AttachKeyToEqCommand                      0x0
#define KeypressHandler__ClearCommandStateArray                    0x0
#define KeypressHandler__HandleKeyDown                             0x0
#define KeypressHandler__HandleKeyUp                               0x0
#define KeypressHandler__SaveKeymapping                            0x0

// MapViewMap 
#define MapViewMap__Clear                                          0x0
#define MapViewMap__SaveEx                                         0x0

#define PlayerPointManager__GetAltCurrency                         0x0

// StringTable 
#define StringTable__getString                                     0x7ADE90

// PcZoneClient
#define PcZoneClient__GetPcSkillLimit                              0x0

My Test Update

#define EQPlayer__IsBodyType_j                                     0x88B710
#define EQPlayer__IsTargetable                                     0x88B9E0

#define EQPlayerManager__GetSpawnByID                              0x58F3E0
#define EQPlayerManager__GetSpawnByName                            0x58F840

// KeyPressHandler 
#define KeypressHandler__AttachAltKeyToEqCommand                   0x5515A0
#define KeypressHandler__AttachKeyToEqCommand                      0x5515E0
#define KeypressHandler__ClearCommandStateArray                    0x0
#define KeypressHandler__HandleKeyDown                             0x0
#define KeypressHandler__HandleKeyUp                               0x54FE00
#define KeypressHandler__SaveKeymapping                            0x0

// MapViewMap 
#define MapViewMap__Clear                                          0x0
#define MapViewMap__SaveEx                                         0x0

#define PlayerPointManager__GetAltCurrency                         0x0

// StringTable 
#define StringTable__getString                                     0x7ADE90

// PcZoneClient
#define PcZoneClient__GetPcSkillLimit                              0x0
Last edited:
They look good.

At first I thought your

#define EQPlayer__IsBodyType_j                                     0x88B710
#define EQPlayer__IsTargetable                                     0x88B9E0

Were wrong, due to place in exe, and code below, but I can't see anything closer than what you found.

This exe is really nasty, really worried about how much downtime we're going to get for expansion launch.

The ones you did look good to me.
Thanks, I was worried about that as well. What about the ones that are still not populated in my list? I could not find anything. I did about 30 more last night and I am having a low success rate, maybe 10%. Im jumping several codes up or down. Any tips to find them?
Set your pc back a few months or back to when you installed it?

I took a different approach on finding some that did not come up in search. Now the top lines of the code are the same but the lower half is different. I still think this is the right one though. Can you check it out when you get a minute? I had to check around 25 addresses so if I am way off base I would rather try another route :)

// PcZoneClient
#define PcZoneClient__GetPcSkillLimit                              0x555220

// PcZoneClient
#define PcZoneClient__GetPcSkillLimit                              0x57ABF0

Now I have been reading up on finding these from scratch from this post
but there are some gaps. He is using his old compile eqgame.h folder i believe but it looks different. he is also using the eqstr_us.txt and converting that decimal to a hex and then compares that with his current mq2 address. Where I get more lost that normal is how can I correlate the new eqstr_us.txt to

// StringTable 
#define StringTable__getString                                     0x748DB0

so that I can find them from scratch? or do you have a simpler way to do this?

292 You must wait before you can split group money.
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Here is what I have so far, do you want to add it to your list then post that?
I am also having a bit of trouble. I started on the bottom and looked for all blank ones. I check the code, then the code above and below and I get nothing. I have gotten up to the red code
#define CStmlWnd__UpdateHistoryString 0x83d664
. I will go back and double check the blank ones after I get a bit farther.

I have a question for you though, I started doing a tedious search if just a few lines of code i.e

5F 5E 64 89 0D

and if I got like 20 or less results I would check them all. I did this one a few and most came real close but some were close with modification. Am I doing this wrong? Is it possible they took the offsets out?

    MQ2Main.dll: MacroQuest2's extension DLL for EverQuest 
    Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Plazmic, 2003-2005 Lax 

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by 
    the Free Software Foundation. 

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
    GNU General Public License for more details. 
#include "eqgame-private.h"

#define __ClientName                                              "eqgame"
#define __ExpectedVersionDate                                     "Oct 15 2012"
#define __ExpectedVersionTime                                     "11:43:32"
#define __ActualVersionDate                                        0x9C3A88
#define __ActualVersionTime                                        0x9C3A94

#define __ClientOverride                                           0
#define __MacroQuestWinClassName                                  "__MacroQuestTray"
#define __MacroQuestWinName                                       "MacroQuest"

// Memory Protection
#define __MemChecker0                                              0x55A8C0
#define __MemChecker1                                              0x0
#define __MemChecker2                                              0x5EF4D0
#define __MemChecker3                                              0x5EF420
#define __MemChecker4                                              0x0
#define __EncryptPad0                                              0xAC69D8
#define __EncryptPad1                                              0xB41060
#define __EncryptPad2                                              0xADF780
#define __EncryptPad3                                              0x0
#define __EncryptPad4                                              0x0
#define __AC1                                                      0x0
#define __AC2                                                      0x0
#define __AC3                                                      0x522D48
#define __AC4                                                      0x0
#define __AC5                                                      0x0
#define __AC6                                                      0x0
#define __AC7                                                      0x0
#define __AC1_Data                                                 0x0
// Direct Input
#define DI8__Main                                                  0xDCB7D0
#define DI8__Keyboard                                              0xDCB7D4
#define DI8__Mouse                                                 0xDCB7D8
#define __AltTimerReady                                            0x0
#define __Attack                                                   0xDC758A
#define __Autofire                                                 0xDC758B
#define __BindList                                                 0xAAEE70
#define __Clicks                                                   0x0
#define __CommandList                                              0xAB04C0
#define __CurrentMapLabel                                          0x0
#define __CurrentSocial                                            0xA9A7DC
#define __DoAbilityList                                            0xD87F60
#define __do_loot                                                  0x0
#define __DrawHandler                                              0x153545C
#define __GroupCount                                               0xD42222
#define __Guilds                                                   0xD47E28
#define __gWorld                                                   0xD446DC
#define __HotkeyPage                                               0xDB0B40
#define __HWnd                                                     0xDCB528
#define __InChatMode                                               0xD51794
#define __LastTell                                                 0xD53668
#define __LMouseHeldTime                                           0x0
#define __Mouse                                                    0xDCB7DC
#define __MouseLook                                                0x0
#define __MouseEventTime                                           0xDC78DC
#define __NetStatusToggle                                          0x0
#define __PCNames                                                  0xD52CE8
#define __RangeAttackReady                                         0x0
#define __RMouseHeldTime                                           0x0
#define __RunWalkState                                             0xD51798
#define __ScreenMode                                               0xC91640
#define __ScreenX                                                  0xD51748
#define __ScreenY                                                  0xD5174C
#define __ScreenXMax                                               0xD51750
#define __ScreenYMax                                               0xD51754
#define __ServerHost                                               0x0
#define __ServerName                                               0xD87F20
#define __ShiftKeyDown                                             0xD51E1C
#define __ShowNames                                                0xD52B8C
#define __Socials                                                  0xD88020

//Section 1: Vital Offsets 
#define instCRaid                                                  0xD447C0
#define instEQZoneInfo                                             0x0
#define instKeypressHandler                                        0xDC78C0
#define pinstActiveBanker                                          0xD44780
#define pinstActiveCorpse                                          0xD44784
#define pinstActiveGMaster                                         0xD44788
#define pinstActiveMerchant                                        0xD4477C
#define pinstAltAdvManager                                         0xC92590
#define pinstAuraMgr                                               0x0
#define pinstBandageTarget                                         0xD44768
#define pinstCamActor                                              0xC91FFC
#define pinstCDBStr                                                0xC91618
#define pinstCDisplay                                              0xD44790
#define pinstCEverQuest                                            0xDCB954
#define pinstCharData                                              0xD4474C
#define pinstCharSpawn                                             0xD44774
#define pinstControlledMissile                                     0xD44748
#define pinstControlledPlayer                                      0xD44774
#define pinstCSidlManager                                          0x1534A38
#define pinstCXWndManager                                          0x1534A30
#define instDynamicZone                                            0xD51600
#define pinstDZMember                                              0xD51710
#define pinstDZTimerInfo                                           0x0
#define pinstEQItemList                                            0xD412C8
#define instEQMisc                                                 0x0
#define pinstEQSoundManager                                        0xC92638
#define instExpeditionLeader                                       0x0
#define instExpeditionName                                         0xD5168A
#define pinstGroup                                                 0xD4221E
#define pinstImeManager                                            0x1534A3C
#define pinstLocalPlayer                                           0xD44760
#define pinstMercenaryData                                         0xDC7D38
#define pinstModelPlayer                                           0xD4478C
#define pinstPCData                                                0xD4474C
#define pinstSkillMgr                                              0xDC8368
#define pinstSpawnManager                                          0xDC7FD8
#define pinstSpellManager                                          0xDC83E0
#define pinstSpellSets                                             0xDC0894
#define pinstStringTable                                           0xD446F4
#define pinstSwitchManager                                         0x0
#define pinstTarget                                                0xD44778
#define pinstTargetObject                                          0xD44750
#define pinstTargetSwitch                                          0xD44754
#define pinstTaskMember                                            0xC915C8
#define pinstTrackTarget                                           0xD4476C
#define pinstTradeTarget                                           0xD4475C
#define instTributeActive                                          0x0
#define pinstViewActor                                             0xC91FF8
#define pinstWorldData                                             0xD44730

//Section 2:  UI Related Offsets 
#define pinstCTextOverlay                                          0x0
#define pinstCAudioTriggersWindow                                  0xB58808
#define pinstCCharacterSelect                                      0xC91EAC
#define pinstCFacePick                                             0xC91C5C
#define pinstCNoteWnd                                              0xC91E64
#define pinstCBookWnd                                              0xC91E6C
#define pinstCPetInfoWnd                                           0xC91E70
#define pinstCTrainWnd                                             0xC91E74
#define pinstCSkillsWnd                                            0xC91E78
#define pinstCSkillsSelectWnd                                      0xC91E7C
#define pinstCCombatSkillSelectWnd                                 0xC91E80
#define pinstCFriendsWnd                                           0xC91E84
#define pinstCAuraWnd                                              0xC91E88
#define pinstCRespawnWnd                                           0xC91E8C
#define pinstCBandolierWnd                                         0xC91E90
#define pinstCPotionBeltWnd                                        0xC91E94
#define pinstCAAWnd                                                0xC91E98
#define pinstCGroupSearchFiltersWnd                                0xC91E9C
#define pinstCLoadskinWnd                                          0xC91EA0
#define pinstCAlarmWnd                                             0xC91EA4
#define pinstCMusicPlayerWnd                                       0xC91EA8
#define pinstCMailWnd                                              0xC91EB0
#define pinstCMailCompositionWnd                                   0xC91EB4
#define pinstCMailAddressBookWnd                                   0xC91EB8
#define pinstCRaidWnd                                              0xC91EC0
#define pinstCRaidOptionsWnd                                       0xC91EC4
#define pinstCBreathWnd                                            0xC91EC8
#define pinstCMapViewWnd                                           0xC91ECC
#define pinstCMapToolbarWnd                                        0xC91ED0
#define pinstCEditLabelWnd                                         0xC91ED4
#define pinstCTargetWnd                                            0xC91ED8
#define pinstCColorPickerWnd                                       0xC91EDC
#define pinstCPlayerWnd                                            0xC91EE0
#define pinstCOptionsWnd                                           0xC91EE4
#define pinstCBuffWindowNORMAL                                     0xC91EE8
#define pinstCBuffWindowSHORT                                      0xC91EEC
#define pinstCharacterCreation                                     0xC91EF0
#define pinstCCursorAttachment                                     0xC91EF4
#define pinstCCastingWnd                                           0xC91EF8
#define pinstCCastSpellWnd                                         0xC91EFC
#define pinstCSpellBookWnd                                         0xC91F00
#define pinstCInventoryWnd                                         0xC91F04
#define pinstCBankWnd                                              0xC91F08
#define pinstCQuantityWnd                                          0xC91F0C
#define pinstCLootWnd                                              0xC91F10
#define pinstCActionsWnd                                           0xC91F14
#define pinstCCombatAbilityWnd                                     0xC91F18
#define pinstCMerchantWnd                                          0xC91F1C
#define pinstCTradeWnd                                             0xC91F20
#define pinstCSelectorWnd                                          0xC91F24
#define pinstCBazaarWnd                                            0xC91F28
#define pinstCBazaarSearchWnd                                      0xC91F2C
#define pinstCGiveWnd                                              0xC91F48
#define pinstCTrackingWnd                                          0xC91F50
#define pinstCInspectWnd                                           0xC91F54
#define pinstCSocialEditWnd                                        0xC91F58
#define pinstCFeedbackWnd                                          0xC91F5C
#define pinstCBugReportWnd                                         0xC91F60
#define pinstCVideoModesWnd                                        0xC91F64
#define pinstCTextEntryWnd                                         0xC91F6C
#define pinstCFileSelectionWnd                                     0xC91F70
#define pinstCCompassWnd                                           0xC91F74
#define pinstCPlayerNotesWnd                                       0xC91F78
#define pinstCGemsGameWnd                                          0xC91F7C
#define pinstCTimeLeftWnd                                          0xC91F80
#define pinstCPetitionQWnd                                         0x0
#define pinstCSoulmarkWnd                                          0x0
#define pinstCStoryWnd                                             0xC91F8C
#define pinstCJournalTextWnd                                       0xC91F90
#define pinstCJournalCatWnd                                        0xC91F94
#define pinstCBodyTintWnd                                          0xC91F98
#define pinstCServerListWnd                                        0xC91F9C
#define pinstCAvaZoneWnd                                           0xC91FA4
#define pinstCBlockedBuffWnd                                       0xC91FA8
#define pinstCBlockedPetBuffWnd                                    0xC91FAC
#define pinstCInvSlotMgr                                           0xC91FF0
#define pinstCContainerMgr                                         0xC91FF4
#define pinstCAdventureLeaderboardWnd                              0x0
#define pinstCAdventureRequestWnd                                  0xED40F0
#define pinstCAltStorageWnd                                        0x0
#define pinstCAdventureStatsWnd                                    0x0
#define pinstCBarterMerchantWnd                                    0x0
#define pinstCBarterSearchWnd                                      0x0
#define pinstCBarterWnd                                            0x0
#define pinstCChatManager                                          0xED4B30
#define pinstCDynamicZoneWnd                                       0xED4D20
#define pinstCEQMainWnd                                            0xED4DE0
#define pinstCFellowshipWnd                                        0xED4CFC
#define pinstCFindLocationWnd                                      0xED4F10
#define pinstCGroupSearchWnd                                       0xED5070
#define pinstCGroupWnd                                             0x0
#define pinstCGuildBankWnd                                         0x0
#define pinstCGuildMgmtWnd                                         0xED7150
#define pinstCGuildTributeMasterWnd                                0x0
#define pinstCHotButtonWnd                                         0xED71A4
#define pinstCHotButtonWnd1                                        0xED71A4
#define pinstCHotButtonWnd2                                        0xED71A8
#define pinstCHotButtonWnd3                                        0xED71AC
#define pinstCHotButtonWnd4                                        0xED71D0
#define pinstCItemDisplayManager                                   0xED7320
#define pinstCItemExpTransferWnd                                   0xED735C
#define pinstCLeadershipWnd                                        0x0
#define pinstCLFGuildWnd                                           0xED74C0
#define pinstCMIZoneSelectWnd                                      0xED7760
#define pinstCAdventureMerchantWnd                                 0x0
#define pinstCConfirmationDialog                                   0xED7A48
#define pinstCPopupWndManager                                      0xED7A48
#define pinstCProgressionSelectionWnd                              0xED7AB0
#define pinstCPvPLeaderboardWnd                                    0x0
#define pinstCPvPStatsWnd                                          0x0
#define pinstCSystemInfoDialogBox                                  0xED7E08
#define pinstCTargetOfTargetWnd                                    0x0
#define pinstCTaskSelectWnd                                        0xED7CC4
#define pinstCTaskTemplateSelectWnd                                0xED8AF8
#define pinstCTaskWnd                                              0x0
#define pinstCTipWndOFDAY                                          0xED8C28
#define pinstCTipWndCONTEXT                                        0xED8C2C
#define pinstCTitleWnd                                             0xED8C60
#define pinstCTradeskillWnd                                        0x0
#define pinstCTributeBenefitWnd                                    0x0
#define pinstCTributeMasterWnd                                     0x0
#define pinstCContextMenuManager                                   0x1534A94
#define pinstCVoiceMacroWnd                                        0x0
#define pinstCHtmlWnd                                              0xDC87A0

// Section 3: Miscellaneous Offsets 
#define __CastRay                                                  0x0
#define __ConvertItemTags                                          0x0
#define __ExecuteCmd                                               0x4CEF10
#define __EQGetTime                                                0x7F6180
#define __get_melee_range                                          0x0
#define __GetGaugeValueFromEQ                                      0x0
#define __GetLabelFromEQ                                           0x0
#define __GetXTargetType                                           0x88F4F0
#define __LoadFrontEnd                                             0x5EEB80
#define __NewUIINI                                                 0x751240
#define __ProcessGameEvents                                        0x530AF0
#define CrashDetected                                              0x0
#define DrawNetStatus                                              0x0
#define Util__FastTime                                             0x7F5660
#define Expansion_HoT                                              0xD52AEC
// Section 4: Function Offsets 
// AltAdvManager 
#define AltAdvManager__GetCalculatedTimer                          0x0
#define AltAdvManager__IsAbilityReady                              0x0
#define AltAdvManager__GetAltAbility                               0x49D7B0

// CharacterZoneClient
#define CharacterZoneClient__HasSkill                              0x0

// CBankWnd 
#define CBankWnd__GetNumBankSlots                                  0x61D620

// CBazaarSearchWnd 
#define CBazaarSearchWnd__HandleBazaarMsg                          0x628570

// CButtonWnd 
#define CButtonWnd__SetCheck                                       0x0

// CChatManager 
#define CChatManager__GetRGBAFromIndex                             0x643570
#define CChatManager__InitContextMenu                              0x0

// CChatService
#define CChatService__GetNumberOfFriends                           0x7DC340
#define CChatService__GetFriendName                                0x7DC350

// CChatWindow 
#define CChatWindow__CChatWindow                                   0x0
#define CChatWindow__Clear                                         0x648950
#define CChatWindow__WndNotification                               0x0

// CComboWnd 
#define CComboWnd__DeleteAll                                       0x822140
#define CComboWnd__Draw                                            0x0
#define CComboWnd__GetCurChoice                                    0x821F60
#define CComboWnd__GetListRect                                     0x0
#define CComboWnd__GetTextRect                                     0x0
#define CComboWnd__InsertChoice                                    0x822620
#define CComboWnd__SetColors                                       0x821EF0
#define CComboWnd__SetChoice                                       0x821F20

// CContainerWnd 
#define CContainerWnd__HandleCombine                               0x0
#define CContainerWnd__vftable                                     0x9CC7E8

// CDisplay 
#define CDisplay__CleanGameUI                                      0x48D5F0
#define CDisplay__GetClickedActor                                  0x0
#define CDisplay__GetUserDefinedColor                              0x0
#define CDisplay__GetWorldFilePath                                 0x0
#define CDisplay__is3dON                                           0x0
#define CDisplay__ReloadUI                                         0x0
#define CDisplay__WriteTextHD2                                     0x488B60

// CEditBaseWnd 
#define CEditBaseWnd__SetMaxChars                                  0x0
#define CEditBaseWnd__SetSel                                       0x0

// CEditWnd 
#define CEditWnd__DrawCaret                                        0x0
#define CEditWnd__GetCharIndexPt                                   0x0
#define CEditWnd__GetDisplayString                                 0x82C5A0
#define CEditWnd__GetHorzOffset                                    0x0
#define CEditWnd__GetLineForPrintableChar                          0x0
#define CEditWnd__GetSelStartPt                                    0x0
#define CEditWnd__GetSTMLSafeText                                  0x82CA70
#define CEditWnd__PointFromPrintableChar                           0x0
#define CEditWnd__SelectableCharFromPoint                          0x0
#define CEditWnd__SetEditable                                      0x0

// CEverQuest 
#define CEverQuest__ClickedPlayer                                  0x0
#define CEverQuest__DropHeldItemOnGround                           0x0
#define CEverQuest__dsp_chat                                       0x5161D0
#define CEverQuest__DoTellWindow                                   0x0
#define CEverQuest__EnterZone                                      0x0
#define CEverQuest__GetBodyTypeDesc                                0x50C800
#define CEverQuest__GetClassDesc                                   0x50BF60
#define CEverQuest__GetClassThreeLetterCode                        0x50C560
#define CEverQuest__GetDeityDesc                                   0x0
#define CEverQuest__GetLangDesc                                    0x50CB90
#define CEverQuest__GetRaceDesc                                    0x0
#define CEverQuest__InterpretCmd                                   0x0
#define CEverQuest__LeftClickedOnPlayer                            0x0
#define CEverQuest__LMouseUp                                       0x0
#define CEverQuest__RightClickedOnPlayer                           0x0
#define CEverQuest__RMouseUp                                       0x0
#define CEverQuest__SetGameState                                   0x510890
#define CEverQuest__Emote                                          0x516430

// CGaugeWnd 
#define CGaugeWnd__CalcFillRect                                    0x0
#define CGaugeWnd__CalcLinesFillRect                               0x0
#define CGaugeWnd__Draw                                            0x0

// CGuild
#define CGuild__FindMemberByName                                   0x0

// CHotButtonWnd 
#define CHotButtonWnd__DoHotButton                                 0x0

// CInvSlotMgr 
#define CInvSlotMgr__FindInvSlot                                   0x0
#define CInvSlotMgr__MoveItem                                      0x0

// CInvSLot
#define CInvSlot__HandleRButtonUp                                  0x0
#define CInvSlot__SliderComplete                                   0x0
#define CInvSlot__GetItemBase                                      0x0

// CInvSlotWnd
#define CInvSlotWnd__DrawTooltip                                   0x0

// CItemDisplayWnd 
#define CItemDisplayWnd__SetSpell                                  0x0
#define CItemDisplayWnd__UpdateStrings                             0x0

// CLabel 
#define CLabel__Draw                                               0x0

// CListWnd 
#define CListWnd__AddColumn                                        0x0
#define CListWnd__AddColumn1                                       0x0
#define CListWnd__AddLine                                          0x0
#define CListWnd__AddString                                        0x814EA0
#define CListWnd__CalculateFirstVisibleLine                        0x0
#define CListWnd__CalculateVSBRange                                0x0
#define CListWnd__ClearAllSel                                      0x811050
#define CListWnd__CloseAndUpdateEditWindow                         0x0
#define CListWnd__Compare                                          0x0
#define CListWnd__Draw                                             0x0
#define CListWnd__DrawColumnSeparators                             0x0
#define CListWnd__DrawHeader                                       0x0
#define CListWnd__DrawItem                                         0x0
#define CListWnd__DrawLine                                         0x0
#define CListWnd__DrawSeparator                                    0x0
#define CListWnd__EnsureVisible                                    0x0
#define CListWnd__ExtendSel                                        0x0
#define CListWnd__GetColumnMinWidth                                0x0
#define CListWnd__GetColumnWidth                                   0x810990
#define CListWnd__GetCurSel                                        0x810260
#define CListWnd__GetHeaderRect                                    0x0
#define CListWnd__GetItemAtPoint                                   0x0
#define CListWnd__GetItemAtPoint1                                  0x0
#define CListWnd__GetItemData                                      0x8104A0
#define CListWnd__GetItemHeight                                    0x0
#define CListWnd__GetItemIcon                                      0x0
#define CListWnd__GetItemRect                                      0x0
#define CListWnd__GetItemText                                      0x810530
#define CListWnd__GetSelList                                       0x0
#define CListWnd__GetSeparatorRect                                 0x0
#define CListWnd__RemoveLine                                       0x815080
#define CListWnd__SetColors                                        0x8102C0
#define CListWnd__SetColumnJustification                           0x810D40
#define CListWnd__SetColumnWidth                                   0x810A20
#define CListWnd__SetCurSel                                        0x8102A0
#define CListWnd__SetItemColor                                     0x814540
#define CListWnd__SetItemData                                      0x811100
#define CListWnd__SetItemText                                      0x814380
#define CListWnd__ShiftColumnSeparator                             0x0
#define CListWnd__Sort                                             0x0
#define CListWnd__ToggleSel                                        0x0

// CMapViewWnd 
#define CMapViewWnd__CMapViewWnd                                   0x0

// CMerchantWnd 
#define CMerchantWnd__DisplayBuyOrSellPrice                        0x0
#define CMerchantWnd__RequestBuyItem                               0x0
#define CMerchantWnd__RequestSellItem                              0x0
#define CMerchantWnd__SelectBuySellSlot                            0x0

// CObfuscator
#define CObfuscator__doit                                          0x7ADBF0

// CSidlManager 
#define CSidlManager__FindScreenPieceTemplate1                     0x0
#define CSidlManager__CreateLabel                                  0x744DF0

// CSidlScreenWnd 
#define CSidlScreenWnd__CalculateHSBRange                          0x0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__CalculateVSBRange                          0x0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__ConvertToRes                               0x847B40
#define CSidlScreenWnd__CreateChildrenFromSidl                     0x8249B0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__CSidlScreenWnd1                            0x825CD0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__CSidlScreenWnd2                            0x825D80
#define CSidlScreenWnd__dCSidlScreenWnd                            0x825260
#define CSidlScreenWnd__DrawSidlPiece                              0x0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__EnableIniStorage                           0x0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__GetSidlPiece                               0x824680
#define CSidlScreenWnd__Init1                                      0x0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__LoadIniInfo                                0x0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__LoadIniListWnd                             0x823DA0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__LoadSidlScreen                             0x0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__StoreIniInfo                               0x0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__StoreIniVis                                0x0
#define CSidlScreenWnd__WndNotification                            0x825720
#define CSidlScreenWnd__GetChildItem                               0x823CB0

// CSkillMgr
#define CSkillMgr__IsAvailable                                     0x0
#define CSkillMgr__GetSkillCap                                     0x0

// CSliderWnd 
#define CSliderWnd__GetValue                                       0x851AF0
#define CSliderWnd__SetValue                                       0x851CC0
#define CSliderWnd__SetNumTicks                                    0x852440

// CSpellBookWnd 
#define CSpellBookWnd__MemorizeSet                                 0x0

// CStmlWnd
#define CStmlWnd__AppendSTML                                       0x0
#define CStmlWnd__CalculateHSBRange                                0x0
#define CStmlWnd__CalculateVSBRange                                0x0
#define CStmlWnd__CanBreakAtCharacter                              0x83B250
#define CStmlWnd__FastForwardToEndOfTag                            0x0
#define CStmlWnd__ForceParseNow                                    0x8433D0
#define CStmlWnd__GetNextTagPiece                                  0x0
#define CStmlWnd__GetSTMLText                                      0x0
#define CStmlWnd__GetThisChar                                      0x0
#define CStmlWnd__GetVisiableText                                  0x0
#define CStmlWnd__InitializeWindowVariables                        0x0
#define CStmlWnd__MakeStmlColorTag                                 0x0
#define CStmlWnd__MakeWndNotificationTag                           0x0
#define CStmlWnd__SetSTMLText                                      0x83E6F0
#define CStmlWnd__StripFirstSTMLLines                              0x0
[COLOR="DarkRed"]#define CStmlWnd__UpdateHistoryString                              0x83d664[/COLOR]

// CTabWnd 
#define CTabWnd__Draw                                              0x0
#define CTabWnd__DrawCurrentPage                                   0x0
#define CTabWnd__DrawTab                                           0x0
#define CTabWnd__GetCurrentPage                                    0x0
#define CTabWnd__GetPageClientRect                                 0x0
#define CTabWnd__GetPageFromTabIndex                               0x0
#define CTabWnd__GetPageInnerRect                                  0x0
#define CTabWnd__GetTabInnerRect                                   0x0
#define CTabWnd__GetTabRect                                        0x0
#define CTabWnd__InsertPage                                        0x0
#define CTabWnd__SetPage                                           0x0
#define CTabWnd__SetPageRect                                       0x84CD80
#define CTabWnd__UpdatePage                                        0x84D0D0

// CTextOverlay 
#define CTextOverlay__DisplayText                                  0x41BCC0

// CTextureFont
#define CTextureFont__DrawWrappedText                              0x8261E0

// CXMLDataManager 
#define CXMLDataManager__GetXMLData                                0x848B70

// CXMLSOMDocumentBase 
#define CXMLSOMDocumentBase__XMLRead                               0x80D6E0

// CXRect 
#define CXRect__CenterPoint                                        0x0

// CXStr 
// WARNING:  Be sure that none of these offsets are identical! 
// Note:  dCXStr, CXStr1, & CXStr3 can be found in the 'BookWindow' constructor. 
#define CXStr__CXStr                                               0x553270
#define CXStr__CXStr1                                              0x0
#define CXStr__CXStr3                                              0x7F2550
#define CXStr__dCXStr                                              0x4015C0
#define CXStr__operator_equal                                      0x7F26C0
#define CXStr__operator_equal1                                     0x7F2710
#define CXStr__operator_plus_equal1                                0x7F37F0

// CXWnd 
#define CXWnd__BringToTop                                          0x81A400
#define CXWnd__Center                                              0x0
#define CXWnd__ClrFocus                                            0x81A050
#define CXWnd__DoAllDrawing                                        0x0
#define CXWnd__DrawChildren                                        0x0
#define CXWnd__DrawColoredRect                                     0x81A7A0
#define CXWnd__DrawTooltip                                         0x81AA40
#define CXWnd__DrawTooltipAtPoint                                  0x81F150
#define CXWnd__GetBorderFrame                                      0x81AEC0
#define CXWnd__GetChildWndAt                                       0x81E130
#define CXWnd__GetClientClipRect                                   0x81AC50
#define CXWnd__GetScreenClipRect                                   0x0
#define CXWnd__GetScreenRect                                       0x81B000
#define CXWnd__GetTooltipRect                                      0x0
#define CXWnd__GetWindowTextA                                      0x545040
#define CXWnd__IsActive                                            0x8273A0
#define CXWnd__IsDescendantOf                                      0x81AD90
#define CXWnd__IsReallyVisible                                     0x81E110
#define CXWnd__IsType                                              0x84E7C0
#define CXWnd__Move                                                0x0
#define CXWnd__Move1                                               0x0
#define CXWnd__ProcessTransition                                   0x81A3A0
#define CXWnd__Refade                                              0x81A170
#define CXWnd__Resize                                              0x0
#define CXWnd__Right                                               0x0
#define CXWnd__SetFocus                                            0x81C980
#define CXWnd__SetKeyTooltip                                       0x81B330
#define CXWnd__SetMouseOver                                        0x81FB80
#define CXWnd__StartFade                                           0x81A450
#define CXWnd__GetChildItem                                        0x81FAC0

// CXWndManager 
#define CXWndManager__DrawCursor                                   0x828AB0
#define CXWndManager__DrawWindows                                  0x0
#define CXWndManager__GetKeyboardFlags                             0x826ED0
#define CXWndManager__HandleKeyboardMsg                            0x0
#define CXWndManager__RemoveWnd                                    0x0

// CDBStr
#define CDBStr__GetString                                          0x480740

// EQ_Character 
#define EQ_Character__CastRay                                      0x0
#define EQ_Character__CastSpell                                    0x0
#define EQ_Character__Cur_HP                                       0x0
#define EQ_Character__GetAACastingTimeModifier                     0x0
#define EQ_Character__GetCharInfo2                                 0x7C7BF0
#define EQ_Character__GetFocusCastingTimeModifier                  0x0
#define EQ_Character__GetFocusRangeModifier                        0x0
#define EQ_Character__Max_Endurance                                0x0
#define EQ_Character__Max_HP                                       0x0
#define EQ_Character__Max_Mana                                     0x0
#define EQ_Character__doCombatAbility                              0x5769C0
#define EQ_Character__UseSkill                                     0x4566F0
#define EQ_Character__GetConLevel                                  0x56E170
#define EQ_Character__IsExpansionFlag                              0x0
#define EQ_Character__TotalEffect                                  0x434B70

// EQ_Item 
#define EQ_Item__CanDrop                                           0x54B570
#define EQ_Item__CreateItemTagString                               0x0
#define EQ_Item__IsStackable                                       0x7A0E10

// EQ_LoadingS 
#define EQ_LoadingS__SetProgressBar                                0x0
#define EQ_LoadingS__Array                                         0xAA9BA8

// EQ_PC 
#define EQ_PC__DestroyHeldItemOrMoney                              0x0
#define EQ_PC__GetAltAbilityIndex                                  0x0
#define EQ_PC__GetCombatAbility                                    0x0
#define EQ_PC__GetCombatAbilityTimer                               0x0
#define EQ_PC__GetItemTimerValue                                   0x576700
#define EQ_PC__HasLoreItem                                         0x571290

// EQItemList 
#define EQItemList__EQItemList                                     0x4D37E0
#define EQItemList__add_item                                       0x4D3720
#define EQItemList__delete_item                                    0x4D3BF0
#define EQItemList__FreeItemList                                   0x0

// EQMisc
#define EQMisc__GetActiveFavorCost                                 0x0

// EQPlayer 
#define EQPlayer__ChangeBoneStringSprite                           0x0
#define EQPlayer__dEQPlayer                                        0x0
#define EQPlayer__DoAttack                                         0x0
#define EQPlayer__EQPlayer                                         0x0
#define EQPlayer__SetNameSpriteState                               0x0
#define EQPlayer__SetNameSpriteTint                                0x0
#define EQPlayer__IsBodyType_j                                     0x88B710
#define EQPlayer__IsTargetable                                     0x88B9E0

#define EQPlayerManager__GetSpawnByID                              0x58F3E0
#define EQPlayerManager__GetSpawnByName                            0x58F840

// KeyPressHandler 
#define KeypressHandler__AttachAltKeyToEqCommand                   0x5515A0
#define KeypressHandler__AttachKeyToEqCommand                      0x5515E0
#define KeypressHandler__ClearCommandStateArray                    0x0
#define KeypressHandler__HandleKeyDown                             0x0
#define KeypressHandler__HandleKeyUp                               0x54FE00
#define KeypressHandler__SaveKeymapping                            0x0

// MapViewMap 
#define MapViewMap__Clear                                          0x0
#define MapViewMap__SaveEx                                         0x0

#define PlayerPointManager__GetAltCurrency                         0x0

// StringTable 
#define StringTable__getString                                     0x7ADE90

// PcZoneClient
#define PcZoneClient__GetPcSkillLimit                              0x57ABF0
Last edited:
Looks like the test patch has been pushed to live. Maybe hope soon?
Test server updated and ready to go.

Let me know if you use it. Really interested in number of people who do.

Sorry about downtime.
im there full time regardless, this is awesome!
showing my support in this idea,

i dont currently play on test, but when i tried to i found no mmo and cried.

i went on here and mq2 and asked around but that didnt seem to get anywhere.

shortly after i got secure on my new server there was a test server mmo release.

at this point im just waiting on the expansion to come out. or my sub to run up.

at that point i will deffinently go to test server.

I think it would help alot if ontop of having a demand for test server mmo, if we also donated for the extra work that is not included in what we pay for here.

once i go test i will load up mmo and if all is in order i will hit the donate button, my funds are low, but thats how much that extra work will mean to me and i intend to trow what i can as i can if it would ensure that test had a working mmo as often or close to as often as live.

id bet that if others would follow suit in this then devs woudl be more apt to dump the extra time needed to keep it up.

i know when i was looking for a compile for test and it didnt seem to catch enough intrest here , i took it to ieatacid.
he told me that he would do it for sure but it woudl cost me
and from what he made it sound, it was going to cost me more than id like to afford, however divided up between a bunch of intrested parties the financial sting would be much less noticable if at all(if enough people were to donate)

so what im gettign at is , from what i understand , test compile could be kept up as often or close to as often as live, but some insentive for the extra time and frustration to the devs would probally go a long way in ensuring this.
Good points Shaun,
I'm donating my time to keep it updated, I'm not very handy yet but a can do most docracks and offset finding with reasonable accuracy. Hopefully that will help Fry out enough too. This last patch was way beyond my skill though.
Let's chat about that sometime. There were about 15 wrong, but it's easy to do a side-by-side compare for verification. We can talk about that.

Also, with respect to ghu verification, will make a converter to be able to test these properly.

I play solely on test...i am willing to help with compile if you have a offset checking for dummies book handy
Fry did a video a few posts back. I can summarize the setup from a fresh perspective when I get home later.