Auto Granting AA's

Just another one of Elidroth's brilliant (sarcasm) ideas that will be buried in a week never to be mentioned again.
Heh, don't we have a plugin for that? lol
It seems like most of the people on that thread are crapping there pants whining about the thought of granting free AA.

I gives a fuuuuck, I have 10 toons, max level, max AA and if they gave free AA I would level some more up and just be happy that it would be quicker!
Heh, don't we have a plugin for that? lol

A plugin that automatically gives you free AA's when you ding a level? Wow...not that I'm aware of!

You misunderstand friend, with them giving us free aa, providing it happens, we do not choose where they get spent so in turn, it is quite similar to our plugin that automatically spends our aas for us. It has a brute force mode or whatever it's called that starts at the top of the list and moves down in each tab not really giving you a choice as to where they are placed lol.
I like this idea....maybe make it when you hit 10 levels over the cap for the expansion, you are granted all AAs for that expansion. So starting at level 70 you start getting the luclin AAs, 75 you get the PoP AAs, 80 get the TSS AAs, 90 get the SOF AAs, etc.

the devs already tune encounters for toons with high aa counts, so this will just shorten the curve to enjoying the last 10 levels.
Yeah, I agree. Most people in the post are whining and saying it's a bad idea, mostly cause they feel it's not fair cause they had to work for it the hard way. But I think it would be a great idea. As Elidroth said, if a true new player comes in the game right now it is really hard for them to get up to speed and able to play with anyone. It's not very common to be able to get groups while leveling up, and when you get to max level if you don't have the AAs you are nearly useless to groups.

This drives new players from the game, because they get bored or tired of playing for 2 or 3 months just to get to a point where they can finally group with other people and do things without feeling useless.

I think auto granting those AAs to help get new characters up to speed faster is a great idea.
I'd be leveling some alts, much to my wife's dismay lol.
Yup I reckon that long AA grind is that number 1 thing stopping people from either joining or rejoining the game. I know I hate it everytime I start over and also makes me hate playing alts. Hard enough to grind out for mains.

I think it would be great for the lower levels as I think you'll start to see people making a lot more alts. I know I'd be one of them! I'm fairly sure the AA grind is the main thing stopping people from making alts.
Yeah, I agree. Most people in the post are whining and saying it's a bad idea, mostly cause they feel it's not fair cause they had to work for it the hard way. But I think it would be a great idea. As Elidroth said, if a true new player comes in the game right now it is really hard for them to get up to speed and able to play with anyone. It's not very common to be able to get groups while leveling up, and when you get to max level if you don't have the AAs you are nearly useless to groups.

This drives new players from the game, because they get bored or tired of playing for 2 or 3 months just to get to a point where they can finally group with other people and do things without feeling useless.

I think auto granting those AAs to help get new characters up to speed faster is a great idea.

QFT dev, I cant imagine what it would be like for a noob just starting out as a Ranger and realizing that there were almost 7000 fucking AAs for them to get!

Just the thought of that depresses the shit out of me! lol
not even a new player, a returning player who isn't interested in playing his old class...
I think something was mentioned about refunds for current players who had spent aa from the SoF xpac down. So in turn, they'd benefit as well. And probably come close to capping out on AA.
if people are getting activated abilities granted to them in mass without having ot pic and choose slowly they wont even know what they're getting let alone how to use any of it. more noobs for the loss.
AA's are so easy to get nowadays, especially up to 2500 with the AA bonus and such. By the time you have reached the 2500, you should have all your class defining / required AA's.