The End?

You're right, I think. Clever how Sony has found ways to sell high-end gear and plat (thru kronos) directly for cash but without coming across as overly tacky about it.
I tried to return to this game a couple times in the last 5 years. And i get so bored doing the same crap expansion after expansion. The game has a ton of content but if you get behind you really need friends to bring you to the current expansion. With saying that, its the main reason i will never subscribe to Everquest.

Not to mention that the graphics just suck, i just think of how many hours i've sat in this game with auto attack on, then the amount of time i ran macros. The game isn't appealing at all to me, there are tons of games to try and the thing is to move on and try another game once it becomes boring.

Way to many cool games out there that are getting better and adding expansions. The days of spending years on a single game are over, joining a gaming community and its pretty sweet moving from game to game with the same people and meeting new people in each game that joins our ranks. I think a gaming community guild is the gaming future, it gives much needed variety.