Quillmane or Fabled Quillmane

Did you use one of the above macros to help you with it? Sounds like you did it manually. Just wondering.
yeah I went manual, the macro's I tried a few were either too warp intensive or didnt work that well. Honestly they shouldnt only rely on mob name to target, they should also have some form of embedded loc so that they wouldnt go north of paw or south of aviak city, its just useless at that point. And there's so many mobs that shares a common names with fast respawn that it can easily end up like people say that they didnt get him to pop in a while, mostly because they constantly kill useless wrong stuff over and over
So frustrated at myself. I was out there with my couple mages trying to get it to spawn. I find Quillmane. Kill it, then go back to where he spawns. Doesn't spawn again there 78 seconds later...

My dumb ass didn't know how it worked. Thought the PH spawned in the same spot over and over. Got him again, right after. Talk about lucky, and then I lost the spawn. Didn't know what the PH was.

I got a friends ranger tracker there immediatly after figuring out I had it all wrong, and 5 hours later, I haven't found any of the PHs, or Quill again.

I hate my life right now.
Quillmane was THE single reason I started cheating in everquest. First it was showeq, and then it was Macroquest.

I pretty much blame sony for forcing me into the dirty underground world of mmo cheating (yes, I know that's fucked up and doesn't make sense).
What a horrible weekend at Quillmane. The lucky part, is that I got one of my cloaks for my Mages. 1 more to go!

Got KSed by mage/cleric that were clearly using some kind of MQ. They wouldn't move unless Quillmane popped, and KSed me or beat me to the spawn twice. They caused me to lose the PH.

Another time, 2 mobs spawned right at the 78 second mark. I picked the wrong one, and 3 hours later, Cracktusk finally spawned from that cycle. Uggg.. lol

It's going to be rewarding though when I can finally get the other cloak and be done with it.
WickedMofo said:
Problem is that everyone else is warping around like nuts, you'll be the last one there if you even reach him before he is dead. I was nice-nice the other night and got fabled to spawn, and all the sudden 6 people warp in front of me and proceed to kill him. I learned the hard way, don't warp until he pops, but /stick everything else. Unless the zone is totally empty.

Just add a GMcheck and people check like

Stolen from Rusty and his AFK Farmer Macro


Sub Main
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) /call Gm
/if (${SpawnCount[pc]}!=1) /call Pc
/call Start
/goto :loop

Sub Start
/hidecorpses looted
/target An escaped Split Paw Gnoll
/target a mistwolf
/target an elephant
/target a lion
/target a lioness
/target Aviak rook
/target Aviak egret
/target Aviak darter
/target shadow wolf
/target centaur foal
/target escaped splitpaw
/target quillmane
/warp target
/goto :kill


Sub Gm |Add here what do u want to do, if GM is in zone. Btw. remember if u are in the fight, u cannot camp then.

Sub Pc
/if (${SpawnCount[pc]}==1) /return
/echo another player in zone waiting till they leave
/delay 5m
/goto :pc

btw. for what is the "#turbo" ??

Used the above macro last night and lo and behold Quillmane popped in about 15 mins of starting and dropped the cloak. YAY 7 years later i have one. too bad i get AA lev now. but that flying horse didnt beat me again.
Used the above macro last night and lo and behold Quillmane popped in about 15 mins of starting and dropped the cloak. YAY 7 years later i have one. too bad i get AA lev now. but that flying horse didnt beat me again.
I tried using the above macro last night on my monk to get a cloak. This will not kill the target, it continues to move through all of the abovelist of ph's and warps around the zone.

Am I doing something wrong with this?

How do u get this Macro to work??
In your macros folder, create a new file (whatever you want to call it, e.g., quill.mac), select, copy, and paste the code given into it & save.

In game you would run: /mac quill

or whatever you called it.

Of course, you need to be in SK, with no gm's (visible, hehe), and no other toons in zone.

Looks like a loot sub would be nice, to automate it, and to perhaps stop it & gate/afk or something else, if you get what you are looking for (maybe optional, dunno).

How do u get this Macro to work??
In your macros folder, create a new file (whatever you want to call it, e.g., quill.mac), select, copy, and paste the code given into it & save.

In game you would run: /mac quill

or whatever you called it.

Of course, you need to be in SK, with no gm's (visible, hehe), and no other toons in zone.

Looks like a loot sub would be nice, to automate it, and to perhaps stop it & gate/afk or something else, if you get what you are looking for (maybe optional, dunno).


i did what u said, and it does not Run says (Couldn't open macro File C:/macroquest2/macros/quil.mac) any suggestions
hmm i got it to work, it warps on mob and cannot atk it cuz its warping me right on top of the mob.. anyway to change that?
6 Step process to spawning Quillmane (Fabled or Normal)
1) train as many pathing mobs from north/south side as you can.
2) kill whole train at same time (unlimited target aoe for best results)
3) wait 70 seconds and do /maph npc a
4) IF you got the correct placeholder you will have a new placeholder pop on southern half of map (99% of the time south of paw, north of aviak village) Can spawn anywhere from far west side of map to far east side of map.
5) kill the repop placeholder (or quillmane)
6) Repeat at step 3

This is the best way to get quillmane to spawn, was getting like 8 normal verisons a hour. normally takes a hour for spawns to start.no warp needed, good with bard speed and a good ae nuke