Quillmane or Fabled Quillmane


New member
Jan 23, 2006
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Spawned Quillmane 3 times in about an hour last night with this macro


Sub Main
/hidecorpses looted
/target An escaped Split Paw Gnoll
/target a mistwolf
/target an elephant
/target a lion
/target a lioness
/target Aviak rook
/target Aviak egret
/target Aviak darter
/target shadow wolf
/target centaur foal
/target escaped splitpaw
/target quillmane
/warp target
/goto :kill


It's not smooth at all and is not an afk macro but like I said I spawned him 3 times in an hour, got 3 fabled Quillmane cloaks and the Mage Epic piece we needed.
Mrktwiz said:
Spawned Quillmane 3 times in about an hour last night with this macro


Sub Main
/hidecorpses looted
/target An escaped Split Paw Gnoll
/target a mistwolf
/target an elephant
/target a lion
/target a lioness
/target Aviak rook
/target Aviak egret
/target Aviak darter
/target shadow wolf
/target centaur foal
/target escaped splitpaw
/target quillmane
/warp target
/goto :kill


It's not smooth at all and is not an afk macro but like I said I spawned him 3 times in an hour, got 3 fabled Quillmane cloaks and the Mage Epic piece we needed.

Thank you, will try it later ;)
Just a quick warning.

This warps in a non-instanced zone. Should be fine if nobody else is in the zone but i'd be careful using it if anyone else is.

With that said nice post. Getting Quillmane to spawn sucks, this should help alot.

could remove the warp and do /stick with move utilis pluged in. Little safer to use in a open zone.
its a...

it is a biig zone, and yes as of late, i see a lot of people warpiong all over the zone. yes they warped to Quillmane also.
pepper said:
could remove the warp and do /stick with move utilis pluged in. Little safer to use in a open zone.

Problem is that everyone else is warping around like nuts, you'll be the last one there if you even reach him before he is dead. I was nice-nice the other night and got fabled to spawn, and all the sudden 6 people warp in front of me and proceed to kill him. I learned the hard way, don't warp until he pops, but /stick everything else. Unless the zone is totally empty.
WickedMofo said:
Problem is that everyone else is warping around like nuts, you'll be the last one there if you even reach him before he is dead. I was nice-nice the other night and got fabled to spawn, and all the sudden 6 people warp in front of me and proceed to kill him. I learned the hard way, don't warp until he pops, but /stick everything else. Unless the zone is totally empty.

Just add a GMcheck and people check like

Stolen from Rusty and his AFK Farmer Macro


Sub Main
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) /call Gm
/if (${SpawnCount[pc]}!=1) /call Pc
/call Start
/goto :loop

Sub Start
/hidecorpses looted
/target An escaped Split Paw Gnoll
/target a mistwolf
/target an elephant
/target a lion
/target a lioness
/target Aviak rook
/target Aviak egret
/target Aviak darter
/target shadow wolf
/target centaur foal
/target escaped splitpaw
/target quillmane
/warp target
/goto :kill


Sub Gm |Add here what do u want to do, if GM is in zone. Btw. remember if u are in the fight, u cannot camp then.

Sub Pc
/if (${SpawnCount[pc]}==1) /return
/echo another player in zone waiting till they leave
/delay 5m
/goto :pc

btw. for what is the "#turbo" ??
Very True

lol before I can cast SoE. Quillmane is down...

No One Warps to target ;)

Have noticed a bit of a bug, not sure how much of one it is. If Quillmane Pops, she pops fast again at same place she was last killed.

I've seen this a few times as i'm just standin in zone, today there was a GM that came into zone.

I'll get her soon AKA as soon as Fabled aren't up any more
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What cracks me up is that there will be like 3-4 non-tracking classes there going after Quillmane, and knowing when the Escaped Gnoll, or something pops very fast (gee how do they track so fast....lol). Well finally got my cloak. He popped right by the spires (Fabled version). I think I have been camping that mob off and on for a long time, probably was mostly luck, but I did follow the strat and the last few kills I had were escaped gnolls.
There are escaped splitpaw gnolls that are not on the Quill cycle. The easiest way to find it is to use the 78 second rule. Also, if you find Quill, the rest of it is trivial.
6 Step process to spawning Quillmane (Fabled or Normal)
1) train as many pathing mobs from north/south side as you can.
2) kill whole train at same time (unlimited target aoe for best results)
3) wait 70 seconds and do /maph npc a
4) IF you got the correct placeholder you will have a new placeholder pop on southern half of map (99% of the time south of paw, north of aviak village) Can spawn anywhere from far west side of map to far east side of map.
5) kill the repop placeholder (or quillmane)
6) Repeat at step 3

Things to note:
Using this method I've supplied my guild with about 50 or so cloaks for mains, alts, friends, etc. It does work and if your a tracking class if you explain correctly what your doing and no recourse can be put against you. If your not a tracker ... well it sure looks strange to head right for a placeholder from half way accross the zone doesnt it :)
If you get any named mob to pop other than quillmane your on the wrong cycle. Restart at step 1.
If 100% of the spawns you kill in step 5 are aviaks. Your on the wrong cycle. Restart at step 1.
If all mobs your killing pop on eastern side of map never going past the middle of map. Your on the wrong cycle. Restart at step 1.
If there are other people in the zone killing mobs be careful to watch the repops.

If you feel your on the right cycle you can easily macro the moving to a mob to kill it, delay 78 seconds, get latest spawn, rince repeat.

Macro I use to automate the process of killing placeholders is below. It uses mq2cast and mq2moveutils and does NOT warp. Note if it detects someone killed the placeholder its going to it starts the timer. If your starting the macro the first time "/echo set timer" to start the process. If you kill mobs during the timer it ignores them and does not set a new timer.

#event timeset "#*#You have slain#*#"
#event timesetr "#*#set timer#*#"
#event movetostop "#*#Arrived at MoveTo#*#"

Sub Event_movetostop
	/keypress forward

Sub Main
/declare horseitem string outer "White Ornate Chain Bridle and Barding"
/declare nukespell string outer "Yoppa's Spear of Venom"
/declare timer1 timer outer 0
/declare cleared int outer 1
/declare spawned int outer
/declare attacking int outer 0

/if (${timer1}) /goto :spawnfound
/goto :top

/if (${timer1}<100 && !${cleared}) {
	/varset cleared 1
	/maph npc a
/if (!${timer1}) /goto :popped
/goto :spawnfound

/delay 1s
/varset spawned ${LastSpawn.ID}
/if (${LastSpawn.Level}>45) /end
/delay 1s
/echo Moving to ${Spawn[${spawned}]}:${spawned}
/moveto ID ${spawned}

/delay 5
/if (${Spawn[${spawned}].Type.Equal[corpse]}) {
	/call Event_timeset
	/goto :wait
/if (${Me.Moving}) /goto :waitforattack
/if (${Spawn[${spawned}].Distance}>60) /goto :remove
/delay 5
/tar ID ${spawned}
/delay 5
/if (!${Target.ID}) {
	/call Event_timeset
	/goto :wait
/squelch /moveto off
/casting ${nukespell} gem4
/delay 5s !${Me.Casting.ID}
/if (${Target.ID}) /goto :attack
/if (${timer1}) /goto :spawnfound
/goto :waitfordead

/if (${timer1}) /goto :spawnfound
/goto :wait


Sub Event_timeset
/if (${timer1}) /return
/varset attacking 0
/varset timer1 78s
/varset cleared 0
/if (!${Spawn[${Me.Name}`s Mount].ID}) /casting ${horseitem} item

Sub Event_timesetr
/varset attacking 0
/varset timer1 78s
/varset cleared 0
/if (!${Spawn[${Me.Name}`s Mount].ID}) /casting ${horseitem} item
#turbo [#]
This will prevent bad macros from locking up the client by allowing you to limit the number of commands per iteration. The default is 20, while the maximum value is 40. A value of 1 will essentially disable #turbo.
How should work the Macro at first page ? It just target mobs....
There is a easier way to spawn quillmane without having to warp so much. It is annoying to first get it started, but after that it is a lot of running.

Pull everything below paw and above avarik village,and I mean everything. take them all to one spot, and mass kill them (quickly as possible, ae if able). then count to 40 seconds. type /maphide npc a. without the period (this will clear your map of everything but names). anything the pops on mq maps can be a place holder, that is between paw and village. You can not go on a random killing spree when you do this or you have to start at square 1. just kill the mobs on the mq map and you will start quillmane spawns.you can get 5 a hour, give or take, without warping
Hmm i know another easier way....

Kill the 4 elements to do the PreQuest *fg*
I know how to spawn Quillmane

You need to kill the listed mobs in this thread. There will be a mob that spawns every 45 seconds after he is killed. If you farm that mob you can pop Quillmane for your entire guild in hour! I hope that helps. I cannot take credit for this. As an old guild mate figured this out years ago! I will never forget you brother!
uh, the original macro does /loot before /attack, that can't be right
Here is the trick with Qullmaine, First off all the roamers will mover from north to south Across Split paw. Thats a good place to start, Now This only works if no one else is in the zone killing, Bring a ranger, get a stop watch. Quillmaine is on a 72or76second timer, Everything else in the zone is 82 or so. So its easy kill one mob at a time that roams from North to South (Paw Area Aviak side ) and wait 72-76seconds if a mob pops on top of track before 82 you found your ph. I have Farmed about 15 cloaks for friends, Once you have the ph you can just keep going and going.
About half the zone's trash is on like 35 seconds, so you can't just look for before 82. If you use /mapf npc to show all npcs on map, then /maph npc, any new spawns pop up. So start your timer when you kill something (or use a simple mac that counts to 78 secs) and if a mob pops at 35 or so, it's wrong, kill another. If it hasn't popped by 80 secs, wrong mob. Also remember that if you find the correct mob, and it spawns in the north, you've found the zone's OTHER 78 second cycle, so leave that one alone. Another trick is to add mobs you've verified as incorrect to an alert list with /alert. Then you can do a /target npc noalert LISTNUMBER, and avoid killing the same wrong mobs over and over.