MQ2 Detection Thread


Think of it like that...on the MQ2 Detour, many things can be placed in the curve to insert into the EQ function.

Hmm, cool! But... I kept thinking someone was pushing their penis thru a hole in the wall!!
I'd like to say:

Thank you to fry, and to the other dev's here.

I could easily enough learn to compile mq. I could learn to make workarounds to warp, and whatnot. But this info, this is what I pay for. I wish I'd have had it a month ago when it happened, but what different would I have done? I still play EQ.. I still use MQ. MQ to me is what makes playing EQ livable. Honestly, it's a shitty game. But damnit, it's fun, and it's doubly so when I know that I'm able to do just a touch more than the next guy.

I've only had one warning in my career, for something trivial.

Playing with the tools provided makes me life that much more enjoyable. And when all is said and done, i play EQ to have fun.

And yes, i cheat at EQ to have fun. Interestingly, cheating provides a truckload more fun than playing "normally". Normal playing is not enough fun that I'd keep playing. I use MQ, I don't GK stuff, I don't cheat THAT disgustingly. I can do anything without MQ that I can do with it... but would I? No, probably not. I'd probably say fuckit and be done.

I find it interesting that EQ keeps adding "features" that MQ'ers have had. Why? Becuase it improves the game and makes it more fun.

I've found the fun, and I'm playing with it already. :)

Thanks guys.
I started playing again and have been warping in every single zone on 6 accounts for the past few days.

Heh, if MQ was gone for good I would burn down SoE HQ.
lol... tell us how you REALLY feel.
whats the point of spending 20 minutes just moving across a zone. either allow 3rd party software, or put mini teleporters in zones....its thier own fault, making some of these new zones (compared to kunark and velious zones) so damm big...maybe the next expansion, they will have lesser succor pots...

imo, i think soe , at the min. wants to see the percentages of
1) who uses 3rd party software, 2) and what type

hehe, they may include it in thier next expansion....

imo, i see guild lobby rezzes a soe cheat anyway...gone on the times you died somewhere and had the horror to get your corpse plane of hate...
imo, pok books are a soe cheat form the orginal...

3) probably only the most disruptive 3 rd party software is addressed with some discipline

anyway, this forum rocks, and thanks to all who make this possible

It'd look somewhat ludicrous if they put "mini teleporters" in zones. It'd widely be derided as watering the game down even more than it has been.

Face it, EQ is ten times easier than it was back in 99-2001. Leveling is WAY, WAY easier, deaths are easier, getting AA's are easier than they were during Luclin. Getting around is far easier due to PoK. What more do you want? It used to take an hour plus to get from Qeynos to Freeport. It was fun at the time.

I don't use MQ, but I have read about some of the functions it has, and it'd be really nice if they were implemented into EQ. Such as better autofollow, targeting, et al. I do use ShowEQ, which is the only "cheat" I'd feel safe using.

Use some perspective. If everyone in the game had the best cheat tool in the world, allowing them to simply alter server side files and give them any loot they wanted, level 75, and max AAs, the game would be completely ruined. Let's say, in some magical world, SoE had no power to fix it. The game would be ruined. Everyone would quit because there's no game left. No one wants to group anymore. Raiders sure as hell don't want to raid anymore. People equip themselves to the max, see how boring it is when everyone else has the exact same thing, and quit.

SoE fixing cheats on occasion is what makes the game continue to run. When you're on the cutting edge of cheats, when new ones come out that beat SoE's old protection, that's when you're in the zone. You're ahead of the game. You're doing things most people can't yet. When some particular cheat has been out too long, it trickles down to Johnny the Newbie who has no business using it, who exposes it to everyone else, brags about it, and gets it ruined.

It always amuses me when I see someone on here who is personally offended when they fix a cheat. They're just keeping the game viable. It's in the game's best interest that everyone isn't cheating. It's in OUR best interest when only you and a small community of people know the cheats.
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So if you can detect that their detecting us, can this be fixed? Or does it looked positive atleast?
Wow, I haven't posted in awhile. My friend was running mq2 last night for a couple hours, not warping, just using the map etc, and he is not banned.
Wow, I haven't posted in awhile. My friend was running mq2 last night for a couple hours, not warping, just using the map etc, and he is not banned.

That doesn't mean anything. The latest massive ban in WoW caught pretty much every isxwarden user that used during a specific amount of time. They collected data, removed the possibility of flukes over time, then mass banned.

The same could be said here. They are collecting data and then WHAM! massive ban wave strikes. Or they could be collecting data to see what the userbase is, or a number of things. Right now it is a "we don't know" stage.
Well since the detection system has been out for that long I'll just continue to use basic functions and continue what I've been doing. If they choose to ban my accounts I'll start playing tennis or something. I figure as long as I'm not directly screwing with someone else I should be fine. I'll take my chances.
Its definatey interesting, I have been using piggyzone fairly often and warp sparingly since June 6th. I think what everyone should keep in mind is even for the ghost killers alot of the actions taken were not permanent bans, most seemed to be suspensions. I see GKing as the worst offense a player could use and even then Sony was not perma banning. Hats off too all the people at MMO and MQ2 that work so hard to make this game fun as in the past I am sure a fix will be found and if it isn't so be it.
This is a (mostly) flame-free forum. Follow the rules like everyone else.

And I would strongly suggest not being so flippant about the Admins. I'm sure they would prefer to refund your money and suspend the account, rather than put up with you.

In this case, not only was his response aimed at everyone in general, it was slightly humorous. If you feel the need to attack somebody, then don't post.
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This thread got way off topic and is going sour. Get it back on topic and no more nitpicking and insults/flames or it will end.

It is for questions. If you have one and you don't like the answer, PM a Mod or Admin. Do NOT degrade into a flamewar.
This still in effect? I have been out of the loop here lately.
I started playing again and have been warping in every single zone on 6 accounts for the past few days.

Heh, if MQ was gone for good I would burn down SoE HQ.

Well, if SoE HQ catches on fire, we know who did it..alot would cheer, one of them would be me :)..Burn on..err Game on
mq flagged account (flagged as a mq user)

what if i had a mq flagged (flagged as a mq user) account, let's say i thought i didn't wanna loose my toon, so i decide to transfer my toon from flagged account to brand new account? You think that would work? to get rid of flag? or do i have to start over on my new account? please think really hard before responding to this, i have a friend in trouble with soe and badly needs advice regarding this issue.
SOE stopped using soulmarks a long time ago. They just make a note on the players account based on the PID#. Whether or not that transfers is a good question. I doubt it does though.