**MQ2 Bot/Macro Beginner Post**


New member
Nov 20, 2022
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Hi All,

Thanks for checking out my question, returning EQ player here! Long story short I am looking to 4 box in EQ solo (currently new on TLP) and was hoping MQ2 Bot plugin could really assist with the boxing vs the manual way with multiple MNK. I've tried picking up MMO Bugs Forum and resource reading which I've done a lot of (i.e MQ2 Bot FAQ & other threads etc.) to try and learn how this all works as a beginner to plugins/macros in general, however still don't really know what I'm doing here. The Youtube video walkthrough for the plugin MQ2MoveUtils was extremely helpful as it laid out everything for new users, but didn't know if there was a guide/resource that existed like this for MQ2 Bot (or if people offer to help in Discord at all)? Basically trying to understand the core basics, what I can tweak/control, and how to create and effective boxing group while piloting this plugin ingame. Currently running a SHD (Manually control), Enc, Mage, Cleric, but small examples like how to run a healer/buff bot would be helpful or how to make your bots automatically sit after casting buffs etc.

Any and all help here would be much appreciated!

The basic setup is: tank // healer // slower
* now for your DPS classes*; zeker // zeker // zeker
*drop that cleric for a shaman, it is better for group play and easier to box
* like Fry said, go to the MQ2Bot link and really read it, it is very useful.
MMO has a discord channel, which is the fastest way to get a response
As soon as I can reactivate my account, I will link old toons I don't play anymore, so u can copy / paste the INI
The basic setup is: tank // healer // slower
* now for your DPS classes*; zeker // zeker // zeker
*drop that cleric for a shaman, it is better for group play and easier to box
* like Fry said, go to the MQ2Bot link and really read it, it is very useful.
MMO has a discord channel, which is the fastest way to get a response
As soon as I can reactivate my account, I will link old toons I don't play anymore, so u can copy / paste the INI

Appreciate all of your insight @smith8454 ! And yes that would be extremely helpful as far as the INI is concerned if you could share, trying to really nail that down the right way to make an effective botting group while driving on the SK. Esp when it comes to how and what you want to make changes on depending on the class.

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Hello Beez21
I am probably one of the most inept users of MQ2Bot. But with a good bit of help from the people on this board I am now 8 boxing successfully. I truly understand the frustration of trying to make MQ2Bot work. While there is a lot for me to still learn I would be happy to help you figure out your issues. I am not certain what is the best way for you to contact me directly but I am more than happy to try to give you hands on help.
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