EQ Patches

Thank you to those of you providing insight/information and a good discussion and not just simply saying "OMG stop complaining and be grateful!!1!"

I've been playing EQ off and on since 1999. I only discovered MQ in around 2008 or 2009 (took years off here and there). I definitely would NOT be playing if it weren't for MQ that is for sure. When MQ disappears then so do I lol
If you check the date when we started to become unable to updated test server easily (Guessing about 4 to 5 months ago) that is when updating base MQ2 became a lot harder to update.

Around this time they added code which purposely randomized certain opcodes and structures every time they updated eqgame.exe. Opcode finding is easy, it's about an extra 2 hours work, though struct finding is hard, not something I can do.

ieatacid is really the only person who does struct updates lately.

Brainiac is working on something that should make finding these data structs easier and hopefully then I will understand updating them better, though currently any donations should go ieatacid's way over at MacroQuest2.com as without him we'd have nothing. I doubt you'll see an update until he does a release.

Is it not something you guys can collaborate on. He works the struct and you do the opcodes and voila?
Watch the video fry posted on finding the function offsets. It will give you insights beyond your wildest dreams.
If you check the date when we started to become unable to updated test server easily (Guessing about 4 to 5 months ago) that is when updating base MQ2 became a lot harder to update.

Around this time they added code which purposely randomized certain opcodes and structures every time they updated eqgame.exe. Opcode finding is easy, it's about an extra 2 hours work, though struct finding is hard, not something I can do.

ieatacid is really the only person who does struct updates lately.

Brainiac is working on something that should make finding these data structs easier and hopefully then I will understand updating them better, though currently any donations should go ieatacid's way over at MacroQuest2.com as without him we'd have nothing. I doubt you'll see an update until he does a release.

Is it not something you guys can collaborate on. He works the struct and you do the opcodes and voila?

There is only I believe 2 opcodes in base MQ2 that change.

Most of the opcodes are from active hacks, which are from our plugins.