Best XP Spot to get LVL 90


Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Any great spot with an abundance of mobs to take you deep into the level grind to 90?

Obviouslty some places in Conv.

Any other great spots yall can think of?
Doubt anyone is gonna risk losing thier spots, but Conv/Volsk will be packed.
when i think of great xp spots convort doesnt come to mind actually

unless its a fast paced grp that can smoke mobs consistently w minimal delays

the instance w 15 mobs is not looking bad (as long as u dont kill loot the last mob its my understanding that you dont loose the key.

lvl 85 86 mobs no competetion for looting 14k hitters... kinda crowded (allegedly)
I think I might try that Loyalty zone with the adds respawning.

What is the Loyalty Zone exactly?

As for the leveling Im guessing people will be grinding in the new zones and those who are in Beta will probably have the leg up on where the good grinds are at.

I most likely will stay in Convort to XP while trying to finish up my T9 armors still. So really just killing two birds with one stone.
wtf, Kaesora Library? That zone is the worst.

I know some folks who will probably do the grind in FF... I'm not sure where I'm going to setup yet.

When does HoT come out, anyway?
What is the Loyalty Zone exactly?

get a key w loyalty points (800) get an instance w the key dont kill the named or loot chest and walaa insta 15 mobs to grind on
Aren't they some ridiculous 14k hitters or osmething though?
Has anyone tried XPing in one of these instances? How long can you stay in there before it will boot you out if you dont kill the named?
I tried the loyalty instance and didn't care for it.

The mobs hit hard, are tightly packed, and were only worth 14% of an AA / kill.

If you try it you'll want a chanter, my bard was too slow when I got 3 adds.
Yellow and white mobs now will still be blue and decent XP givers at 86-90.

I'd rather stick with a pre-expansion zone and have access to all the mobs I need than compete with 50-60 other players in an expansion zone, fighting 14k hitters when I can tag one...

wtf, Kaesora Library? That zone is the worst.

I know some folks who will probably do the grind in FF... I'm not sure where I'm going to setup yet.

When does HoT come out, anyway?

Sum1 I just like empty zones for the afk xp. I figure it will be a good area to afk because not many will be there when HOT drops.
good point... can't really argue there.
Its a shame the Loyalty instance isn't any good, it would be awesome to have a private zone with respawns in it. I still do 12 hour grinds in Mech.

Im thinking FF or LC might be good since even now they are almost always empty zones at at 90 mobs will still be db.
FF or LC mission and just kill everything or for fast killing do dont fear the destroyer in brells rest easy kills and a ton of mobs

search for saunk is another good one
Its a shame the Loyalty instance isn't any good, it would be awesome to have a private zone with respawns in it. I still do 12 hour grinds in Mech.

Im thinking FF or LC might be good since even now they are almost always empty zones at at 90 mobs will still be db.

If you have a stud group, the Loyalty instance is good. Never have to wait for repops and I think the instance lasts for 6 hours.
I personally find the PG group mission easy and quick with decent task reward exp. And like all the group mission instances exp bonus adds up. 50ish mobs to kill in task and 3AA. But that is with my setup and tank, im not convorteum flagged. Tank wise most of T8 is out of the question to make it smooth sailing and mindless killing.

Just me, but that is easiest exp i have come by in terms of my groups capability, and mobs are 83-85 as far as i can tell. After 6 hours of grinding, is still easy to do half asleep which is my goal :).
Pffft why aspire mediocrity... Here, fixed it for you

After 6 hours of AFK grinding, is still easy to do completely asleep which is my goal :).

Now someone pony up the good AFK Bot spots :)

AFK is easy enough, but a good instance with re spawns, decent pulling path and a good timer I haven't stumbled upon yet.