Belrion Accounts


Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone have any experience with Belrion? I see a couple of accounts that intrigue me on their site but the Google searches I've done have only returned negative reviews from people. Now, I know human nature, so I know people are far more likely to report a negative experience than a positive one so I'm wondering if anyone has any feedback on this operation? The only posts I've found with my l33t Search-Fu have been about buying/selling plat with them.
it's probably best never to buy an account from a plat website. They buy at a horrible rate so nobody would ever sell to them, at least from my past experience when I played. I sold plat to them all the time, and a few of their characters are tracked which ban, I know this because gm sinkenn caught me through that. Luckily I was good friends with him. Anyways, you're better off buying from a legit website. The characters have a better chance of at least being semi-legit.