barter mac idea

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Mar 29, 2006
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I sure someone thought of it already a mac that checks the barter window for stuff in you inventory to see if anyone wants your junk. I use the auto price updater mac alot but cant remeber seeing one that checks the barter window.
Neum, can you link the price mac you're using?
|* bazaar.mac version 1.0.1                 
|* 04/26/2006                       
|* Auto-Update Bazaar Prices                 
|* by ebs2002                       
|* Special thanks to:                     
|* - Sparr for the original updatebazaarprices.mac         
|* - M.D. for updating it                 
|* Summary:                       
|* This macro is used to automatically update the prices of your   
|* buyer or trader to remain competitive.           
|* It also contains INI support to allow you to set minimum and maximum
|* prices which your merchants will not pass           
|* Usage:                       
|* /mac bazaar trader                     
|* updates your /trader                     
|* /mac bazaar buyer                     
|* updates your buyer                     
|* INI format:                       
|* bazaar.ini:                       
|* [Metallic Drake Scales]                 
|* SellPriceMin=20500                     
|* SellPriceMax=30000                     
|* BuyPriceMin=10000                     
|* BuyPriceMax=20000                     
|* Notes:                       
|* Unlike Sparr's bazaar update mac, this macro doesn't check for   
|* underpriced goods yet.  This is because I had to significantly   
|* re-write Sparr's code for my purposes, and I didn't have a need for
|* it with the goods I sell.  A future update may include this feature.   
|* This macro also will ALWAYS beat a price unless it falls outside your
|* SellPriceMin or BuyPriceMax.  Rather than using Standard Deviation,   
|* it will price your seller 1% lower than the lowest seller, or price   
|* your buyer at either +5, +1%, or +0.1% depending on the price of the   
|* item:                       
|* 1-500    : +5                     
|* 501-5000 : +1%                     
|* 5000+    : +0.1%                     
|* Additionally, if your selling price is significantly lower than the
|* next highest seller (or your buying price is higher than the next   
|* lowest buyer), your prices will be adjusted accordingly     
|* Finally, if you want to execute any commands at the end of the macro   
|* just edit the last Sub (EndMacro) to execute the final commands   
|* (example, /ooc Trader Up! or /1 WTS Cultural Augments!     

Sub Main
   /declare slot int local
   /declare dupecheck int local
   /declare itemname string local
   /declare result int local
   /declare stddev int local
   /declare itemsfound int local
   /declare pricetotal int local
   /declare avgprice int local
   /declare minprice int local
   /declare avgdev int local
   /declare devhigh int local
   /declare quartprice int local
   /declare maxprice int local
   /declare price int local
   /declare fairprice int local
   /declare targetprice int local
   /declare newtargetprice int local
   /declare PlatVal int local
   /declare targetstr string local

   /declare merchType int local 0
   /declare merchString string local 0
   /declare minSellPrice int local
   /declare maxSellPrice int local
   /declare dontReprice int local 0

   /echo Starting Auto-update...
   /if (${Defined[Param0]}) {
      /if (${Param0.Equal[trader]}) {
         /varset merchType 1
         /varset merchString "
         /echo Auto-Updating Trader Prices
      } else /if (${Param0.Equal[buyer]}) {
         /varset merchType 2
         /echo Auto-Updating Buyer Prices
   /if (${merchType}==0) {
      /echo Invalid Usage: /mac bazaar trader | /mac bazaar buyer

   /if (${merchType}==1) {
      /echo Opening Trade Window
      /delay 1s ${Window[BazaarWnd].Open}
      /if (!${Window[BazaarWnd].Open}) /goto :OpenTraderAgain

      /echo Opening Bazaar Window
      /delay 2s ${Window[BazaarSearchWnd].Open}
      /if (!${Window[BazaarSearchWnd].Open}) /goto :OpenBazaarAgain

      /notify BazaarSearchWnd BZR_UpdatePlayerButton leftmouseup
      /echo Updating Current Traders...
      /delay 2s
   } else {
      /call Barter_Main

   /varset slot -1

   /varcalc slot ${slot}+1
   /if (${slot}>79) /goto :donewithslots
   /notify BazaarWnd BZR_BazaarSlot${slot} leftmouseup
   /if (!${Window[BazaarWnd].Child[BZW_SetPrice_Button].Enabled}) /goto :nextslot
   /if (!${Window[BazaarWnd].Child[BZW_Clear_Button].Enabled}) /goto :nextslot
   /varset itemname ${Window[BazaarWnd].Child[BZR_BazaarSlot${slot}].Tooltip}
   /delay 1s


   /bzsrch race any class any stat any slot any type any price 0 9999999 ${itemname}
   /delay 5s ${Bazaar.Done}
   /if (!${Bazaar.Done}) /goto :SearchBazaarAgain
   /if (!${Bazaar.Count}) /goto :nextslot

   /varset itemsfound 0
   /varset pricetotal 0
   /varset minprice 9999999999
   /varset maxprice 0
   /varset minSellPrice 0
   /varset maxSellPrice 9999999999
   /varset dontReprice 0

   /for result 1 to ${Bazaar.Count}
      /if (${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Name.Equal[${itemname}]}&&!${Me.Name.Equal[${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Trader.Name}]}) {
         /varcalc itemsfound ${itemsfound}+${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Quantity}
         /varcalc pricetotal ${pricetotal}+${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Price}*${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Quantity}
         /if (${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Price}<${minprice}) /varset minprice ${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Price}
         /if (${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Price}>${maxprice}) /varset maxprice ${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Price}
   /next result
   /if (!${itemsfound}) {
      /if (${Ini["bazaar.ini","${itemname}", SellPriceMax]}) {
         /varset targetstr ${Ini["bazaar.ini","${itemname}", SellPriceMax]}
         /goto :setPrice
      } else {
         /goto :nextslot
   /varcalc  minprice ${minprice}/1000
   /if (${minprice}==1) /varset minprice 2
   /if (${Ini["bazaar.ini","${itemname}",SellPriceMin]}) {
      /varset minSellPrice ${Ini[bazaar.ini,"${itemname}",SellPriceMin]}
   /if (${Ini[bazaar.ini,"${itemname}",SellPriceMax]}) {
      /varset maxSellPrice ${Ini[bazaar.ini,"${itemname}",SellPriceMax]}
   /if (${minprice}*0.99<${minSellPrice}) {
      /varset targetstr ${minSellPrice}
      /echo ${itemname} is being sold for ${minprice}, but your minimum is ${minSellPrice}
      /goto :setPrice
   /if (${minprice}*0.99>${maxSellPrice}) {
      /varset targetstr ${maxSellPrice}
      /goto :setPrice

   /if (${minprice}<500000 && ${minprice}>0) {
      /if (${minprice}<100) {
         /varset targetstr ${Math.Calc[${minprice}-1]}
|      } else /if (${minprice}>5000) {
|         /varcalc targetstr ${Int[${Math.Calc[ ${minprice}*0.999/25 ]}]}*25
      } else {
         /varcalc targetstr ${Int[${Math.Calc[ ${minprice}*0.99/25 ]}]}*25

      /varset targetprice ${targetstr}
      /varset targetstr ${Int[${targetstr}]}
      /if (!${targetstr.Equal[${Window[BazaarWnd].Child[BZW_Money0].Text}]}) {
         /echo Repricing ${itemname} from ${Window[BazaarWnd].Child[BZW_Money0].Text} to ${targetstr}
         /notify BazaarWnd BZW_Money0 leftmouseup
         /delay 2s
         /if (!${Window[QuantityWnd].Open}) /goto :openqtywndagain
         /delay 1
         /keypress backspace chat
         /keypress backspace chat
         /keypress backspace chat
         /keypress backspace chat
         /keypress backspace chat
         /keypress backspace chat
         /keypress backspace chat
         /keypress backspace chat
         /delay 1
         /for PlatVal 1 to 7
         /squelch /keypress ${targetstr.Mid[${PlatVal},1]} chat
         /next PlatVal
         /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_Accept_Button leftmouseup
         /delay 1
         /notify BazaarWnd BZW_SetPrice_Button leftmouseup
         /delay 1
   /goto :nextslot
   /call EndMacro


Sub Barter_Main
   /declare merchType int local 0
   /declare merchString string local 0
   /declare minBuyPrice int local
   /declare maxBuyPrice int local
   /declare dontReprice int local 0

   /declare BuyItemSlot int local 0
   /declare ItemName string local 0

      /echo Opening Buy Window
      /delay 1s ${Window[BarterWnd].Open}
      /if (!${Window[BarterWnd].Open}) /goto :OpenBuyerAgain

      /echo Opening Barter Window
      /delay 2s ${Window[BarterSearchWnd].Open}
      /if (!${Window[BarterSearchWnd].Open}) /goto :OpenBarterAgain

   /for BuyItemSlot 1 to 80
      /if (${Window[BarterWnd].Child[BTR_BuyLineList].List[${BuyItemSlot}].Length}>0) {
         /varset ItemName ${Window[BarterWnd].Child[BTR_BuyLineList].List[${BuyItemSlot},3]}   
         /varset minBuyPrice ${Ini["bazaar.ini",${ItemName}, BuyPriceMin]}
         /varset maxBuyPrice ${Ini["bazaar.ini",${ItemName}, BuyPriceMax]}
         /call UpdateBuyer "${ItemName}" ${minBuyPrice} ${maxBuyPrice}

   /next BuyItemSlot
   /call EndMacro

Sub UpdateBuyer(String name, int min, int max)
   /declare loopVar int local 0
   /declare loopVarMax int local 0
   /declare maxFoundPrice int local ${min}
   /declare searchResult string local
   /declare found int local 0
   /declare seller string local
   /declare inSlot int local 0

   /notify BarterSearchWnd BTRSRCH_ItemSearchEdit leftmouseup
   /delay 1s
   /shiftkey /keypress end chat
   /delay 1s
   /varset loopVarMax ${Window[BarterSearchWnd].Child[BTRSRCH_ItemSearchEdit].Text.Length}
   /for loopVar 1 to ${loopVarMax}
      /keypress backspace chat
   /next loopVar
   /for loopVar 1 to ${name.Length}
      /if (${name.Mid[${loopVar},1].Equal[" "]}) {
         /keypress space chat
      } else {
         /keypress ${name.Mid[${loopVar},1]} chat
   /next loopVar
   /keypress enter chat
   /delay 3s
   | Find Max Buy Price
   /for loopVar 1 to 200
      /varset searchResult ${Window[BarterSearchWnd].Child[BTRSRCH_BuyLineList].List[${loopVar},2]}
      /varset searchResult ${searchResult.Mid[1, ${Math.Calc[${searchResult.Find["("]}-1]}]}
      /if (${searchResult.Length}==0) /goto :EndLoop
      /varset seller ${Window[BarterSearchWnd].Child[BTRSRCH_BuyLineList].List[${loopVar},4]}

      /if (${searchResult.Equal[${name}]} && !${seller.Equal[${Me.Name}]}) {
      | Item match, get max plat value
         /varset found ${Window[BarterSearchWnd].Child[BTRSRCH_BuyLineList].List[${loopVar},3]}
         /if (${found}>${maxFoundPrice}) /varset maxFoundPrice ${found}

   /next loopVar
   /if (${maxFoundPrice}!=${min}) {
      /if (${maxFoundPrice}<100) {
         /varcalc maxFoundPrice ${maxFoundPrice}+1
      } else /if (${maxFoundPrice}<5000) {
         /varcalc maxFoundPrice ${maxFoundPrice}+5
      } else {
         /varcalc maxFoundPrice ${maxFoundPrice}*1.001
         /varcalc maxFoundPrice ${Int[${Math.Calc[${maxFoundPrice}/5]}]}*5
   /if (${maxFoundPrice}>${max}) {
      /echo Want to set ${name} to ${maxFoundPrice}, but your maximum is ${max}
      /varset maxFoundPrice ${max}
   /varset inSlot ${Window[BarterWnd].Child[BTR_BuyLineList].List[=${name},3]}
   /if (${maxFoundPrice} != ${Int[${Window[BarterWnd].Child[BTR_BuyLineList].List[${inSlot},5]}]} ) {
      /call SetPrice ${maxFoundPrice} "${name}"

Sub SetPrice(string price, string name)
   /echo Setting price of ${name} to ${price}
   /declare listID int ${Window[BarterWnd].Child[BTR_BuyLineList].List[=${name},3]}
   /declare PlatVal int 0
   /notify BarterWnd BTR_BuyLineList listselect ${listID}
   /delay 5
   /notify BarterWnd BTR_BuyLineList leftmouse ${listID}
   /delay 5
   /notify BarterWnd BTR_CompensationPlat leftmouseup
   /delay 1
   /keypress backspace chat
   /if (${Window[QuantityWnd].Child[QTYW_SliderInput].Text.Length}) /goto :delete
   /delay 1
   /for PlatVal 1 to 7
      /squelch /keypress ${price.Mid[${PlatVal},1]} chat
   /next PlatVal
   /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_Accept_Button leftmouseup
   /delay 1
   /notify BarterWnd BTR_BuyLineModifyButton leftmouseup

Sub EndMacro
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Credit is due to who wrote it. Hope I didnt violate anything reposting it ect.......
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