Anyone lived in or been to Manila recently?


New member
Jul 12, 2009
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I have a choice to move to Manila or San Jose Costa Rica. I have been to San Jose a few timnes, really like it... but I am intrigued by Manila.

Anyone have any recent info on Manila that they know from experience?
How do you do with culture shock? Manila is a lot less Western than Costa Rica. If you can handle living in a culture that doesn't even resemble the one you're used to, where everyone is on a totally different wavelength, then maybe Manila would be a fun experience.

Otherwise, stick with the Western Hemisphere. Either way, once you get to Manila make sure you find other ex-pats and get to know them until you feel better integrated.
Personally, I like western food so I would go with Costa Rica. I just spent a week in China and realized i can't live without cheese.

they have cheese in Manila. i was there 2 years ago.

I liked it, but i must point out, my wife is from there.

So I have Lots of Family there.

Dec. was 80 everyday. rained 5 min per day. hum. was 95%