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    • B
      bpt82282 replied to the thread Where does this go.
      would just go in the macros folder
    • B
      bpt82282 replied to the thread Where does this go.
      looks like it is a macro that is missing sub main call. it looks to see if a gm is in zone, and if not, target the nearest npc and then...
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      There is a discord, if you go to the main forum page, there is a link for it on the right below members and latest posts.
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      bpt82282 replied to the thread LuA Help.
      It looks like it is failing right at the start. local mq = require("mq") I don't understand that at all. have you been able run any...
    • B
      bpt82282 replied to the thread Holyflag not working.
      If ya need to do multiple commands off of it, you can use /multiline, but for this case, /delay isn't going to do anything at the end of...
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      bpt82282 replied to the thread MQ2 is infected.
      set windows defender to ignore your mq folder. m6iyfyfc.exe is mq disguising itself from eq with a random name. and because of how mq...
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      Spawn cannot check buff or buffcount, need to change them to Target. /for ii 1 to ${Target.BuffCount} /varset buffName...
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      bpt82282 replied to the thread can't connect.
      you open one of the eqbcs-xeniaz.exe or eqbcs-classic.exe or some other eqbc server? that is probably your issue. might also need to...
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