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    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to Tapout's post in the thread Odd pulling issue with Like Like.
      That's the thing. I can't find anywhere where they are being added. These mobs will not pull when I first start the macro. Not after...
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to [40oz]'s post in the thread Odd pulling issue with Like Like.
      I'm out of the country at the moment away from my EQ machines, but you can try changing AlertListClear to TRUE. I don't know how/if the...
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to Chatwiththisname's post in the thread Odd pulling issue with Like Like.
      Yeah, not finding anything myself. Again, this isn't my cup of tea. I believe 40oz is more active in the bot.mac field. Perhaps he'll...
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to Chatwiththisname's post in the thread Odd pulling issue with Wow Wow.
      Being as AlertListClear=FALSE is in the INI I would say yes. I've used alerts for my pull macro (which is likely infantile compared to...
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to WIZMAN's post in the thread Odd pulling issue with Like Like.
      Not familiar with this macro but does it use alerts? I had to /alert clear 1 with another pull macro as it automatically added some...
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to Tapout's post in the thread Odd pulling issue with Wow Wow.
      Here is my pulling section. I highly doubt it's something in the pulling code. Here is why I think so. This is just an example. I...
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to Tapout's post in the thread Odd pulling issue with Wow Wow.
      I'm using bot.mac on my tank to pull and tank and on my other 3 toons I'm using the bot plugin. All works great normally except when...
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to Arph's post in the thread Fix for the aura problem? with Love Love.
      OK I found a way to fix it. Just replace Aura with song and check the song buffs Example : /if (!${Me.Song[Aura of Divinity Effect...
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to Chatwiththisname's post in the thread Fix for the aura problem? with Love Love.
      to clarify, you can no long run a comparison using ${Me.Aura.Equal[SomeString]} It has changed to ${Me.Aura.Name.Equal[SomeString]}...
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to lamobard's post in the thread Fix for the aura problem? with Like Like.
      I don't use bot.mac, but downshits for my aura upkeep.. The command is /if (!${Me.Aura[name].ID}) /casting "auraspell rk. II" gem# You...
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to Tapout's post in the thread New buffs aa with Like Like.
      Classes got a new aa that allows them to hit 1 hotkey and it will cast all their buff spells. For example, SK's get Dark Lord's Unity...
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to JDEKnox's post in the thread Druid with bot with Like Like.
      what do you have mem'd and what is in your ini file, that would be a good place to start.
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to wannabehacker's post in the thread Question Pet toys ? with Sad Sad.
      How do I get Mq2bot to give my mage pet weapons ?
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to Theicon's post in the thread Return to camp with Like Like.
      Temp fix by cothing to new spot and typing /bot on. thanks just post the temp fix so players know how to use it.
    • EQDAB
      EQDAB reacted to Theicon's post in the thread Return to camp with Like Like.
      Ok so the bug is back but I think its being caused from charm maybe. My eq is spammed with mqmoveutils:: move to loc 859 neg 119 24. I...
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