Anyone else back for the Free time?


Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
Hey Everyone!

Friend of mine informed me that all EQ accounts were re-subbed until January 4th for free, and so I felt I had to at least give it another shot. Haven't played in months, and even longer on Progression which is where I went back too.

I re-subbed here of course, and went on my Merry way in game. Popped off a few levels, but as January 4th gets closer I don't know if I'll re-sub.

Anyone else come back for the free time just to give it another go, and get sucked in and for sure are re-subbing? or maybe just going to keep it casual? or maybe put off by it so much that you for sure won't sub?

Curious what other buggers are doing!
The game is free to play now (not sure if you know this?) so the gold membership just unlocked some more stuff like class/race/AA.

You can stick around for free if you wanted to.
Not on the progression servers that I play on as noted. :(
Oh right. I don't play on progression servers. Can always play free on normal servers though if you wanted to. Could 3 box war/clr/wiz for free!