Want to add a player check to my mac


New member
Jul 9, 2009
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Can anyone please provide the code I can add to my macro that will check for players, and if there is more than 1 (myself) it will pause for 1-2 minutes, then recheck for more than 1 players, etc, etc, until there is only 1 player and then continue on with the mac.

Thank you very much for your time and help.
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/echo -*-*-*Checking for players-*-*-*
/if (${SpawnCount[pc]}>1) {
/echo -*-*-* Others in zone -*-*-*
/echo -*-*-* Pausing *-*-*
/afk taking a shit
/delay 300s ${SpawnCount[PC]}==1
/goto :loop

This is just a bit of code i took from one of my macro's change as you need
Thanks a lot. Does it matter where I put the code?
well, to an extent it does, its got to be inside your main loop or in a sub of its own with a call to it inside your main loop. quickly touching up above for use as a sub:
Sub PcCheck
/echo -*-*-*Checking for players-*-*-*
/if (${SpawnCount[pc]}>1) {
/echo -*-*-* Others in zone -*-*-*
/echo -*-*-* Pausing *-*-*
/afk taking a shit
/delay 300s ${SpawnCount[PC]}==1
/goto :Pcloop
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I have never coded a macro in my life so take this thought for what its worth ... ( plus ive drank an entire bottle of my favorate vodka tonight) but if you have a boxed group you may want to add a safe pc list
Can anyone please provide the code I can add to my macro that will check for players, and if there is more than 1 (myself) it will pause for 1-2 minutes, then recheck for more than 1 players, etc, etc, until there is only 1 player and then continue on with the mac.

Thank you very much for your time and help.

And add the command /end or "/mqpause on" to the list.

Just another option.


I was using:


Sub CheckForIntruders
   /if (!${Spawn[gm].ID} || (${SpawnCount[pc radius 300 loc ${Ground.Y} ${Ground.X}]}=1)) /return
   /echo Entering Intruder Mode...
   /delay 1s
   /afk ${PCMsg}
   /delay 5m
   /if (${Spawn[gm].ID} || (${SpawnCount[pc radius 300 loc ${Ground.Y} ${Ground.X}]}>1)) /goto :waitabit
   /afk off
   /delay 1s
| -------------------------------------------------

But the plugin looks pretty good.