Task Time remaining via macro

Task Members

The TLO members are as follows:

  • string Name The char name in task
  • Task Leader The leader of the task
  • Task Member[#|name] The task member # or name
  • int Members Current number of characters in the task
  • bool IsLeader Is the char the task leader?
  • spawn Spawn Object for this player if available (must be in zone)
  • string Names[x] The task name for task #x in list
  • int Names[taskname] The task number for task taskname in list
  • int Total Current number of tasks in list
  • string Title[taskname|task#] The task name
  • string TypeName[taskname|task#] Quest, Shared, or Other
  • string TimeHMS[taskname|task#] Time left in shared task, in H:MM:SS. 'Unlimited' if not timed.
  • string Time[taskname|task#] Time left in shared task, in MM:SS. 'Unlimited' if not timed.
  • int Type[taskname|task#] 2 = Quest, 1 = Shared
  • int Hours[taskname|task#] Hours left in shared task (rounded down)
  • int Minutes[taskname|task#] Total minutes left in shared task (rounded down)
  • int Seconds[taskname|task#] Total seconds left in shared task

Task Examples

  • ${Task.IsLeader} Am I the task leader?
  • ${Task.Name} My name
  • ${Task.Members} # of members in task
  • ${Task.Member[3].Name} Name of 3rd task member
  • ${Task.Member[2].IsLeader} Is 2nd task member task leader?
  • ${Task.Member[Razza].IsLeader} Is Razza task leader?
  • ${Task.Member[Razza].Spawn.Level} Razza's level (must be in zone)
  • ${Task.Total} Total number of tasks in list
  • ${Task.Names[2]} Name of 2nd task
  • ${Task.Names[Fight or Flight]} Task list index number of the task 'Fight or Flight'
  • ${Task.Title[2]} Name of 2nd task
  • ${Task.Title[Smashing Pumpkins]} Verify the task named 'Smashing Pumpkins', NULL if not found
  • ${Task.TimeHMS[Smashing Pumpkins]} Time left in the task 'Smashing Pumpkins', in H:MM:SS
As you can see, members can be indexed by name or #. # is member 1 through x. If name is used, and is not in task, NULL is returned (as expected).
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task minutes sounds awesome, Ill check it out asap!
Hmm, with Hours, Minutes, and Seconds being ints, what will they show if the task is Unlimited?
It seems to be ignoring the actual active tasks.

Me going ${Task.Time[1]} gives me the name of the first non timed task I have atm. Even though it should give me the timer since I am in a timed task, which is at the first slot.
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I'll get them reordered when I have a little time later tonight. For now, you can go by name. Also try 29. hehe.

I had a few mins now, so went ahead and modified it. It should be in the correct position now (hopefully, haha).

Works perfectly now. Thanks for doing that htw, will make my life a lot easier.
Spppoke too soon.

For some reason it still isn't updating time unless the window is open.
Hmm.. updated. Add MQUI_TaskListWnd.xml also. There is only 1 element in that needed, we will see how it goes.

Still not updating whilst the window is closed.

Was there something special I was supposed to do outside of download the update?

If it's not possible don't worry yourself over it, its only a minor inconvenience.
Still not updating whilst the window is closed.

Was there something special I was supposed to do outside of download the update?

If it's not possible don't worry yourself over it, its only a minor inconvenience.
Yeah, you need to loadskin. Check the wiki each time there is an update, at least the task section.

Sorry I am not familiar with this process, and I can't find any documentation on it.

I did a /loadskin, selected default(the only option as I use no other UI), and it still isn't working. Could you point me in the right direction?