Sony hacked....again

off topic i know, but this just in! Libia is having to pay up to $2.00 per gallon of gas compared to the normal price of .03/ gallon. "Because the refinery is right there"

I live in the NW we have 2, count them 2 refineries right here and we have the highest avg in the country. Gotta love paying $3.99/gallon!

you're only paying $3.99/gallon? my $4.50/gallon for premium is jealous!

ohhh that is no where near premium... that is bottom dollar cheap gas store price. Don't think i've ever put premium in anything but my Kawasaki Zx6R
1 US gallon = 3.78541178 litres

Last night i paid $1.39 a litre of 91 octane...

Thats $5.26 AUD (rounded) a US Gall.

Sooo... considering that is a bit above average of late, in the past few months i've paid anywhere from $1.25 to $1.50 AU.

Wow for derailing!

I agree with most of the hate against sony at the moment for having such poor security and given the spade of attacks on different areas this is just a gimme for lulzsec... they must of been bored, all they have done is reiterated the point made about sony already... to get their act together.
Just to derail this a bit more, the US hasn't built a refinery in the last 30 years. We are giving other countries, like Brazil, billions to build refineries and drill for oil off their coast and in parts of the gulf. The speculators are also pissing me off. When banks are buying billions of gallons of oil to turn a profit, causing the price to jump several dollars in one day that also part of the problem. It should be, you buy the oil, you own that oil. Open up some fucking JP Morgan Chase gas stations bitches, because there's a no return policy on your oil.

The US government has also started a program where they have built in GPS units in cars that track how far you drive. That's going to be the new road tax because cars are going to get such great gas mileage. The program is still in it's trial stages, but still...

On topic, it doesn't take much information to open up store credit cards.
I don't see the road tax passing. I bet some senator came up with the idea and started pushing it--without really thinking about it. Yes it would give revenue, but I don't think it would make it far enough, logistically.
5.11 Per gallon for 87 octane here.. and i work in the bloody Canadian Oilfield. The whole economy of Northern Alberta (okay, north of Calgary) is all Oilfield driven, and we pay more than any of you americans.

I take it out of the bloody ground!