RAF Bonus gone?


New member
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Has anyone else noticed a change in xp since patch when using RAF accounts?
I read on their bug reports that it is not working. No idea if it is intensional.
Fuck, I have noticed a difference(not broken, but less) would be Bullshit if they slipped that one by us. We need to make a massive stink in Forums like we did last time so they fix it.
Yesterday mine was working just fine. So I'm not sure, but I did hear other people saying their's wasn't working.
I'm not mathematician, but same level as recruiter I am getting 38% AA for a particular mob. If i delevel I get 56% AA for that same mob. I have no numbers infront of me , but I swear I used to get the correct 300% bonus when I was a lower level than the recruiter, grouped with the recruiter, and no leadership xp on.

Is there a new way they are figuring this, has it been severely nerfed and they are hoping to slip by?
Anyone else notice this?