Question about mq2cursor


Jul 26, 2006
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I'm looking for where it saves the #'s I put that I can copy that file over to new compile. I looked for a file (like mmowarps file waypoints) and couldn't find one.

For the record, anyone remembering my prior problems with mq2cursor, it was that for some reason, mq2cursor is suspended if inventory is it appeared to not be working....

It should be called servername_charname.ini in your MQ2 folder
Typically (grin) I can't find any file named like that. Nothing with server names or char names in least at first look thru MQ and the sub files

Edit--I let the computer search MQ for server name and for char results on either...
Hmm, I know whenever I use MQ2Cursor on a different comp it will save an .ini of my char's server/name in my MQ2 folder. Go in game, load up the plugin and /cursor 1000 something, check your MQ folder again.
Yea, MQ2melee, MQ2rez, and MQ2cursor all use that file. It starts with the server name in lower case letter. It is created when you run one of those plugins i think.
Well I use mq2rez (/rez loot on is SUCH a Godsend, I'd pay just for that) on the main char on this computer...

And I have items from 5 or 6 different zones /cursor xxxx'd already. This character's primary purpose is foraging specific recipe ingredients.

LOL (sigh) other computer, I see the ini files. This one, nothing. Ah well I'll work it out.


Copy it from yoru one computer and add it to yoru other.

If it asked to rewrite the file then it is there if not yoru all set.
/cursor save will create the file if it doens't exist.
oh **$*#&$...~!! deleted bag

ok, I f'd up and had a bag in cursor right before mob corpse was looted..guess bag. Destroyed all..any suggestions on how to get that stuff back w/o having GM viewing all recent activity?

Hurl. (thanks.)
just petition a GM they wont look at any logs other then the fact you destroyed the bag and what was in said bag.
thanks jim

Sent petition...not quite like the good ole days when you could actually 'speak' w/ a live person..but maybe i'll get lucky. So far, I've noted that I've lost my fast mount (seru-black ornate chain bridle), and fabled pegasus feather lev cloak...I miss them dearly.
Ever had one of those moments like when you realize you just threw something out on the pc, or dropped a fishing pole into the water, and there's that brief timesnap where everything stops and you say.....:cool:
item(s) replaced next day no prob

thanks again for your help~I'm grateful