Project 1999 question

Anyone use piggyzone? I don't want to try it out I don't have access to another IP atm.

How exactly do you use the crack to make the map work? I have the Mq2 for titatnium loaded and the map does work in the cities. It shows me all the mobs. But when I leave the city to another zone the map doesn't worlk. I do a /docrack list and see nothing named anything related to maps.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
map works

I figured it out, duh me. Just had to patch mmloader EMU. Logged in tried the map, popped right up. Much thanks for supporting this htw!
project 1999

I also added MQ2Warp (you need to select & update MQ2Warp.dll and MQ2Warp.ini).

That'll add fade, gate, zone, warp, exactloc, zwarp, findpath, waypoint, ghost.



I'm a long time member of MMOBUGS looking to start playing project 1999. It sounds like you got everything working. I'm still going through the forums but is there a centralized place to acquire the working compile + plugins for this server?
Man you guys changed so much to make this more user friendly. Thanks a lot HTW.

BTW do not use /ZONE guys; you will get caught!
Does gate or fade seem to be safe? I've been keeping to only using map and noencumber, but I've been tempted to fade agro on occasion.
I have been using /gate to fade me. Im not saying it is safe but it works.
Right on, I'll save it for emergencies when I'm soloing. :D
Now I haven't played on a regular EQ or EMU server for a long ass time. But I'm curious about this Proj99 stuff. Does the MQ2 melee work and being that it is pre-kunark I take it that there are no berserkers :-(??
mq2melee works and no zerkers or bst's. No iksars until kunark is opened.
Is there a map docrack for the Titanium version of the client? I haven't been able to locate anything yet.
Thankyou htw! I just had to manually update it and I got the new docrack file. I am so happy to have my map back. Thankyou!
/GATE actually gated me this time, I wouldn't use it. I got the Large Warp detected saying.
/gate works if you don't /gate in the same zone you are bound, otherwise it will just fade (from my observations). I've only done it a couple times when I was about to die, and always started casting the actual gate spell first. I wouldn't advise using it at all, however.
Hmm just tried the map in sk, didn't work, and in the docrack it said it was on... but no map.