Problems with tell windows


New member
Apr 17, 2008
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I play with tell windows, because, well, I get a lot, and the replying and keeping track of tons of conversations can get tedious and weird if they're not windowed.
Lately, I can't get tells to window unless I have MQ totally unloaded, which leads me to believe I've turned something off or on and now I can't figure it out.
I re-unzipped the MQ file and that fixed it, but I've done this before and still don't know what I did.

Yes, I searched the forums before i posted this, and after a half hour reading through unrelated threads, I gave up and started a new thread.

Anyone know what I did so I don't do it again, or to help anyone else who did.. whatever I did. Lemme know. =)
I play with tell windows, because, well, I get a lot, and the replying and keeping track of tons of conversations can get tedious and weird if they're not windowed.
Lately, I can't get tells to window unless I have MQ totally unloaded, which leads me to believe I've turned something off or on and now I can't figure it out.
I re-unzipped the MQ file and that fixed it, but I've done this before and still don't know what I did.

Yes, I searched the forums before i posted this, and after a half hour reading through unrelated threads, I gave up and started a new thread.

Anyone know what I did so I don't do it again, or to help anyone else who did.. whatever I did. Lemme know. =)

Truthfully, no. Sorry lol. I have pretty much almost every plugin loaded when I test, and I do not see that issue. If you happen to notice it at some point, PM or post your macroquest.ini to begin with, and we'll see what we can find.

That's the priceless part. it'll just suddenly... do it. Fine now. If it occurs again, I'll post the ini....

welcome to my bizarre "wtf?!" world.
It's the timestamp plugin.
Load it, all tells go to main chat. unload it, they're back to windowed. Any way for it NOT to do that?