Old topic-item sorting


Lifetime Member
Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score
The hills of Tennessee
As I understand it, bank sorting has been abandoned because of a bug in the notify. Does anyone know of a currently working bank/char item sorting macro? If not, is the specific reason known?

I looked over different sort macros. I know part of the problems are this was written when bags had only 10 slots (cap) and we had 16 bank slots and 8 personal slots.

I doubt they'd care, but I don't want to break any vip rules from macroquest2...the macro I used is invsort.mac from this set of invutils:

MacroQuest - Login
here is the one i used to use from about 10 years ago...

it's broken and i'm not macrosmart enough

|  http://www.macroquest2.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=13795
|  BankSort.mac - V1.02 A MQ2 Related Macro Source File 
|  COMMENT: Based on previous MQ2 macros, CSort.mac by Agripa
|           SortBank by Fury and other MQ2 macro contributors.
|  NOTES: Macro sorts items by name.  Sorts items stored in 
|         containers in bank slots.  Macro only deals with items
|         within containers.  Macro does not currently handle 
|         items that may not fit in particular sized containers.
|         For example, attempting to place a large item in a small 
|         container.
|  USAGE: /mac BankSort
|         Must have bank window open before execution
|  1.02 - 20060912 Added Auto-Bank option, portilicious
|  1.01 - 20060905 Corrected array issue PoR slots, portilicious
|  1.00 - 20060904 Initial Labor Day Release, portilicious
#turbo 40
#define /mqlog /echo
#define DEBUG 0
#define DEBUG_1 "/squelch /mqlog"
#define SLOTOFFSET 2030
Sub Main
   | Change the UseEmptySlots bool below to FALSE to not  
   | use available empty slots and only swap slots with items.
   /declare UseEmptySlots      bool   outer   TRUE
   | Try to auto bank items before sorting to optimize bank space
   /declare AutoBank         bool   outer   TRUE
   | Variables below here do not need to be modified
   /declare UseBigBankWnd      bool   outer   FALSE
   /declare ItemCount         int      outer   0
   /declare ItemsCounted      int      outer   0
   /declare EmptySlotCount      int      outer    0
   /declare BankSlots         int      outer   0
   /declare BankItems         int      outer   0
   /popup Running...
   /echo Running...
   /call SetBankSlotCount
   /varset BankItems ${Int[${Math.Calc[10*${BankSlots}]}]}   
   /declare FreeSlotIDArray[${BankItems}]    int      outer   0
   /declare BankItemArray[${BankItems},4]   string   outer   -1   
   /call OpenAllBankContainers
   /if (${AutoBank}) /call DoAutoBank
   /call InitBankItemArray   
   /if (${Bool[DEBUG]}) /call ShowFreeSlotIDArray
   /if (${Bool[DEBUG]}) /call ShowBankItemArray
   /call SortFreeSlotIDs ${EmptySlotCount}
   /call SortByItemName ${ItemCount}
   /call PopulateDestSlotInfo
   /if (${Bool[DEBUG]}) /call ShowBankItemArray
   /if (${Bool[DEBUG]}) /call ShowFreeSlotIDArray
   /call DoSwap
   /popup Total run time ${Macro.RunTime} seconds
   /echo Processed ${ItemsCounted} items.
   /echo Total run time ${Macro.RunTime} seconds.
   /echo Done.
|SUB: Check for open Bank Window and Set Bank Slot Count
Sub SetBankSlotCount
   /if (${Window[BankWnd].Open}) {   
      /varset BankSlots 16
   } else {
      /if (${Window[BigBankWnd].Open}) {
         /varset UseBigBankWnd TRUE
         /varset BankSlots 24
      } else {
         /echo ERROR -- Bank window not open, ending macro!
|SUB: Open All Bank Containers
Sub OpenAllBankContainers 
   /declare i                         int    local  1
   /for i 1 to ${BankSlots} 
      /if (${Int[${Me.Bank[${i}].Container}]}) {
         /if (!${Window[bank${i}].Open}) {
            /nomodkey /itemnotify bank${i} rightmouseup 
            /delay 5s ${Window[bank${i}].Open} 
         /if (!${Window[bank${i}].Open}) /echo ERROR -- Possible problem opening bank container at # ${i}.
         /delay 2
   /next i
/return 1
|SUB: Do Swap - Main Swap of Bank Items
Sub DoSwap
   /declare i               int    local 1
   /declare j               int      local ${ItemCount}
   /declare MeBankItemID      int      local 0
   /declare MeBankItemName      string   local -1
   /declare ToBankSlotID      int      local 0
   /declare FromBankSlotID      int      local 0
   /if (${ItemCount}<2) /return
   /if (!${UseEmptySlots}) /varcalc j ${j}-1
   /for i 1 to ${j}
      /if (!(${i}%5)) /popup ${Int[${Math.Calc[${i}/${j}*100]}]}% complete, run time ${Macro.RunTime} seconds
      /call PopBankItemArray
      /varset MeBankItemID ${Int[${Macro.Return.Token[1,,]}]}
      /varset MeBankItemName ${Macro.Return.Token[2,,]}
      /varset FromBankSlotID ${Int[${Macro.Return.Token[3,,]}]}
      /varset ToBankSlotID ${Int[${Macro.Return.Token[4,,]}]}
      DEBUG_1 i: ${i} [${MeBankItemID}] ${MeBankItemName} [${ToBankSlotID}] [${FromBankSlotID}]
      /echo  Picking up ${MeBankItemName} from slot ID ${FromBankSlotID} moving to slot ID ${ToBankSlotID}
      /call SwapAndUpdateInfo ${FromBankSlotID} ${ToBankSlotID}
      /delay 5
   /next i
|SUB: Swap and Update Slot Information
Sub SwapAndUpdateInfo(int FromSlotID, int ToSlotID)
   /declare n   int   local 0
   /if (${FromSlotID}==${ToSlotID}) {
      DEBUG_1 From Slot ID [${FromSlotID}] is the same as To Slot ID [${ToSlotID})], not swapping.
   /if (${InvSlot[${FromSlotID}].Item.ID}==${InvSlot[${ToSlotID}].Item.ID}) {
      DEBUG_1 From Slot ID [${FromSlotID}] and To Slot ID [${ToSlotID})] contain same type of item, not swapping.
   /call SlotHasItem ${ToSlotID}
   /if (${Macro.Return}) {
      /call FindItemInSlot ${ToSlotID}
      /varset n ${Int[${Macro.Return}]}
      /if (${Bool[${n}]}) /varset BankItemArray[${n},3]} ${FromSlotID}
   /call SwapItemInSlots ${FromSlotID} ${ToSlotID}
|SUB: Sawp Items In Slots From Slot To Slot
Sub SwapItemInSlots(int FromSlotID, int ToSlotID)
      /echo Moving item from Slot ID #${FromSlotID} to slot ID #${ToSlotID} 
      /call PickUpItem ${FromSlotID}
      /call PutItemInSlotNumber ${ToSlotID} TRUE
      /if (${Cursor.ID}) {
         /delay 5
         /call PutItemInSlotNumber ${FromSlotID} TRUE
|SUB: Find Item In Slot
Sub FindItemInSlot(int SlotID)
   /declare i   int   local 1
   /for i 1 to ${ItemCount}
      /if (${Int[${BankItemArray[${i},3]}]}==${SlotID}) /return ${i}
   /next i   
/return 0
|SUB: Do Auto Bank
Sub DoAutoBank
   /declare i         int   local 1
   /declare j         int   local 1
   /declare Slots      int   local 0
   /declare SlotNum   int   local 0

   /echo Performing Auto-Bank...
   /for i 1 to ${BankSlots}
      /popup Performing Auto-Bank, run time ${Macro.RunTime} seconds
      /if (${Int[${Me.Bank[${i}].Container}]}) {
         /varset Slots ${Int[${Me.Bank[${i}].Container}]}
         /for j 1 to ${Slots}
            /if (${Bool[${Me.Bank[${i}].Item[${j}]}]}) {
               /varset SlotNum ${Int[${Me.Bank[${i}].Item[${j}].InvSlot}]}
               /call PickUpItem ${SlotNum}
               /if (${UseBigBankWnd}) {
                  /notify BigBankWnd bigb_autobutton leftmouseup 
               } else {
                  /notify BankWnd bw_autobutton leftmouseup
               /delay 3               
               /if (${Cursor.ID}) /call PutItemInSlotNumber ${SlotNum} FALSE
         /next j
   /next i
|SUB: Initialize Bank Item Array
Sub InitBankItemArray
   /declare i         int   local 1
   /declare j         int   local 1
   /declare Slot      int   local 0
   /for i 1 to ${BankSlots}
      /if (${Int[${Me.Bank[${i}].Container}]}) {
         /varset Slot ${Int[${Me.Bank[${i}].Container}]}
         DEBUG_1 Bank slot ${i} has a container that has ${Int[${Me.Bank[${i}].Container}]} slots.
         /for j 1 to ${Slot}
            /if (${Bool[${Me.Bank[${i}].Item[${j}]}]}) {
               DEBUG_1 Inventory Slot #: ${Me.Bank[${i}].Item[${j}].InvSlot} Item Name: ${Me.Bank[${i}].Item[${j}].Name} ID #${Me.Bank[${i}].Item[${j}].ID}
               /varcalc ItemCount ${ItemCount}+1
               /varcalc EmptySlotCount ${EmptySlotCount}+1
               /varset FreeSlotIDArray[${EmptySlotCount}] ${Int[${Me.Bank[${i}].Item[${j}].InvSlot}]}
               /varset BankItemArray[${ItemCount},1] ${Me.Bank[${i}].Item[${j}].ID}
               /varset BankItemArray[${ItemCount},2] ${Me.Bank[${i}].Item[${j}].Name}
               /varset BankItemArray[${ItemCount},3] ${Int[${Me.Bank[${i}].Item[${j}].InvSlot}]}
               /varset BankItemArray[${ItemCount},4] 0
            } else {
               /if (${UseEmptySlots}) {
                  /varcalc EmptySlotCount ${EmptySlotCount}+1
                  /varset FreeSlotIDArray[${EmptySlotCount}] ${Int[${Math.Calc[(${i}-1)*10+${j}+SLOTOFFSET]}]}
         /next j
   /next i   
   /varset ItemsCounted ${ItemCount}
|SUB: Popluate Destination Slot Information
Sub PopulateDestSlotInfo
   /declare i   int    local 1
   /for i 1 to ${ItemCount}
      /varset BankItemArray[${i},4] ${Int[${FreeSlotIDArray[${i}]}]}
   /next i
|SUB: Pop Bank Item Array
Sub PopBankItemArray
   /declare i         int      local   1
   /declare Element   string   local   -1   
   /if (${ItemCount}<1) /return 0
   /varset Element ${BankItemArray[${i},1]},${BankItemArray[${i},2]},${BankItemArray[${i},3]},${BankItemArray[${i},4]}
   /for i 1 to ${ItemCount}
      /varset BankItemArray[${i},1] ${BankItemArray[${Math.Calc[${i}+1]},1]}
      /varset BankItemArray[${i},2] ${BankItemArray[${Math.Calc[${i}+1]},2]}
      /varset BankItemArray[${i},3] ${BankItemArray[${Math.Calc[${i}+1]},3]}
      /varset BankItemArray[${i},4] ${BankItemArray[${Math.Calc[${i}+1]},4]}
   /next i
   /varcalc ItemCount ${ItemCount}-1
/return ${Element}
|SUB: Show Bank Item Array
Sub ShowBankItemArray
   /declare i   int   local 1
   /echo [Item_ID] Item_Name [To_Slot] [From_Slot]
   /for i 1 to ${ItemCount}
      /call ShowBankItem ${i}
   /next i
|SUB: Show Bank Item in Bank Item Array
Sub ShowBankItem(int n)
      /echo ${n}> [${BankItemArray[${n},1]}] ${BankItemArray[${n},2]} [${BankItemArray[${n},3]}] [${BankItemArray[${n},4]}]
|SUB: Put Item In Slot Number Using Slot ID
Sub PutItemInSlotNumber(int SlotID, bool UseShiftKey) 
   DEBUG_1 Placing Cursor Item ${Cursor.Name} [${Cursor.ID}] Slot ID: #${SlotID} ShiftKey: ${UseShiftKey}
   /if (${UseShiftKey}) {
      /nomodkey /shiftkey /itemnotify ${SlotID} leftmouseup
   } else {
      /nomodkey /itemnotify ${SlotID} leftmouseup
   /delay 1s ${InvSlot[${SlotID}].Item.ID} 
|SUB: Pick Up Item
Sub PickUpItem(int SlotID)
   /call SlotHasItem ${SlotID}
   /if (!${Macro.Return}) {
      DEBUG_1 Bank Slot ID [${SlotID}] is empty.
      /return 0
   } else {
      /nomodkey /shiftkey /itemnotify ${SlotID} leftmouseup       
      /delay 1s ${Cursor.ID}
/return 1
|SUB: Does Bank Slot Have an Item
Sub SlotHasItem(int SlotID)
   /if (${Bool[${InvSlot[${SlotID}].Item.ID}]}) /return 1
/return 0
|SUB: Shell Sort By Item Name
Sub SortByItemName(int ArraySize)
    /declare StrTemp1   string   local -1
    /declare StrTemp2   string   local -1
    /declare StrTemp3   string   local -1
    /declare StrTemp4   string   local -1
    /declare GapSize   int      local 0
    /declare i         int      local 1
    /declare CurPos      int      local 1
    /if (${ArraySize}<2) /return
      /varcalc GapSize ${GapSize}*3+1
   /if (${GapSize}<=${ArraySize}) /goto :DoLoop1
       /varcalc GapSize ${GapSize}\3
      /if (${Int[${Math.Calc[${GapSize}+1]}]}<=${ArraySize}) {
         /popup Sorting item names, run time ${Macro.RunTime} seconds
          /for i ${Int[${Math.Calc[${GapSize}+1]}]} to ${ArraySize}
             /varset CurPos ${i}
             /varset StrTemp1 ${BankItemArray[${i},1]}
             /varset StrTemp2 ${BankItemArray[${i},2]}
             /varset StrTemp3 ${BankItemArray[${i},3]}
             /varset StrTemp4 ${BankItemArray[${i},4]}
             /call StrCmp "${BankItemArray[${Int[${Math.Calc[${CurPos}-${GapSize}]}]},2]}" "${StrTemp2}"
            /if (${Macro.Return}==1) {
               /varset BankItemArray[${CurPos},1] ${BankItemArray[${Int[${Math.Calc[${CurPos}-${GapSize}]}]},1]}   
               /varset BankItemArray[${CurPos},2] ${BankItemArray[${Int[${Math.Calc[${CurPos}-${GapSize}]}]},2]}   
               /varset BankItemArray[${CurPos},3] ${BankItemArray[${Int[${Math.Calc[${CurPos}-${GapSize}]}]},3]}   
               /varset BankItemArray[${CurPos},4] ${BankItemArray[${Int[${Math.Calc[${CurPos}-${GapSize}]}]},4]}   
               /varcalc CurPos ${CurPos}-${GapSize}
               /if (${Int[${Math.Calc[${CurPos}-${GapSize}]}]}>=1) /goto :DoLoop3               
            /varset BankItemArray[${CurPos},1] ${StrTemp1}
            /varset BankItemArray[${CurPos},2] ${StrTemp2}
            /varset BankItemArray[${CurPos},3] ${StrTemp3}         
            /varset BankItemArray[${CurPos},4] ${StrTemp4}         
          /next i
   /if (${GapSize}!=1) /goto :DoLoop2 
|SUB: String Compare (Compare Wrapper)
Sub StrCmp(string S1, string S2)
   /if (${S1.Compare[${S2}]}<0) {
      DEBUG_1 S1 ${S1} is less than S2 ${S2}
      /return -1
   } else {
      /if (${S1.Compare[${S2}]}>0) {
         DEBUG_1 S1 ${S1} is greater than S2 ${S2}
         /return 1
   DEBUG_1 S1 ${S1} is the same as S2 ${S2}
/return 0
|SUB: Show Free Slot ID Array
Sub ShowFreeSlotIDArray
   /declare i   int   local 1
   /for i 1 to ${EmptySlotCount}
      /echo ${i}> [${FreeSlotIDArray[${i}]}]
   /next i
|SUB: Shell Sort Free Slot ID's
Sub SortFreeSlotIDs(int ArraySize)
    /declare iTemp1      int   local 0   
    /declare GapSize   int   local 0
    /declare i         int   local 1
    /declare CurPos      int   local 1
      /varcalc GapSize ${GapSize}*3+1
   /if (${GapSize}<=${ArraySize}) /goto :DoLoop1
       /varcalc GapSize ${GapSize}\3
      /if (${Int[${Math.Calc[${GapSize}+1]}]}<=${ArraySize}) { 
         /popup Sorting available slot numbers, run time ${Macro.RunTime} seconds 
          /for i ${Int[${Math.Calc[${GapSize}+1]}]} to ${ArraySize}
             /varset CurPos ${i}
             /varset iTemp1 ${FreeSlotIDArray[${i}]}
             /if (${FreeSlotIDArray[${Int[${Math.Calc[${CurPos}-${GapSize}]}]}]}>${iTemp1}) {
               /varset FreeSlotIDArray[${CurPos}] ${FreeSlotIDArray[${Int[${Math.Calc[${CurPos}-${GapSize}]}]}]}   
               /varcalc CurPos ${CurPos}-${GapSize}
               /if (${Int[${Math.Calc[${CurPos}-${GapSize}]}]}>=1) /goto :DoLoop3               
            /varset FreeSlotIDArray[${CurPos}] ${iTemp1}
          /next i
   /if (${GapSize}!=1) /goto :DoLoop2 
I looked over different sort macros. I know part of the problems are this was written when bags had only 10 slots (cap) and we had 16 bank slots and 8 personal slots.

I doubt they'd care, but I don't want to break any vip rules from macroquest2...the macro I used is invsort.mac from this set of invutils:

MacroQuest - Login

Used InvSort.mac on all my tradeskill mules. It merges all of the like items into one stack and moves everything to the bank fine, it just doesn't sort them by alphabetical order. Be nice if that worked, but just happy I didn't have to consolidate everything manually.
Way back in the day. Someone wrote a very cool set of item handling macros that let you come back to base:

1) Dump all the stuff you want to save to a mule.
2) Sell all the stuff you have marked sell.
3) Sort your bank
4) Run the mule(s) in a get me "This" item mode. ( Really slick way to make space for your TS stuff )

I attempted to get them working again but the switch between 10 slot bag methods and big bag methods did not work.

I'm sure given enough motivation I could get them working again.

Sadly, I'm not sure what would motive me enough :rolleyes:
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Way back in the day. Someone wrote a very cool set of item handling macros that let you come back to base:

1) Dump all the stuff you want to save to a mule.
2) Sell all the stuff you have marked sell.
3) Sort your bank
4) Run the mule(s) in a get me "This" item mode. ( Really slick way to make space for your TS stuff )

I attempted to get them working again but the switch between 10 slot bag methods and big bag methods did not work.

I'm sure given enough motivation I could get them working again.

Sadly, I'm not sure what would motive me enough :rolleyes:

I'll look at the code and see if there is something I can do with it. I've been working with sorting methods a lot with Java, so sorting I can do, just need to learn how the arrays and notify's work. I'm done with my homework and have tonight and tomorrow to look at it and work on it. I'll let you know if I come up with anything viable.
I see what you mean with itemnotify, it appears that /itemnotify cannot access slots within bags, I've tried /itemnotify bank1 1 leftmouseup. I've tried /itemnotify pack1 1 leftmouse up. I've tried /itemnotify 2000 1 leftmouseup, and /itemnotify 23 1 leftmouseup. Always told could not send notification to bank1 1 etc through the above list. However I can /itemnotify bank1 leftmouseup and pick up a bag, or I can use the ID for the slot IE: slot1 of the bank is 2000, so /itemnotify 2000 leftmouse up. The second argument always throws a cannot notify error.
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I've updated Slot Names - MacroQuest Wiki to provide slot numbers to slot names, something like 6000 characters added to the wiki. My only issue right now is accessing subslots within bags, once I figure out that obstacle I should be able to get this macro sorted out hopefully. But no promises on this being something I can figure out. Even with access to the source doesn't help me because I don't understand C++
Rejoice. The code I need is now here.
/itemnotify ${Me.Bank[#].Item[#].InvSlot.ID} leftmouseup
will effectively pick up an item from a bank bag (assuming the bag is open)

I'm wondering why InvSlot[#] was a depreciated TLO.
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I am rusty on this subject, but iirc you need .ItemSlot plus 1...

I can't check right now, not at home.


So I'm no professional programmer and my fiance demanded my time quite a bit in the past two days. I've got a functional sorter, but it's probably not as expected thus far. I only got to spend about 3 hours doing this. Currently it only sorts each bag alphabetically...individually. I could have made arrays and done the entire inventory. To be honest I was so busy learning the syntax needed to compare strings since the ${String.Compare[String2]} is returning unexpected results I had to create my own means of comparing strings with length greater than 1, that I didn't have time to learn how to use arrays in macros. It's certainly very crude but it was also a rush job. Improvements from other macro's that I looked at is probably the fact that instead of slowly opening each bag and moving items slowly it's really freaking fast. That might be a good thing. I got a shitty PC and it worked fine for me. But please do wait until the macro says it has ended as there is only 1 check to see if the bank window and bags are open, that is at the start.

If I have time sometime in the future I'll convert this into using arrays and get it to sort the entire bank.
Must be standing at the banker with bank window open.
/mac banksorter

Better than nothing??


  • BankSorter.mac
    3.7 KB · Views: 6
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I am rusty on this subject, but iirc you need .ItemSlot plus 1...

I can't check right now, not at home.


I've tried several different variations of .ItemSlot and as the Wiki says InvSlot is depreciated, but doesn't give any information on .ItemSlot I'm just going to keep using InvSlot.ID as that appears to work just fine for now.
Way back in the day. Someone wrote a very cool set of item handling macros that let you come back to base:

1) Dump all the stuff you want to save to a mule.
2) Sell all the stuff you have marked sell.
3) Sort your bank
4) Run the mule(s) in a get me "This" item mode. ( Really slick way to make space for your TS stuff )

I attempted to get them working again but the switch between 10 slot bag methods and big bag methods did not work.

I'm sure given enough motivation I could get them working again.

Sadly, I'm not sure what would motive me enough :rolleyes:

If you're a fan of array's I got the ground work laid out. Just need to get this transferred over to a sorting array. Thinking the array should store current location and the name. Then another array to store sorted locations with the name. Then perhaps you could use a linear search function to match each item in the original location array to the location in the sorted array. Though things would be moving around after you pick up the first item. So say find sorted[1][1] in unsorted[][] and pick that up, which will cause you to pick up a different item. Then instead of /autobank, you can search for ${Cursor.Name} in the sorted array and drop it in the given location etc? I haven't really gotten a chance to think much about it. I have two programs to make for class in the next 3 days. I'm also taking Pre-Cal2, which gets daily homework. So bit stretched for time.
So I'm no professional programmer and my fiance demanded my time quite a bit in the past two days. I've got a functional sorter, but it's probably not as expected thus far. I only got to spend about 3 hours doing this. Currently it only sorts each bag alphabetically...individually. I could have made arrays and done the entire inventory. To be honest I was so busy learning the syntax needed to compare strings since the ${String.Compare[String2]} is returning unexpected results I had to create my own means of comparing strings with length greater than 1, that I didn't have time to learn how to use arrays in macros. It's certainly very crude but it was also a rush job. Improvements from other macro's that I looked at is probably the fact that instead of slowly opening each bag and moving items slowly it's really freaking fast. That might be a good thing. I got a shitty PC and it worked fine for me. But please do wait until the macro says it has ended as there is only 1 check to see if the bank window and bags are open, that is at the start.

If I have time sometime in the future I'll convert this into using arrays and get it to sort the entire bank.
Must be standing at the banker with bank window open.
/mac banksorter

Better than nothing??

This now has it's own thread. ~~~~~~~~~BankSorter~~~~~~~~~~
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