Need some help guys =)


May 14, 2007
Reaction score
I am on a server with only 1 high end warrior toon. I have a second account with absolutely nothing, gonna raise a magician.

Is there any possible way to PL a toon with just a warrior?
Get Damage shield pots, clickies, etc. Equip some sort of non-weapon in both primary and secondary (to avoid ripostes). Go to a zone that has mobs that will aggro on your warrior, and not run at low health. Use the damage shield to kill the mobs on your warrior, but do one point of damage to each mob with the mage (mage should not be grouped with your warrior). As long as your mage does at least 1 point of damage, and the warrior does no damage, your mage will get all of the XP.
I pl'd some toons in the buried sea undead area. They didnt hit too hard as i remember
I don't know a lot about warriors to be honest. Do they have some kind of aggro getting thing that doesn't hurt the mob? Because I can't seem to find one.....
they cant non damage AE agro like an sk. If you want to get a mob's attention, then that would be proximity or single target using the sneer/jeer line
Thats ok I can single target, but how can i get one that has < than 30sec recast timer?
Warrior can actually PL a mage pretty well.

Here is what I do.

First of make sure you have all your area of effect aggro aa's / combat abilities up.

Get TWO shields for the warrior, this is important because you don't want to out damage the PL'ee, + more AC = less incoming damage

Get a clickable DS item, and DS potions

Stock up on rune clickies would not be a bad idea

Merc healer to survive massive pulls

If you have a friends shaman with Languor, it helps TREMENDOUSLY.

I used this method to PL some toons from 16-60 in less than a few hours countless times. The low toon just needs a low damage PBAOE nuke. Nuking twice typically will get your damage on every mob if they are in respectable level range of the mage. You obviously want some aggro with the warrior so let them hit him a bit for the DS damage, if the mage out damages the current aggro he will go splat. Practice will make it perfect.

I would keep merc on passive till your aggro is sufficient.
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Swaza I can't seem to find the warrior AAs that don't do damage. Do you know what they are called?
Don't have my warrior anymore so I'm not sure on the name, I think its challenge something, but unsure.
There is something called call of challenge but it isn't aoe...
If you have a shaman with you you dont need that extra crap, the languar (sp) gives aggro every time they proc a self heal or a slow. You just need to get that and chain sit with a stien/shield(dont recall any shield you can wield in mainhand)
I don't have a shaman though =/

No way to get one either...