Manipulating Right-Click port objects


Sep 5, 2008
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I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to manipulate right-click port objects on player properties. They don't seem to list as items or as doors. I'd like to be able to manipulate these from my guild hall programatically.

Anyone gotten this to work?
It will take eqMule or another brilliant person to add the functionality to MQ.

I explored it when trying to figure out how to get my group to port to TBM using the guild hall crystal and again when trying to figure out how to get to FM via the iksar statue.

I was able to get to the point where I had the item selected and I could bring up the list to interact but could find no method to select from the list. I spent about 8-12 hours looking through the UI elements and kicked it up to the mule.

He said he had something he was working on that would make it possible , but its been a couple months and no word.
I've been busy, it's doable but somewhat time consuming
Thanks, wanted to make sure I wasn't spinning my wheels in vain =)