Custom UI pieces


The Immortal
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Hey peeps!

Can anyone help me make a custom UI piece? I'm trying to get my group window to display my character as a 6th slot.

I use the Savok Vert Blue UI and I remember back a few years ago when I was actively playing/raiding that he had a 6 player group window. It kicked ass. It doesn't seem to have it anymore and I don't know anything about UI creation to figure out how or what piece of the coding I need to add.

Anyone have any experience with making such a thing?
Give up now!

Mod'ing your UI is a very painful experience and unless you are willing to spend hours tweaking things, reloading your UI, reload EQ when it crashes, etc.

If you are really really motivated then you want to start poking around in your EQ \ uifolder \ default folder and just look at some of the files there.

Since you are interested in group window look for something with "group" and .xml in the file name.

Make a copy of it so you can recover when something bad happens.

Then start tweaking values like the X,Y position for an individual part. save the file and reload your UI.

You can also create an entire folder EQ \ uifolder \ [CUSTOM NAME] and place the new files there. When you go to load UI you can pick that name and it will use any ui files it finds there first, and falls back to the default for anything not there.

Good luck !