Release MacroQuest2 Release for Live Servers With Old Macro Code

Unfortunately the new version of the Bot is still broken the ones working on it are dealing with the some real life issues atm i believe so if there is going to be another old code release would be beneficial till the new one is fixed completely
I spent an hour on this today and ended up with a crashing mess. Each patch makes it harder due to changes. I'll take another crack tomorrow.

I just want to give a very big thanks to Fry and the rest that keep this going so those of us that are still using Dev's bots and are not as skilled as others can keep on boxing.

I am not sure what all it will take to get all of Dev's bots up to current, but I am willing to help where I can.

Thanks again,

The way I was doing this was using old MQ2 source, and copying in new data. Was working fine until this patch. Now I can't get it to not crash.

I have tried to go the other way around and use latest source, and merge in old macro code, but after 4 hours on this, I can't even get it to compile. It seems fixing all the compile errors is above my abilities.

I hate to say it guys, but I think this is going to force you to run new macros unless htw comes up with a magic solution.
I have some time this weekend and I'm willing to help with macros, as long as they are not based on bot.mac ( way too complex for 'quick' fixes)

as with other posts about fixing this ...

You have to be able to explain in detail out to replicate the problem.

( I don't run the stuff here so don't assume I know how to run things )
Fry thank you for the previous releases of the fork version of MQ.

As to other macros, the two I have been using bot40 and Dev's bot's are both down for the count for me.

Does anyone know of any other macro's that are working?
I have some time this weekend and I'm willing to help with macros, as long as they are not based on bot.mac ( way too complex for 'quick' fixes)

as with other posts about fixing this ...

You have to be able to explain in detail out to replicate the problem.

( I don't run the stuff here so don't assume I know how to run things )

I would love some help on bardbot (Dev macro). My group can't survive without the crowd control.
Does MQ2 source have patchnotes? I'm looking at the download page and the last live update is showing the 15th but doesn't say anything other than
Nov 15 2017 by eqmule
Updated for BETA
Updated for LIVE

I don't typically mess with the MQ2 websites version of it, so in all likely hood I'm just overlooking them. I really should be keeping up with what is being updated.
For any that are wanting to update any existing macros for existing undeclared variables I can only reference the following thread on Macro warnings from - MacroQuest

This explains some added functionality that most users probably didn't even know exists as it has been in the shadow of undeclared variables. Additionally, it explains the reason undeclared variables are suddenly an issue and why it was updated. Typically it's as simple as declaring your variables.

Additionally, any for loops that have multiple /next var need to be updated per the following.

/for i 0 to 5
    /if (thisVar) {
        /next i
    } else /if (thatVar) {
        /goto :skip
    } else /if (theOtherVar) {
/next i

When you want to go to the next var mid loop you use /continue, when you want to exit the current for loop you use /break (as in break the loop). There should never be more than one /next var


/for i 0 to 5
    /if (thisVar) {
    } else /if (thatVar) {
    } else /if (theOtherVar) {
/next i

is that same block of code but corrected to reflect the changes I mentioned.

These were the two major changes that broke 90% of all macros.

Undeclared variables are a problem no matter what language you use, the macro script shouldn't be an exception. The code in the second block shown for proper usage of for loops is easier to read and is less confusing to the script. Chances are fixing these two things will fix any macro that was broken during those major updates.

Just declaring a variable isn't good enough! Make sure you initialize it. IE:
 /declare targetID int outer
is not initialized. You have only assigned it a type and a scope. If you don't give it a value at some point then the variable is not usable!!
 /declare targetID int outer ${Target.ID}
the last bit actually assigned it a value and thus it is now initialized and usable.

Of course knowing what to declare a variable as is important. So it will likely take some time depending on the size of the macro. Using those two basic priciples is what got bot40.mac moving in a forward direction when I started working on it.

As a side note. Sometimes it's more intuitive to check to see if a variable has been defined before trying to declare it. To do this you can type /if (!${Defined[VariableName]}) /declare VariableName type scope value.

IE: /if (!${Defined[MyTargetID]}) /declare MyTargetID int outer ${Target.ID}

Then to use it would be obviously ${MyTargetID}

Additionally, despite EQMule saying that unused parameters default to "NULL" they don't actually default to NULL. All parameters should be used because they default to "" nothing. Thus instead of checking for NULL you should use a bool wrapper. IE:
/if (!${Bool[Param0]}) {
    /varset Param0 "default"

where Param0 is a string in main. In this way you can check to see if a parameter was left blank. Then if the value is NULL or not used at all then it will return false. Using the bool wrapper immediately after the beginning of the sub will check it for a valid value, and if it isn't a valid value then set it to whatever default you want to use.

Please be sure to read the post on the link I provided for the macroquest website regarding undefined variables and using a Sub name as a function and the purpose of the update for the variables being defined.

If you take on a project to update a macro, make sure you have an original so that you have something to compare it to or have something to revert back to. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions while taking on one of those projects, answers are easier to provide than actually updating the macro personally. Nobody has taken up bot40.mac in my place while I'm getting caught up on my RL. But I get on here about once a day to check posts and respond to questions if there are any. So please dive in!
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Does MQ2 source have patchnotes? I'm looking at the download page and the last live update is showing the 15th but doesn't say anything other than
Nov 15 2017 by eqmule
Updated for BETA
Updated for LIVE

I don't typically mess with the MQ2 websites version of it, so in all likely hood I'm just overlooking them. I really should be keeping up with what is being updated.

If it just says updated for live/beta it means eqmule didn't introduce any new changes to the source.
Does MQ2 source have patchnotes? I'm looking at the download page and the last live update is showing the 15th but doesn't say anything other than
Nov 15 2017 by eqmule
Updated for BETA
Updated for LIVE

I don't typically mess with the MQ2 websites version of it, so in all likely hood I'm just overlooking them. I really should be keeping up with what is being updated.

If it just says updated for live/beta it means eqmule didn't introduce any new changes to the source.
