LoN Loot card question

I'm thinking that maybe it's Travelers, but not 100% sure. This guess is based off the fact it was uploaded into Alla in Dec 2009 and Traveler's was released in Oct 2009.
Pretty sure they werent available in packs. They were got through loot tounament, just the gargoyle illusion. I had razors edge, blunt force and the protective mimic on my Berserker, but i think i traded for them.
Legends of Norrath loot card from the Hill Gian Tournament Pack - November 2009.

There is also that. Try getting all 3. Nice to have.

Blunt Force
Slot: AMMO
Charges: Unlimited
Effect: Familiar Blunt Force (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 5.0)
Recast Delay: 10 seconds, Recast Type: -1
WT: 0.6 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL