Question How do I stop logging to DebugSpew and mq2autologin


Dec 19, 2008
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So I was looking at log files today, and my DebugSpew log file was 9.5 GB , yes thats right 9.5 GB , I have no clue how it got to be this big but my guess is its been logging since I upgraded to Windows 10 back in 2015 or so.

Along with that my mq2autologin file was about 78 MB, not sure how to turn either of these files from logging.
if they are loaded in the plugin config, uncheck them and no longer will they record etc..
as for an actual in-game command, I'm not 100% sure.
I don't want to unload the plugins, just want it to stop logging the DebugSpew and mq2autologin log files.
Debug spew would of came from the issue we had yesterday of SpellStack spamming the invalid read location.

If debugspew didn't kick in it would of been a crash instead, thought 9.5gb seems fairly excessive.
debugspew is controlled in MacroQuest.ini under [MacroQuest]


That will disable it.

Debug spew would of came from the issue we had yesterday of SpellStack spamming the invalid read location.

If debugspew didn't kick in it would of been a crash instead, thought 9.5gb seems fairly excessive.

Probably cause I have mq2autologin logging in 24 accounts every time, so thats a lot of log file size being generated for either of those log files, and probably had it on since 2015. Hoping one of these days Htw adds support for WinEQ2 with the new MMOLoader Launch integration !
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