Hide MQ


Lifetime Member
Oct 25, 2006
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I'm sorry if this has been asked somewhere before but is there anyway to hide all of MQ with like one slash command?

I want to start recording some videos on guild raids but it's so troublesome to try and hide everything and then unhide it all when I'm done, if I could just have one /command that would be awesome!

Something like /hidemq /showmq (the /hide would retain all the settings you have and /show would put them back the way they were) or even a /togglemq that would just recognize if it's already hidden or not.

Thanks for any advice!
So pressing the button that hides the whole UI doesn't work?
Do I get a reward if I say F11?
Nope. F11 just shows/hides your net stat/hud. F10 hides the UI. Usually if you hide the UI and don't have the netstat showing, then it should be like watching a video.
i was keeping this to myself, however, its about time i shared this insider with you.


^ that hides your entire UI and HUD< no trace of mq2 will be visible, your guild will be non the wiser! :D
Doesn't unload completely take out MQ though? I dont want to completely unload MQ, I just want to hide it. Hiding the UI dosn't work if you want to see ui elements (like mob hitpoints, etc) in the video or screenshot... Also hiding the UI does not hide things like Officer of, and who the pet master is.
/caption list then turn them off one by one. Forgot to say that first time

pretty sure several other threads have been made over this exact question.

i would write up a post and get it sticked if i actually thought people would search.
I infact did search JJ and did not find anything of relevance in the first 3 pages, thus why I said sorry if had been asked before.

Now, since their obviously isn't a way to do this with just one command, I'd like to make a request for a plugin if anyone has time to write one that would do this. One command to hide all visible elements of MQ without having to unload it or hide the entire UI.

I can possibly write a macro to do it myself but I'd much prefer it as a plugin so that if I am running a macro it dosn't intefere. (And yes there are many ways to run MQ and use it actively without having to see visible elements of it that would be caught in a video recording).
Now, since their obviously isn't a way to do this with just one command, I'd like to make a request for a plugin if anyone has time to write one that would do this. One command to hide all visible elements of MQ without having to unload it or hide the entire UI.

Actually I think you can type /caption mqcaptions off and it will turn them all off at once, /caption mqcaptions on will turn them all on again. Try that.

Wicked, that may work I havn't tried it yet, but that does nothing for the MQ2ChatWnd, the mapfilter, or the HuD....

I'm looking for a way to hide it all in one command. As I said I could probably write a macro for it, not sure about the chatwnd and hud though, but I betting those coudl be taken care of in a plugin. I havn't read up on Plugins for mq2 yet to figure out what all can be done with them.

I know it's possible to hide all this stuff in other ways, but I'm just looking for ways to make it simpler so that it can be done quickly if there is something I want to catch happening and dont have to worry about taking 15 seconds to hide everything.
just make your own alias /mqoff that turns everything you want off.
Hmm the alias idea could work, but I cant find a way to hide the MQ chat window with a /command. /windowstate dosn't appear to be working at all (I do /windowstate inventory open and it says Usage: /windowstate <window> open|close) and it dosn't look to work for all windows anyway according to the wiki.

I would overlay another window over the chat window, but that would get kind of annoying really fast having to move the window to see the MQ chat window every time I do a /who on someone anon or an npc which I do very often.

BTW: ....
I could've sworn I posted this in requests / questions not in contests and rewards lol.... Sorry for it being in the wrong place, no clue how I did that =P
Well I thought I had it figured out, tried this:

/hidemq=/multiline ; /mapfilter all ; /caption mqcaptions off ; /keypress f11 ; /plugin MQ2ChatWnd unload
/showmq=/multiline ; /mapfilter all ; /caption mqcaptions on ; /keypress f11 ; /plugin MQ2ChatWnd

But although /plugin MQ2ChatWnd unload works in Everquest and it works in a single command alias but it dosn't work in these multiline commands??


I did some rearranging and almost have it working currently using

/hidemq=/multiline ; /plugin MQ2ChatWnd ; /mapfilter all ; /caption mqcaptions off ; /keypress f11

And this will hide everything, but no matter what order i put them in for showing it either will not load the MQ2ChatWnd (at the end) or will not do the f11 and mapfilter. I tried adding a /delay 2s in there thinking maybe it was cause the plugin was loading, but it seems to ignore /delay in alias commands.
Add it before the last command in the multiline.

/hidemq=/multiline ; /plugin mq2chatwnd unload;/mapfilter all ;/caption mqcaptions off;/keypress f11
/showmq=/multiline ; /mapfilter all; /caption mqcaptions on; /timed 10 /plugin mq2chatwnd; /keypress f11

Edit: Test before posting.. :)
Hehe you posted while I was editing my last post. Rearranging it works for hiding it but not for showing it. if I do keypress f11 last everything works but f11, if I put the /plugin after the /keypress the /plugin command dosn't work.

It seems like it's a problem in the multiline command executing all the commands before the previous command has actually finished. And since /delay is ignored there is no way to force it to wait that I can find.

I don't know if there is a work around for it, but at least for now I have the /hidemq working. That will let me be able to hide quickly and start recording, I'll just have to do an extra command when I want to show it all again, until someone can tell me how to work around it.

EDIT: Also when doing the /show the captions aren't being reset either no matter where I put the /caption mqcaptions on command.
To reshow the window, try doing something like /echo Blahblahblah?
I did try that to see if the load command was working just not showing for some reason but it's not. The MQ2ChatWnd plugin is still unloaded so the /echo dosn't do anything.