Hi all.


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
Virginia / NH
I am new to the community and I just wanted to say hello!

I look forward to getting to know everyone, and I cannot wait until a warhammer "MQ" is out!

I was into Everquest for a long time, but now am trying to move on.

I still do play EQ however, so if anyone ever wants to talk about the game or WH just PM me.

See yah all around.
Welcome to the community Auburn. Fan of the football team?
Welcome to MMOBugs, abuse the search button or you will feel JJ's wrath..
The demonic laughter you hear while reading JJ's post is just your imagination. ;)
Yeah, JJ is actually very helpful around the forums, although his answer may not always be what you want or how you want to hear it..
Yeah, JJ is actually very helpful around the forums, although his answer may not always be what you want or how you want to hear it..

Do alot of you still play EQ1, and have alot of you moved on to WAR?
While I have tried many times to leave everquest...

EQ 4 life!
Welcome Auburn,

Oct 21 for the expansion. It's currently in beta.

All you need to appease JJ is brush up on your google-fu and use SEARCH for pretty much everything. If you think you have a unique question, never asked before, search anyway. You'll probably find the question.

Tigers are a good team, but I prefer the 'Huskers.
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Welcome Auburn,

Oct 21 for the expansion. It's currently in beta.

All you need to appease JJ is brush up on your goggle-fu and use SEARCH for pretty much everything. If you think you have a unique question, never asked before, search anyway. You'll probably find the question.

Tigers are a good team, but I prefer the 'Huskers.

Tigers are always top from all man! Lol.

I gotta get me one of those yellow names, but low on cash atm.
Tried WAR and while it's fun to play, it's still not as addicting or challenging as EQ. I've tried Vanguard, WoW, and now WAR and still nothing keeps me hooked like EQ. I'm sure SOE's timely expansion of SoD will keep alot from leaving EQ for WAR.