/gzone into Temple of Veeshan - ToV


New member
Sep 28, 2006
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Zoning to ToV

Can't zone into Temple of Veeshan. Trying to get my low level monk in for some non level req loot. Anyone else have problems zoning in at low levels?
You need 46 + to zone in, the old nozonerequirements that i had access to wouldnt zone you into ToV
damn lol so much for getting gear from there for my little monk! thanks for the info
Level 1 toon in a level 46 required zone.

Is this possible? Just curious if anyone has found a way around this. Tried gzone to no avail.

I've used Gzone to push toons into zones they aren't high enough for. What zone are you talking about?
ToV you can not gzone into and I think you can not gzone into PoFear either. So sorry to make my statement correct. I was not referring to instances.
Damn, yep it was for places like ToV and the original planes. What a shame. I want to make some old world gods. :)

I used /zone back in the day to get into NToV with a level 1 toon. Shortly thereafter, I was suspended for a few days. :p
OK Folks, the Fellowship thinger works. Finally had a chance to try it.

Thanks for the help. Case solved.
what about using it to bypass stupid flags, like potactics, high chance of getting suspended?
i've done it for a long time, havent worried to much about it, never been suspended here but was alwase a lvl 50+ toon too....
using warp / zone / gzone are all like Drinking and driving.. Your fine until you get caught or reported. While it is unsafe to do your not going to get busted unless you are caught (doing it in front of a GM) or get reported (Causing a gm to watch you so you do get caught)
Just have to be smart... like JJ said. I had a lvl 1 toon in tov for a little while while I farmed a few named. The risk/effort vs reward was only iffy. I got better gear for him doing the trick with the dain missions and 68 spell arc, killing Lord Seru and other random Luclin named, etc. I even got him into VT to loot some stuff, although the stats on a lvl 1 toon blow.

Just be careful... don't do it if anyone else is in zone, and limit the amount of time your toon is active in there.

At the moment my lvl 1 twink has about 1300 hps and 400 ac unbuffed .... lol and he's not even close to being geared in all slots yet.
Seru is like the best twink mob 100 hp all all items with no requirements.
I would think that would be totally easy to get caught.. i mean.. a simple /who would show there there is a toon under the min level in the zone.. end of story?
Anon / RolePlay are used for that. Typically you do not want to gzone or glock yourself into a zone with other people who you are not associated with. People will report you even if they have to use superwho to see your level. This all relates back to cheat smarter.