
It's not the slow chewing directly JJ, its the fact that it takes 20 minutes for your brain to receive the message from the stomach that it is no longer hungry. An issue we have in America is eating until we are full. Try eating to the point of satiety - which is where you no longer have the "hungry" feeling; not until your full, because if you eat until you are full/stuffed your overeating. You stomach is a muscle so it WILL stretch as most know, but it also does shrink. So yes, chew slower and if possible try to make meals last 15 to 20minutes that way you brain can receive the signal to stop eating. Just huffing down food will cause your stomach to stretch. You do not fulfill that need for hunger until the part where your esophagus connects to the stomach has pressure against it. Also the feeling of hunger may indicate you are thirsty, because the body does not differentiate between hunger and thirst it is recommended in between meals if you get hungry to drink 8oz of water and wait 10 to 15 minutes for it to get into your system. Even though it takes 70 to 90 minutes for the water to get into your cells waiting that 10 to 15 minute window can help relieve the burning desire to eat when you are just thirsty.

Leading to another thing if your planning on working out try drinking just a glass or so of water 70 to 90 minutes before working out that way your cells are hydrated. If you wait until your mouth is dry or you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated. Also unless you are exercising over 90 minutes Gatorade and all those sports drinks are not needed. They are just an extra 220 calories or whatever that isn't necessary. You do not begin to lose electrolytes until post 90 minutes, but even at that point you should be consuming 200 to 300 calories an hour to prevent your body from going into a catabolic state. Once you enter a catabolic state it no longer uses glycogen stores or carbohydrates for energy; it begins to use the protein in muscle for energy because it breaks down much easier and more efficiently then carbohydrates. Also cortisol begins to be released into your blood stream which is a fat-storing hormone. You want to stay in an Anabolic state. Most people feel it will give them "energy" but unless you are an athlete or do endurance sports water will suffice for the 60minutes at the gym. There is nothing a balanced diet can't do as opposed to drinking sport drinks.

Just some definitions for anyone who doesn't understand some of the terminology.
Catabolic State: Unfavorable state in the body created by a combination of too much training, lack of good nutrition and lack of rest that leads to muscle loss and fat accumulation.

Anabolic State: Favorable state in the body created by a combination of good training, nutrition and rest that leads to favorable changes in body composition.

Cortisol: Catabolic hormone secreted by the adrenal glands in situations of stress (both physical and mental), lack of calories/nutrients and lack of sleep. This hormone is associated with loss of muscle mass, loss of strength, and fat accumulation. An excess of it over long periods of time may also contribute to hardening of the arteries; something that leads to heart disease.

Here this is relevant to getting that 6-pack some of you crave.
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Most of the above I agree with minus the electrolytes dont burn until 90 minutes... Anytime you sweat you are burning them as the salt is being depleted from your system, taking them with them.
Point well taken and you sir are correct. That was my misunderstanding :)
If you cannot do the full work out to start just do the yoga x + kenpo x or yoga + cardio. Then start to add in other discs.

You wont see your lower abs until you are sub 12% body fat unless you do high weight to make them pop out. But that doesn't give you true ab strength just size. For looking pretty its cool I guess but I would rather have a little baby fat and rock hard core then ripped abs that look nice but don't perform as well as they look.

if anyone wants the p90x ill burn you dvds and ship them to you at basically cost of the light scribe dvd + shipping. So most anywhere in the US would be about 20$ total.

Part of the torrent at piratebay has the work out guide, when you start and if you have problems just do 30 minutes first. If you have low cardio u plyametrics will kick your ass HARD. Just get you a couple of dumbells, dont have to be heavy or resistance bands and a pull up bar is nice but not a have to have thing. Its a 7 day workout and teh guide cycles your workout for you, like i said just do 30 minutes if u have trouble, the dvd cycles over does pretty much same thing at that time just more reps. I promise if you stick with it for even 30 minutes a day you will see a change and feal it also.
To lazy to upload a picture but just uploaded my fight from Feb you can see my build, I have toned up a lot since then though.

Dude, I was so there...I live in Joplin ><...what is that song that played when you came out..all I heard was "Boyz in da hood" that was a nice half lock you got on him a couple mins in...and DAMMIT you almost had that triangle locked..
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Nice fight JJ, how many you had now? You alsmot had the triangle choke on several times lol, got there in the end! :)
Depends how much effort you put in, but 4-5lbs a week without a regime. Judging from what ive read / heard about the p90x, you could be dropping double that if you really whack in the effort, just be careful, its not healthy to loose the weight to fast, keep an accurate diary of your weights and speak to your doctor.

Honestly, dropping 5lbs a week is already plenty.

Im entirely too lazy to do all of that. Im just eating fewer calories, and I am sure with a doctor's opinion he will have me eating 3000 calories a day and Ill probably lose .1337 lbs a week which just isn't going to fit my timeframe.

I started dieting 2 weeks ago and had a pretty huge initial weight loss as always but it will even out, went from 336 to 324. Just about 100lbs more to go!(I plan to lose 70 or 80 of those by July.

Hey JJ can women do those p90x shits too? If so let me know I will need to talk with you about those DVDs, you rock. (Wife can probably do them now)

Speaking of which if you want a success story look at my wife. She got pregnant, threw up everyday all day. When it was all said and done she lost 20lbs during the pregnancy(baby is fine). Well that gave her the initial weight loss and she got determined. Since then she has lost another 75 lbs. Bringing her from 220 ish to like 125 ish. She is now running almost every day for 3 or 4 miles. I am very proud of her :D

This has motivated me to get healthy because I just don't want people being like hey what is she doing with that fatass! That would make panda sad.

Im sure if she could use this p90x crap to get into shape she would fly out their and give you mad hugz.

Thanks JJ! and friends...
That was my first, my second is comming up end of may.

DemonH2 yes anyone can do the P90X as long as they are in good health.
Im entirely too lazy to do all of that. Im just eating fewer calories, and I am sure with a doctor's opinion he will have me eating 3000 calories a day and Ill probably lose .1337 lbs a week which just isn't going to fit my timeframe.

You could drop your weight by June/July with eating a lot of calories, its the kind of calories you eat that slow down the weight loss.
From what I understand calorie is just a unit of energy. And calories are tested by burning them, so as far as I know 1 calorie from pizza is the same as a calorie from a carrot. I could be wrong though.

Basically right now im just eating 1500 calories and weight is dropping, though when i get around 290 or 280 im going to start excersizing too.
From what I understand calorie is just a unit of energy. And calories are tested by burning them, so as far as I know 1 calorie from pizza is the same as a calorie from a carrot. I could be wrong though.

Basically right now im just eating 1500 calories and weight is dropping, though when i get around 290 or 280 im going to start excersizing too.

Thtas like saying a stock car in NASCAR is the same as another stock car
No thats like saying a meter in london is the same as a meter on pluto....units of measurement...
a calorie is the same regardless of which food it came from, however, the food isnt just calories. It has nutritional values as well, slice of cake or an apple, both containing 75 calories (its a very small peice of cake)... the apple has vitamins, the cake has fat and lots of it. You sh ouldnt really be 'so' worried about the calories, its the overall value of the food !
Sounds like a ton of lead is weighing more than a ton of feathers to me....
Sounds like a ton of lead is weighing more than a ton of feathers to me....

white rice vs brown rice if you eat the same calories of each the return on the brown is 5x better.
This is a ton of good info. Thanks guys. I'm 6'1" and through high school I was always a skinny kid. Sophomore year in HS my mom was driving me to school in the morning but dropping me off at McDonald's because she had to be at work much earlier (I was way too far away to walk and out of the school district so couldn't take the bus). I started eating McDonald's for breakfast.

Junior year, I was still getting dropped off at McDonalds. We then got the priviledge to go off campus for lunch. All the friends wanted McDonalds. Then I'd go to basketball or soccer practice. On the way home? I'd grab some McDonald's because I was exhausted and starving.

Basically I went from 6'1" 165ish to 6'1" 225 by the time I was 19-20 years old. All of the weight was in my gut basically so it looked horrible. I have always had large (muscular) legs from playing soccer since I was a kid, but had skinny arms and neck. It looked akward with the now large gut.

I had an injury that had me in bed for a few months, but I wasn't eating much and the family was worried. I dropped to 210 pounds in that time but quickly got back up to 213. I started P90X and it got me from 213 to 190 and I felt much better. Now I go from 190 to 195 to 190 and it's an endless cycle.

My goal is to get to 175-180 (I want to lose my gut still but I still have somewhat of an addiction to fast food). Once I get rid of my gut, THEN I want to start packing on weight in the form of muscle. Nutrition is my problem, but I don't have a ton of time during the day to cook for myself.

Anyone have some advice for me?
smaller meals and ziplock baggies make up a weeks at a time of misc nuts and keep fruit in the house. grab a baggie + a fruit for between meal snacks. Yogurt is also a decent mid snack meal. Peanut butter + celery or baby carrots. Stuff that takes little to know time to make and are healthy to eat.
Sounds like a ton of lead is weighing more than a ton of feathers to me....

DemonH2, I'd recommend you try to see the episode "Live and Let Diet" of "Good Eats" on Food Network with Alton Brown.

[ame=""]YouTube- Good Eats - S13E13P1 - Live And Let Diet[/ame]

Like 2:45 mark to make a point, but the whole episode is useful. It's talking about the difference between nutrient dense food and energy dense food and the ratio balance you should be looking for.
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a good little find there Cuda, right at the beginning he explains that calories arnt everything, so i hope that kinda clears it up a little Demon :)
smaller meals and ziplock baggies make up a weeks at a time of misc nuts and keep fruit in the house. grab a baggie + a fruit for between meal snacks. Yogurt is also a decent mid snack meal. Peanut butter + celery or baby carrots. Stuff that takes little to know time to make and are healthy to eat.

Thanks JJ for that info, but I guess I meant to say that snacking really isn't my problem; meals are. I tend to over-eat and to also eat bad food. I tend to not cook for myself because I work swing shifts so I am gone throughout the entire day really.

Does anybody have a resource online that could help someone figure out what to prepare in advance and maybe set aside in a fridge or freezer until they are ready to heat it up again?

One thing that I have thought interesting. With the horrible amount of obesity in the US, and the world for that matter, the government spends billions of dollars for God knows what to give resources for everything you can imagine BUT...

In order to get a workout plan, nutrition plan or any REAL information about healthy eating/living, you need to fork out a crap ton of cash to some online resource that may or may not know what they are talking about. If the government was serious about fighting obesity, they would get their top nutritionists so that the information was accurate, and set out easy to follow plans for people to get their weight on track. Something other than "follow a healthy diet and exersize".

THAT ADVICE DOES NOT WORK!!! People need more than that. What is healthy? Okay, we know some of the basics...but how do you balace health and good taste and satisfaction?? What about someone that thinks seafood is disgusting? (I tend to hear a lot of things about eating seafood, but I hate it).

I know I sound like I am complaining a lot, but I feel like I am in the boat of "I don't know a lot about eating right, and I feel that there should be a larger amount of FREE resources out there to lay out a specific plan for people". Maybe that's asking too much though...