AFK Vxed Bard Macro

anyone figure this out yet? didnt someone say that they got it working?
has been working great for me didnt do anything to it running it as is:cool:

You would only have to manually get the quest once and zone in right ? Or is there a timer on the zone ? Awesome btw I am loving the piggy zone ! Right on Brother ! I read the whole thread and had to laugh at some of the redundant questions due to people not reading it. I doubt people go into RCoD Any more either...hell MPG is pretty rare also..mobs summon there tough eh ? probably no good after lvl 78 any way eh ?

Edit...If I max out my spell dot and crits and delevel back down to 65 or some thing to get really good aaxp would it mess those up ?
This is an older version of the Icefall macro...I can not get it to work...any one got a working one ? Please PM Me eh ? Pretty pretty please ?

|// The Dirty Bard Kiting Macro Skelleton.
|// Initially set up for Icefall Glacier
|//                  '.'
|//Coding concepts shamelessly remembered and borrowed from many a great bard macro.
|//I am no evil genious, nor have I ever claimed to be.
|//I can not remember every person who has writen a bard macro; So if you see your code or concepts here,
|//it's because you created something that worked well. Thank you for inspiring people like myself.
|//~AFK macroing in a public zone is not advised. Please use this macro with caution in public areas.
|//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=> Some Requirements <=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|~ Nostun plugin or docrack. A stunned bard is a dead bard.
|~ Bandoliers must be made for and named "Strings", and "Percussion" . With no qoutes of course.
|~ Heal over time potions in potion belt slot 2.

|~==================================Newbie friendly instructions incoming.==================================
| You may check the number of mobs you have killed at any time by typing /echo My Progress
|~The event check for a GM sending you a tell can be comented out,
| along with the sub event_GMInZone if you so wish. They are sloppy, but they work.

|~If you find that the twist set up doesn't fit you alter it as needed.
|~The hp % you want to evac your bard at is controled by "/declare EvacHps int outer 50", in Sub Main.
| You can change it to whatever % you like.
|~Commented lines are located throughout the script to help the user change zone ID's & HP % triggers.

|//~The song set up this macro is made for are as follows.
|//~Gem 1 regen song,  2 selos, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are dots. 8 is Kazumi's (DA).
|// This can of course be altered to whatever suits you, and gem 9 is wtf ever you like.

|There are #events that will camp your character out or add a player to your group, or instance for PL`ing,
| you will want to change them to whatever you like. or leave them as is and not use them at all.

|~~>If ever you want to use this macro in another zone, the only changes you need to make are;
|~ The loc of your camp, The size of your circle, The loc of your prefered "Safe spot" when evac is called, 
|~ The Zone ID for all of the Zone ID Checks for the zone to be kited in.
|~ You can acquire the ID of a zone you are currently in by using /echo ${Zone.ID}
|~ the zone you're kiting in with the /declare KiteZoneID in Sub Main.
|~ You can change the zone you're kiting in with the; /declare KiteZoneID, under Sub Main.
|~ as well as the zone you're bound in in the; /if (${Zone.ID}==344) /call Died, under Sub Main.
|~  <optional> The /face heading can be adjusted for starting a smoother circle.

#turbo 30
#event GMInTells "#*#tells you,#*# GM #*#"
#event GMInTells "#*#tells you,#*# Guide #*#"
#event GMInTells "#*#tells you,#*# Senior Guide #*#"
#event GMInTells "#*#tells you,#*# gamemaster #*#"
#event GMInTells "#*#tells you,#*# Game Master #*#"
#event GMInTells "#*#tells you,#*# Customer Service #*#"
#event GMInTells "#*#tells you,#*# CSR #*#"
#event ExpTracker "#*#experience!#*#"
#event AA "You have gained an ability point!#*#"
#event tar "#*#You gain #*#"
#event tar "#*#You must first #*#"
#event tar "You cannot see your target."
#event invite "<Text that will trigger an invite of the person who sent the tell goes here>" 
#event dzadd "<Text that will trigger a task invite of the person who sent the tell goes here>"
#event camp "<Insert tell based camp event of your preference>'
#event Kills "#*#My Progress#*#"
/docrack nostun on
/plugin mq2nostun
/echo ==:~>The Dirty Bard Kiting Macro Skelleton.<~:==
/echo                                 '.'
/echo Coding concepts shamelessly remembered and borrowed from many a great bard macro.
/echo AFK macroing in a public zone is not advised. Please use this macro with caution in public areas.
/echo unless of course you want to bring the wrath down from the thing up high.
/popup ==:~>The Dirty Bard Kiting Macro Skelleton.<~:==
/popup                                  '.'

Sub Main
   //Don't touch these.
   /declare Kills int outer 0
   /declare AA int outer 0
   /declare AaDPS int outer
   /declare regensong int outer 0  
   /declare Exper float outer
   /declare AAExp float outer
   /declare LDRExp float outer 
   /varset Exper ${Me.PctExp}
   /varset AAExp ${Me.PctAAExp}
   /varset LDRExp ${Me.PctGroupLeaderExp}
   |//~Alter the Hit Point percentage that will trigger the use of Potions, Regen song, & Evac; bellow here.
   /declare RegenHps int outer 90
   /declare ChugPotion int outer 40
   /declare EvacHps int outer 30
   |//~Edit the player check radius bellow here
   /declare PWRadius int outer 300
   |//~Alter the ${Zone.ID} for the zone you are kiting in bellow here.
   /declare KiteZoneID int outer 400
   |//~Alter the zone you're bound in bellow here.   
   /if (${Zone.ID}==344) /call Died
   /if (${Zone.ID}==${KiteZoneID}) /call KiteZone
   /if (${Zone.ID}==${KiteZoneID}) {
      /call GMcheck
      /call CheckHP
      /call AaDPS
      /call Bellow
   /goto :MainLoop

Sub GMcheck 
   /if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) { 
      /echo Gm detected 

Sub Event_GMInTells
    /twist off
    /delay 1s
    /alt act 212
    /delay 2s

Sub Devoted
   /if (${Me.AltAbilityReady["481"]}==TRUE) {
      /twist 6
      /delay 5s
      /twist end
      /delay 1s
      /alt act 481
      /delay 7s
      /if (${regensong} == 1)   /twist 1 2 4 5 2 6 7
      /if (${regensong} == 0)   /twist 2 3 4 5 2 6 7

/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady["553"]}==TRUE) {
/delay 1s
/alt act 553
/delay 1s
/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady["199"]}==TRUE) {
/delay 1s
/alt act 199
/delay 1s

sub Died
   /twist end
   /delay 1s
   /keypress down
   /delay 1s
   /delay 1s
   /camp desk

sub CheckHP
        /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=${RegenHps} && ${Me.PctHPs}>=${EvacHps} && ${regensong}==0 && ${Zone.ID}==${KiteZoneID}) {
      /twist 1 2 4 5 2 6 7
      /varset regensong 1
       /if (${Me.PctHPs}>${RegenHps} && ${regensong}==1 && ${Zone.ID}==${KiteZoneID}) {
      /twist 2 3 4 5 2 6 7
      /varset regensong 0
        /if (${Me.PctHPs}>${EvacHps} && ${Me.PctHPs}<=${ChugPotion} && ${Zone.ID}==${KiteZoneID}){
            /potionbelt activate 2
            /twist 2 3 4 5 2 6 7
            /varset regensong 0
       /if (${Me.PctHPs} < ${EvacHps} && ${Zone.ID}==${KiteZoneID}) {
      /warp loc -2000, -1555, -172.13
      /circle off
      /keypress forward
      /band activate strings
      /twist 1
      /delay 10s
      /alt act 212
      /delay 21s
      /if (${Me.PctHPs} > ${RegenHps}) {
         /if (${Me.Sitting}) /stand
         /call KiteZone
      /goto :HealLoop
Sub Event_tar
   /tar clear
   /tar npc radius 200
   /if (${Target.Type.Equal[corpse]}) /tar npc next

Sub event_dzaddPerson
   /dzadd Person

Sub event_invite 
   /invite Person

Sub event_camp
    /alt act 212
   /warp succor
   /circle off
   /camp desktop

Sub KiteZone
   /if (${Zone.ID}==${KiteZoneID}) {
      /band activate percussion
      /face fast heading 260
      /twist end
      /delay 1s
      /if (${Me.SpellReady["Kazumi's Note of Preservation"]} != TRUE) {
         /delay 10s
         /goto :WaitForDA
      /twist 2
      /delay 5s
      /twist 8
      /delay 5s
      /warp loc 1265.0, -1495.0, 310.34
      /call SafetyCheck
      /delay 1s
      /face fast heading 60
      /delay 2s
      /circle on 41
      /keypress forward hold
      /twist 2 3 4 5 2 6 7
   Sub SafetyCheck
    /if (${SpawnCount[pc radius ${PWRadius} notid ${Me.ID}]}) {
        /if (${Me.Moving}) {
            /keypress FORWARD
            /keypress BACK
            /alt act 212
            /warp loc -2000, -1555, -172.13
        /echo [${Time.Time24}] !!! Alert !!!
        /popup [${Time.Time24}] !!! Alert !!!
        /echo [${Time.Time24}] Another Player is near by, the Macro has been paused...
        /popup [${Time.Time24}] Another Player is near by, the Macro has been paused...
        /if (!${Me.AFK}) /afk
            /delay 10s (!${SpawnCount[pc radius ${PWRadius} notid ${Me.ID}]})
        /if (${SpawnCount[pc radius ${PWRadius} notid ${Me.ID}]}) /goto :loop
        /echo [${Time.Time24}] Macro resumed...
        /popup [${Time.Time24}] Macro resumed...
        /call KiteZone

Sub event_ExpTracker
/varset AAExp ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctAAExp}-${AAExp}]}
/varset Exper ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctExp}-${Exper}]}
/varset LDRExp ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctGroupLeaderExp}-${LDRExp}]}
/echo EXP: ${Exper} (${Me.PctExp}%) - AA: ${AAExp} (${Me.PctAAExp}%) : ${Time.Time12} :
/varset Exper ${Me.PctExp}
/varset AAExp ${Me.PctAAExp}
/varset LDRExp ${Me.PctGroupLeaderExp}
/varcalc Kills (${Kills}+1)

Sub event_AA
/echo ${Time.Time12}
/varcalc AA (${AA}+1)

Sub event_Kills             
/echo =====================================
/echo ======= Kill Count - ${Kills} =======
/echo ========= AA Earned - ${AA} =========
/echo ======= Time - ${Time.Time12} =======
/echo =====================================
If I max out my spell dot and crits and delevel back down to 65 or some thing to get really good aaxp would it mess those up ?

Being as you'd only be 65 there would probably be very few AA that you could purchase that would be of much use. I just made a new bard from scratch and i think I only found 150-200 AA useful before I started pumping out lvls again. Unless you wanted to use it to knock out tradeskills and stupid stats, but the time spent re-lvling really wouldn't be worth it IMHO.
So I started up this macro on a 65 bard I found, and it was having some issues.

I was standing in barindu. It warped to the expedition giver, hailed, but didn't get a response. Asked for Vxed, but because the hail never went through, it didn't get anything. Then warped to the zone in, and of course, couldn't zone in.

So I end the macro, go back to the lady, hail her myself, accept it manually.. and then start the macro again. This time, it does work when the macro hails her, but of course, can't accept, as I already did. Warps to Vxed entrance, but I get a message "can't click that, too far away".. so I turn myself, and manually zone in.

From there, it did warp up and start running in circles and kiting. My question is, I was running over a couple obstactles when I know for sure there was room to run a smooth circle. Is it supposed to run over some of the geometry in the room?

And in the end, I died because I got curious as to what mobs were chasing me, and that messed up the movement. lol. :)

But honestly.. any ideas on the above? I don't mind doing it all manually every 6 hours, but just curious.

Edit: So I tried again, and the hail thing worked just fine again.. but it still isn't clicking into the zone automatically... I turned, and tried to click and it was too far away, moved slightly forward towards vxed zone , and it worked. Not sure if the /loc has changed, but maybe.

As for running over geometry, it worked flawlessly the next time I ran it, in a perfect, un obstructed circle. Killed one before ending it. Yay 29% AA / kill :eek:
So I started up this macro on a 65 bard I found, and it was having some issues.

I was standing in barindu. It warped to the expedition giver, hailed, but didn't get a response. Asked for Vxed, but because the hail never went through, it didn't get anything. Then warped to the zone in, and of course, couldn't zone in.

So I end the macro, go back to the lady, hail her myself, accept it manually.. and then start the macro again. This time, it does work when the macro hails her, but of course, can't accept, as I already did. Warps to Vxed entrance, but I get a message "can't click that, too far away".. so I turn myself, and manually zone in.

From there, it did warp up and start running in circles and kiting. My question is, I was running over a couple obstactles when I know for sure there was room to run a smooth circle. Is it supposed to run over some of the geometry in the room?

And in the end, I died because I got curious as to what mobs were chasing me, and that messed up the movement. lol. :)

But honestly.. any ideas on the above? I don't mind doing it all manually every 6 hours, but just curious.

Edit: So I tried again, and the hail thing worked just fine again.. but it still isn't clicking into the zone automatically... I turned, and tried to click and it was too far away, moved slightly forward towards vxed zone , and it worked. Not sure if the /loc has changed, but maybe.

As for running over geometry, it worked flawlessly the next time I ran it, in a perfect, un obstructed circle. Killed one before ending it. Yay 29% AA / kill :eek:

I think you will find that you were invis for the first part... There is no logical reason that if you are standing in front of her, and not invis, that she would not give you the mission... There is just no reason.

The second issue of being too far away, I think this may be the message similar to "Zone is not ready" type messages and if you wait for it, it will continue trying and will eventually go in.

As for the hitting things while you are running around, this will probably be due to the use of /speed and Selos or some other type of speed mod, I have found it to cause issues with this mac...

Generally I would recommend Leveling to 69 or 70 ASAP simply because the More HP and AC you have the safer and easier it is to run while AFK. Sure the XP is a little less per ill then at 65, but if you AFK for an hour and die, come back from work you have only killed 10 Mobs, versus the lev 70 person who has killed 100 then who has really had more xp?

Get 65, Buff up, run the AFK for 2-3 Hours while you take the GF to the movies or something. Come back buff up again and run it for another few hours. By that time you will likely be 68 or 69. Re gear up once you hit 70 and you should be decent enough gear/HP/AC to be able to run AFK with confidence.
Was thinking of doing that. Would have newer DoTs by that time as well.

To be honest, it didn't seem to have a problem with getting hit, even without DA working, it still didn't get below 60% before I was ahead of the mobs. But I do hear of mobs spawning on top of the bard which could cause issues. Fixed my DA issue by changing it to /twist 8 , instead of /twist 9.

The AA exp per kill I'm sure can't be too much less. Will definitely consider leveling straight to 70 before going back to AA. Level 70 opens up a bunch more AA as well, so could easily macro to 1k+ AA before maxing out.

Edit: Oh , btw, thanks for confirmation that it'll keep trying to get into the instance if it fails.

My other question is, I have a level 82 and a level 81 that need AAs pretty badly. What kind of AA exp would these guys get if I grouped up? Would it even be worth it?
No the exp is not worth it.

Far as not getting the dz, never seen that happen, as for the room not being smooth, i think at one point it will run thru a tree, but the tree doesnt move your char or anything.

As for when to get aa's and all, i did 65 max aa, lvled to 66 maxed aa, so on and so forth, however this was before sony added the 750 EASY aa bonus, so it might actually be worth it to lvl to 70, and then aa.

lemme know how fast it is at 70
I went to 72 because it was a Combat Stability, Agility level. The xp is just fine imo. I get a kill every 2:45 and in 8 hours bank around 22aa. Was getting 13-14 while piggy another toon. This is my 2nd bard to do this and I found that 72, then 76 were comfortable levels to max the aa's at.

Remember this is AFK xp. Of course you can get that many aa's in 1/4 of the time grouped.
No the exp is not worth it.

Far as not getting the dz, never seen that happen, as for the room not being smooth, i think at one point it will run thru a tree, but the tree doesnt move your char or anything.

As for when to get aa's and all, i did 65 max aa, lvled to 66 maxed aa, so on and so forth, however this was before sony added the 750 EASY aa bonus, so it might actually be worth it to lvl to 70, and then aa.

lemme know how fast it is at 70

What do you mean easy aa bonus? When was this implemented?
If you have 0 aa you get like (idk numbers so making them up) 4x the exp, once at like 250aa exp bonus drops to 3x, 500 drops to 2x, 750 goes back to normal
I went to 72 because it was a Combat Stability, Agility level. The xp is just fine imo. I get a kill every 2:45 and in 8 hours bank around 22aa. Was getting 13-14 while piggy another toon. This is my 2nd bard to do this and I found that 72, then 76 were comfortable levels to max the aa's at.

Remember this is AFK xp. Of course you can get that many aa's in 1/4 of the time grouped.

That's about half the time I'm getting now on kills. Taking me about 4-5 minutes per kill at 65. I'm wondering.. if I maxed crit affliction, jam fest, instrument mastery, therefore making faster kills, it'd be easier to stay at 65 for AAs. I'm getting 29% AA exp / kill, and even if level 72 is faster, if I can speed it up at 65 through AA, I'd think that would be better. Unless at level 72 the AA exp is still 20%+?

But again.. 72 opens up a lot more AA to be able to get.
There is a balance, if you max too much crit, or jamfest youll kill too fast later on and run out of mobs..

To low is almost better then too high. Ill have to kite naked if i got any higher.
My macro, probably due to bugged moveutils, stopped after 6 hours and trying to get another instance.

I banked 18 AA in that time frame, and I'm killing about every 5 minutes. If in 8 hours , you banked 22? Seems better for me to just keep chugging at 65 for as many AA as I can, because its faster, before moving on.

In terms of killing too fast. That's true, but can always downgrade to lower level DoTs. How much do your DoTs tick for now?
If you have 0 aa you get like (idk numbers so making them up) 4x the exp, once at like 250aa exp bonus drops to 3x, 500 drops to 2x, 750 goes back to normal


The bonus peters out at 1k AA now (SoD era). At 850-900ish, you're still getting about 25% more than you would at 1k.

My Bard is 76 and I'm definitely gonna give this mac a whirl. I don't care if it was only 10 AA. As said, it's afk xp! :)
Macro definitely works well once up in the spot and running around in circles. I have problems whenever it needs to restart.

Whether I warped due to low life, and I'm trying to return to keep kiting, or the instance is over, and it needs to get another one.

From the logs, in either case, I warp up to the spot, then I just die, and it /quits me out. Wish I had more logs to know more of what actually happened.