AFK Vxed Bard Macro

Works at lvl 80 last i ran was getting like 30aa a day
Ok just found what is happening... when I die I seem to warp to the loc 125 -300 447, which is of course where you warp to in Vxed...

Trialling some stuff to get it to work...
OK I think I have found it... What is happening is that when I get to GL, I am "100% health" so I insta warp to the loc and begin circling. Because I am running I cant /camp out.

To solve this I have swapped some code in the Evac part so it does a zone check BEFORE warping... (Also added a tad more delay after invul song as my bard sometimes takes a bit longer to get it off. This is why some ppl die straight away all the time because their skills are too low to cast it in time)

|Sub: Evac Tasks

/squelch /twist 9
/delay 4s
/warp loc 125 -300 447
/delay 1s

/squelch /circle on 60
/delay 10s
/squelch /twist off
/call GetTarget

Changed to...

/squelch /twist 9
/delay 1s
/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[GuildLobby]}) /q
/delay 5s
/warp loc 125 -300 447

Also in the Main loop I added

/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=99) /disc Deftdance

As I couldn't figure out how to get the Disc to work with events.
Awesome work to it, i am thinking of making/buying a new bard for myself soon.

so i will revive this and rework back to its former glory soon.
Awesome work to it, i am thinking of making/buying a new bard for myself soon.

so i will revive this and rework back to its former glory soon.

Would be great to have you back on a bard because this macro is fantastic and would be great to see it kept up to date.

I have made a few other tweaks to it too. Such as automating nostun2 and nopushmelee to help remove the situation where you are stunned and then mobed, also no push melee hopefully will prevent being knocked off course...

A great additive to it would be the ability to start it in Vxed if there is people in Barindu at the time... As I would like to run it with a player check while I am afk but sometimes I have gone to start it and someone else is in zone so I have to | out the player check, or I have to wait to start it...

Still amazing work on this mac and the Yeti one. I incorporated the EXP and Kill counter from it :)

In the events added

#event exp "#*#experience!#*#"
#event ping "You have gained an ability point!#*#"

And in the main loop added

Sub event_exp
	/varcalc Kill_Count (${Kill_Count}+1)
	/varset AAExp ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctAAExp}-${AAExp}]}
	/varset Exp ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctExp}-${Exp}]}
	/echo EXP: ${Exp} - AAXP: ${AAExp} - ${Math.Calc[${Macro.RunTime}/60]} minutes
	/echo Kill Count - ${Kill_Count}
	/echo Ping Count - ${Ping_Count}
	/varset Exp ${Me.PctExp}
	/varset AAExp ${Me.PctAAExp}

Sub event_ping
	/echo PING!
	/varcalc Ping_Count (${Ping_Count}+1)
Anyone ever end up dieing in the middle of barindu after a few hours. Its happened to me twice in the past few weeks. No sure what chain of events led me to end up there. I think maybe its when the expeditions ends and i guess it just zones you back to barindu. That or i get trained or something when im about to zone back in to vxed.

ps. i love this macro
cmg, if people are in the zone the mac stops, so it is very possible that you are sitting there and people are training mobs on you.

havnt looked in a LONG time but i thought once upon a time i had an invis for that but idk honestly, that could of been my personal one not the public one.
Change the player check to the below and you should have no more problems... Unless someone trains some SI mobs on you...

Make sure you have invisible song or Song of travel in spell gem 1

|Sub: Player Check
Sub PlayerCheck
		/if (${SpawnCount[pc]}>1) {
			/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~People in zone~--~-~-~-~-~
			/echo ~-~-~-~-waiting five mintues~-~-~-~-~-
			/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-${Time.Time12}-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
			/twist 1
			/delay 300s
			/goto :Loop
			/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~-~Zone Empty~-~--~-~-~-~-
			/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~-~Continuing~-~-~-~-~-~-~
Now thats if invis is in slot 1 from what i see

and good work man, maybe i wont have to come back you can do it all!
Nah I can't really create... I can adjust or make suggestions like a Mo fo but that is about it.

And the changes I have made are a little messy anyway and I am sure there are easier/better ways to do it... Will have look at it when I get a chance and touch up some stuff and will post what I have... Maybe we can brain storm how to make it even better :)

I would like to get clicky buffs working as there is a nice 700 HP clicky I am working on. which would be awesome.
Updated Mac

Here is what I have tweaked a bit and added some extra stuff in there.

Have borrowed some code from other macs posted and have given credit. If there are any objections or disputes please let me know.

Also if you can see where this can be cleaned up or improved please share so we can have an even better working mac for MMOBUG members.

| Program 	: Vxed.mac
| Author    : Smarty
| Props		: Yeti, gklauer.
| Purpose	: AFK Vxed Exp for Bard.
| Version   : 3.0 
| Useage: /mac vxed        
|		- Really need at least 7000 HP in order to run. If Bard has less then this, ensure to have a HP Buff such as Teme before you run it. Simply refresh the buff when it runs out. (This give you about 3.5 hours of AFK XP)
|		- Start the macro in Barindu (if there are people in the zone, get expedition manually and start in Vxed)
|		- Spell  1: Song of Travel or Invis | 2:Health Song | 3-6:DoT Songs | 8:Invul Song
|		- Comment out the AA casting in "MainLoop" for your bard's AA
|		- Put healing potions on your potion belt in slot 1ss
|		- Set potion belt 1 as HoT potion (Change the value of "/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=95) /potionbelt activate 1" to a suitable amount... The lower your HP the faster you will need it to fire)
|		- Start in Barindu.
|		- Gets another expedition automatically, uses warp AFTER doing a player check when it runs out or if the summoning mob pops
|		- Automatically sets speed so you don't need to waste a twist on selo
|		- Counts kills, XP, AA XP, and time running
|		- On death it will /quit to ensure you can get a rez when you log back in
|	Following plugins are needed: (Loads automatically)
|		MQ2DoCrack
|		MQ2Twist
|		MQ2MoveUtils
|		MQ2SpeedUtils
|		1- Selo's Song of Travel
|		2- Health/Mana Regen Song
|		3- DoT (eg Fire)
|		4- DoT (eg Poison)
|		5- DoT (eg Ice)
|		6- DoT (eg Disease)
|		7- DoT (eg Magic)
|		8- Invulnerability

#turbo 40

#event ExpeditionFail "#*#There is no expedition currently#*#"
#event named "#*#misguided beludu Creque murmurs#*#"
#event dead "#*#You have been knocked unconscious!#*#"
#event exp "#*#experience!#*#"
#event ping "You have gained an ability point!#*#"

|Sub: Cute little start-up message
Sub Main
	/declare Kill_Count		int outer 0
	/declare Ping_Count		int outer 0
	/declare Exp		float outer
	/declare AAExp		float outer

	/varset Exp		${Me.PctExp}
	/varset AAExp		${Me.PctAAExp}	
	/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[Vxed]})	/call VxedStart
	/if (!${Zone.ShortName.Equal[Barindu]}) /multiline ; /echo ~-~-~-~-Please Start in Barindu-~-~-~-~ ; /end
	/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[Barindu]})	/call GetExpedition


|Sub: Gets Expedition/Enters Expedition/Warps To Spot
Sub GetExpedition
	/call PlayerCheck
	/delay 1s
	/plugin MQ2DoCrack
	/delay 1s
	/plugin mq2moveutils
	/delay 1s	
	/plugin MQ2SpeedUtils
	/delay 1s
	/plugin MQ2Twist
	/delay 1s
	/docrack nostun2 on
	/delay 1s
	/docrack nomeleepush on
	/delay 1s
	/echo ~-~-~-~Starting new expedition~-~-~-~
	/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-${Time.Time12}-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
	/circle off
	/twist off
	/keypress back
	/target apprentice
	/warp loc 262.10 -749.02 -124.37
	/delay 1s
	/delay 2s
	/say I would like Vxed please....
	/delay 2s
	/keypress esc

	/target stoneshifter
	/warp target 
	/g zone in
	/face heading 15
	/delay 2s
	/keypress forward hold
	/delay 3s
	/keypress right
	/delay 30s
	/face fast heading 270
	/twist 8 
	/delay 6s
	/warp loc 125 -300 447
	/delay 1s
	/circle on 60
	/speed 3
	/delay 10s
	/call GetTarget

|Sub: Gets Target
Sub GetTarget       
	/twist off
	/delay 1s
		/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[GuildLobby]}) /call quit
		/if (!${Target.ID}) /tar npc radius 220
   		/if (${Target.Name.Equal[#Misguided_beludu_Creque00]}) /tar npc next radius 220
		/if (${Target.Name.Equal[#Misguided_beludu_Creque00]}) /goto :TargetLoop
		/twist 3 4 5 6 7
	/call MainLoop

Sub VxedStart
/delay 1s
	/plugin MQ2DoCrack
	/delay 1s
	/plugin mq2moveutils
	/delay 1s	
	/plugin MQ2SpeedUtils
	/delay 1s
	/plugin MQ2Twist
	/delay 1s
	/docrack nostun2 on
	/delay 1s
	/docrack nomeleepush on
	/delay 1s
	/face fast heading 270
	/delay 1s
	/squelch /twist 8 
	/delay 6s
	/warp loc 125 -300 447
	/delay 1s
	/circle on 60
	/speed 3
	/delay 10s
	/call GetTarget

|Sub: Handles Death and camping out

Sub event_dead
	/delay 5s
	/circle off

Sub quit
	/circle off
	/delay 5s

|Sub: Main Loop for Controlling Things
Sub MainLoop
	/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[GuildLobby]}) /call quit
		/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=95) /disc Deftdance
		/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=95) /potionbelt activate 1
		/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=95) /call HealTwist
		/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=60) /call Evac
		/if (!${Target.ID}) /call GetTarget
		/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady["Boastful Bellow"]}) /alt act 199
		|/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady["Cacophony"]}) /alt act 553
		|/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady["Song of Stone"]}) /alt act 544
		|/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady["Funeral Dirge"]}) /alt act 777
		/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[Barindu]}) /call GetExpedition
		/delay 5
	/goto :Loop

Sub event_exp
	/varcalc Kill_Count (${Kill_Count}+1)
	/varset AAExp ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctAAExp}-${AAExp}]}
	/varset Exp ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctExp}-${Exp}]}
	/echo EXP: ${Exp} - AAXP: ${AAExp} - ${Math.Calc[${Macro.RunTime}/60]} minutes
	/echo Kill Count - ${Kill_Count}
	/echo Ping Count - ${Ping_Count}
	/varset Exp ${Me.PctExp}
	/varset AAExp ${Me.PctAAExp}

Sub event_ping
	/echo PING!
	/varcalc Ping_Count (${Ping_Count}+1)

|Sub: Evac Tasks
Sub Evac
	/warp s
	/circle off
	/twist off
	/delay 5s
	/delay 10s
	/twist 2
	/delay 5s
		/if (${Me.PctHPs}<99) /goto :hploop
	/twist off
	/plugin mq2moveutils unload
	/plugin mq2moveutils
	/face fast heading 270
	/twist 8 
	/delay 5s
	/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[GuildLobby]}) /call quit
	/delay 6s
	/warp loc 125 -300 447
	/delay 1s
	/circle on 60
	/speed 3
	/delay 10s
	/twist off	
	/call GetTarget

|Sub: Deals With Healing
Sub HealTwist
	/twist off
	/delay 1s
	/twist 2 3 4 5 6
		/if (${Me.PctHPs}>=99) /call GetTarget
		/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=60) /call Evac
		/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=90) /potionbelt activate 2
		/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[Barindu]}) /call GetExpedition
		/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[GuildLobby]}) /call quit
	/goto :loopheal

|Sub: Player Check
Sub PlayerCheck
		/if (${SpawnCount[pc]}>1) {
			/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~People in zone~--~-~-~-~-~
			/echo ~-~-~-~-waiting five mintues~-~-~-~-~-
			/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-${Time.Time12}-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
			/twist 1
			/delay 300s
			/goto :Loop
			/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~-~Zone Empty~-~--~-~-~-~-
			/echo ~-~-~-~-~-~-~Continuing~-~-~-~-~-~-~

|Sub: Failed To Get An Expedition
Sub Event_ExpFail
	/echo Attempt failed, trying again
	/say I would like Vxed please....
	/delay 3s

Edited for another tweak that lets you start in Vxed if people are in Barindu. :)
Last edited:
Looks good, if i do end up getting my bard going i will try it.
for the people who die on this mac due to lower hps >>me<< i just ajusted the hitpoints on evac and potions to give a better chance to keep going, granted being only 60 with lower level songs it takes about 10 minutes per mob, so usually by the time the 3rd one is about to die the first one pops back up. increasing your chance of being killed/evaced being low i don't afk this mac, i just box a different toon while it is running. one prob i have had with it is yeah getting killed and running around "easy change to that is go bind in a not so populated area were you not going to get killed while it gets fixed" and when i evac sometimes does not cast invul and warps back and i get toasted but otherwise works great. will work better once i get higher and better gear which will not take to long:)

btw anyone been busted using this?
When it doesnt cast invul on the way back up, is it beause refresh or is it just not casting again?
nevermind i am dumb did not change /twist 9 to "8" in the evac tasks so yeah works now:p
anyone have one for a higher level instance?? would love to get something higher then 70 was woundering if someone had one for lost gnomes or something but was not sure. If anyone knows of a good zone to setup something like this please let me know. Trying to level a few toons and this is the best way i can find to do it
While ago i posted that if someone gave me some locs of area's to kite i would make it for them for a fee =P.
I have a bard again. GKs reworked mac is flawless so far.

If you want one for another instance made i need several items of info.

Who starts the task, where task ent is, some locs inside the task for a good area to kite.

Hard to find 1 person task, but i guess if your PLing it doesnt matter if you PL 2 more chars.
I have a bard again. GKs reworked mac is flawless so far.

If you want one for another instance made i need several items of info.

Who starts the task, where task ent is, some locs inside the task for a good area to kite.

Hard to find 1 person task, but i guess if your PLing it doesnt matter if you PL 2 more chars.

Great to see your back on the "Bard wagon" lol :)

What I would love to try and work out would be some way to loot the corpses but there is no way I can think of that would not be insta death lol...

Even if you had a kill time that would leave you with no mobs for a bit it would still be too risky stopping to loot... Vxed Piggy toons would just take agro too...

So I think that all that potential Elab gear is going to continue to rot unless someone has an idea? =(