AFK Vxed Bard Macro

Does anyone know how to get a leech for the macro in question. I have used the vxedpiggy and it doesnt seem to work. I was wondering if there was a macro that i could use for the leech to zone them into vxed and warp to the location for leeching. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
If you have the char in group, it will zone in on its own, warp up on its on and sit in range of the exp...both of these together run 100% afk
yay for mitrestre, another happy customer!
well i have it running but it wont do anything, i have the plugin mq2moveutils loaded and i got the character shrouded but when i hit /mac vxedpiggy i get nothing i dont understand i guess
Great Macro

This macros is one of those gems that you just don't find that often. I happened to have a bard and wanted to get him a little aa and powerlevel one of my twinks.

I downloaded vxed and vxedpiggy - fired them up and sat back and watched everything run perfectly without even needing to tweak anything (a rare thing indeed.) Sure everybody expects to do some tweaking, but it's sure nice when you don't have to! :D

Great job Smarty!

Can anyone tell me if i am doing something wrong. I am shrouded and i load mq2moveutils. Is there something else i need to do or could help with a possible walk thru

Thank you
Are you running a Bard? do you have mq2twist loaded, do you have invul in slot 8? do you have mq2speedutils loaded? all are needed!
The bard macro i am using works fine i am talking about the vxedpiggy macro that i use to get my shaman some xp

Have you tried it not shrouding your shaman?

I personally don't shroud my alt as there really isn't any need to.
are you making sure the alt is ready to go in barindu standing infront of the zone in to vxed? because he wont start intill he gets the zone in bit from the bard.
yep he is standing infront of zone in group, macro is clicked when bard is otm to get mission then it watches bard zone in and he just stands there
well...aikijujutsu34 your last comment about the vxed mac your running makes you think my macs will work with yours? why would i do that, that is to easy, you HAVE to run my bardkite to get MY vxedpiggy to work, make sure they are grouped and all will work.

run ANY other bard kite and it will not work.
I actually use both your macros smarty, the bard macro works awesome and its probably the best one i have ever used but i just cant get the piggy one to work
I got it working now will it run the alt over and over like it does the bard?
ok i downloaded the original version and soon as i zoned in it said you need to select a target for this spell warped tryed to circle then i died.

When i download the second version of this macro i dont see any instructions on how to run it or should you just do it like the first start in barindu and then just run macro. also this is how i ahve my spell's set

1 run
2 heal
3-6 dots
7 dot
8 invulnerbility
9 mez

if anyone has time to PM me and let me know how exactly to run this macro i would appreciate it and or if anyone has another ard macro out there that is good exp i would greatly appreciate maybe even donate if it works out well thanks
Well i managed to get my hands on a different copy of this vxed macro.

Props to Yeti

Do as it says in macro put spells how they should be make sure you have up

/docrack nostun2 on

just do as it says in macro all rights to the authors of the plugins in use for this macro and the writer of this macro

***Some thing you have to do though once this macro is running is change the speed to /speed 3 in the macro its using an older version of speed hack so im not sure which loop to edit to make it so its /speed 3 instead of i think right now its at /speed 420 anyway if anyone has any input or any suggestions please add on. If anyone could add a GM check to this so that if a Gm comes into zone you instantly /fade and camp out thanks everyone hope this helps everyone!


  • vxed.mac
    4.7 KB · Views: 76
1. Should be easy to just do a find for all the 420's and replace them with 3 for the speed fix.

2. If a GM pops into your instance so that you can see him... lol it's too late, brother. Plus /fading will drop agro, but you'll pop right back into the middle of the room where you're kiting, probably getting agro right back and not being able to get /camp off. There are other ways of doing this, but as far as a GM check goes you'd be better off having your computer beep like mad so you can come answer any tells or whatever.