XP nerf to tasks coing in a few days

The problem is obvious. This move has no possible outcome other than losing subs.

Who is it appealing to? The hardcore veterans that are going to play the game regardless?

Who does it not appeal to? The people who don't have much time to play the game anymore, or people such as myself that was on the fence about leaving anyways.

I guess you could try to argue that this will somehow improve the game and people will join EQ! But no, EQ has almost no new players. Some may return, but it isn't going to be because of this.

It's a dumb move, period. But the hardcore circlejerkers will have a blast riding the sinking ship to its grave.

All of that is not even to mention the ban wave that's going to hit shortly after the expansion goes live (I am almost positive) I have never been in the "end is neigh" group, but it is. I would bet my left nut VoA is the last expansion.
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its funny that people talk about how wrong it is to have people "HAVE IT EASY"

im sure those people have their compiles up to date
some probably use macros often if not most of the time
they condemn folks in lobby as they watch them on their map then /zone away
same people assume they are working hard w MQ2 plugins going full speed in background.

Hope those condemning those that used pp to get tasks and gain xp werent here trying to sell it, exploit it, find bugs where to get it

kettle meet the pot

its gonna put a damper for sure on the have (pp vs time/ability/skill)

from the sound of it, goal is to slow EVERYONE down cutting xp gains, they make it sound like VoA kill xp and mission xp is gonna be low right off the bat.
Best HoT red mob xp was what like .33 of a percent at lvl 83+ in a full grp, if they follow that 50% plan thats what like 700ish red mobs per lvl? Few people that I know went to beta said mobs werent just falling over so you may have to hunt lower mobs for even less xp......

Who, where said something about having to faction for AAs and Spells kinda like tss (FARM IS CAMPED DAMMIT im doing faction......., or any other shitty faction, Crystallos faction.... couldnt even get your spells unless u flagged+ factioned, yea that was pleasant)

Zones are allegedly huge so if you dont hack, run all over the place for no fucking reason other than to waste time looking at what so far looked like shitty graphics.
Im not saying that it wasnt nice to get the taskadds a few times. But I didnt live off the taskadds, so this wont affect me much at all.

/shrug was just stating my opinions
Well damn if it takes you 2 hours to do shit, your doing it wrong lol. I can log in for an hour and get a shit ton done, and easy to find a group.

I think he was talking about UF stuff, where some of the missions you were lucky to finish before the timer ran out.
Still, I 6 boxed in UF and the longest mission i did was that foundation progression one was an hour and a half, that was the longest it took. I did offer services / flagging back then so I find ways to become really efficient /shrug.
/raging hard on at the thought of UF missions on day 1

I remember raid geared folks crying about cooling chamber mission

I dont care how bad ass your 1 raid geared toon is, if you didnt have the support alot of those people had to be fed taskadds to even get thru

vast majority of folks never went and did the prequests or stepped a foot in some of the missions, cause they couldnt hang or couldnt sink x ammt of hrs into some of that stuff

/tells VoA...... hope u bring it bitch :p , I know it wont stop me but for a few elitists out there, they would have to go back to waiting for the dream teams to get em flagged.
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/raging hard on at the thought of UF missions on day 1

I remember raid geared folks crying about cooling chamber mission

I dont care how bad ass your 1 raid geared toon is, if you didnt have the support alot of those people had to be fed taskadds to even get thru

vast majority of folks never went and did the prequests or stepped a foot in some of the missions, cause they couldnt hang or couldnt sink x ammt of hrs into some of that stuff

/tells VoA...... hope u bring it bitch :p , I know it wont stop me but for a few elitists out there, they would have to go back to waiting for the dream teams to get em flagged.

Lols!!!! I was one of the few who actually enjoyed UF a lot! I tanked most of it on a raid geared rogue, and tanked cooling chamber with a pally. I ran with pally rogue zerk cleric bard and sham group, was quite nice during UF for me!
I honestly enjoyed UF, it was fun. Raiding the beast was pretty nuts before the nerf.

However, enjoying difficult content isn't the same as enjoying grinding. That's all this patch is going to do, force people to grind more.

stop wining, this nerf has a good reason to be implemented.
its not like all you guys aren't gunna be 95 within the first week of release anyways. Task adds aren't a good thing for the health of EQ anyways...you know EQ is harder/better than that. /endrant
got thru UF progression within a week of what ever was opened
no raid gear way low on aas (didnt even have best SoD gear :(
I was one of about half a dozen folks in most zones for a while till folks got their guilds power teams to flag em :p

max aa crew now max gear, dont think when i do step into voa ill struggle
I am saddened about the tasks (i liked selling them), was none of my bussiness why people bought em, to xp to advance who cares as long as they paid.
perhaps auto nerf xp implemented:

about 2.5 hr
I got to see the first look at this open the chest "bonus xp for finishing task" in action. We got a whole 1 AA for the reward for finishing that insanely long mission. If this is what its going to be like in the new expansion... just wow is all i can say.... wow

up front they seem to shaft folks for VoA missions price for cothing, delaying the opening of the chest and now time sink has just gone up, take it how u want
The whole XP nerf thing sux but its not a show stopper for me.

The thing I dont get is why is everyone shout about /taskadds being some horrible thing? It has really helped my guild out a TON being able to do that, guys will knock out a task for XP and they have some open spots, they announce in /gu "hey anybody need an add?" Bam, some guy needs that task, and he gets the flag. Seriously, what is so bad about that? I have bought /taskadds too for toons I needed them on and could get a certain task request or whatever. I honestly dont see the big deal?

Ok the other thing, wtf is this "30 AAs per task thing??" The best I have got on any HoT task was like 4AA or something. Nothing crazy like 30 AA? WTH??
The whole XP nerf thing sux but its not a show stopper for me.

The thing I dont get is why is everyone shout about /taskadds being some horrible thing? It has really helped my guild out a TON being able to do that, guys will knock out a task for XP and they have some open spots, they announce in /gu "hey anybody need an add?" Bam, some guy needs that task, and he gets the flag. Seriously, what is so bad about that? I have bought /taskadds too for toons I needed them on and could get a certain task request or whatever. I honestly dont see the big deal?

Ok the other thing, wtf is this "30 AAs per task thing??" The best I have got on any HoT task was like 4AA or something. Nothing crazy like 30 AA? WTH??

at lvl 75 you get about 30 aa's per TA. Very nice for pleveling a toon. higher lvl you get the less aa's you'd get.
IC, that is pretty darn cool for getting your twinks up to speed on AA. My toons are all 90/high AA so prolly never got to see that awesomeness!
You can still buy or add people to progression missions for progression, this change doesn't effect that whatsoever. This is simply and purely an exp based change.
Not really a big change, all you have to do now is campfire people in. Have the fellowship inviter bound in lobby/pok. Just a small extra hassle if you want to still sell task adds. Dumb sony.
someone said in joke i hope that cothing would be fekked up , would be cute if it was true as well as campfiring in
Not really a big change, all you have to do now is campfire people in. Have the fellowship inviter bound in lobby/pok. Just a small extra hassle if you want to still sell task adds. Dumb sony.
From the September 15th patch notes:

- You may now join a fellowship only once every 20 hours.
The man is on top of putting the KABBASH on sheet UGH!!