wth? getting whooped


warp?!! hell no ..was lag
Jul 5, 2006
Reaction score
ok just logged on and a blue con about killed me in like 12 secs...same damn toon I was killing named with a wiz merc no healer yesterday. did they screw up something?
no SK, just seems kinda strange guess i'll try again later
Rumor has it that tanks get a bit nerfed too but no were near as bad as pets and mercs
melee not doing its thing for you maybe? My sk seems exactly the same.
Im sure it's part of their 'display only' changes... wonder how raids are?
maybe i just had a bad experience lol even chain casting taps with discs going had to FD to a stupid blue in scorched woods...well par for the course my guild hall gone, toons logging into a empty zone not showing online and a bunch of human models spore king bunched together lol
problem is you're an sk and there only good for casting voice of thull
problem is you're an sk and there only good for casting voice of thull

There is a pretty significant difference tanking as a war vs sk. Even with the knight tanking changes last year. Warrior tanking still seems still quite a bit better.

Now, if you need ae aggro, especially if you don't want to break mezz, SK's rule, nothing compares.
I must just suck, my sk is far from invincible... but wurmy is nice.
yeah wurmy with rune aug is pretty sweet
Are you all using the wurmy with the raid upgrade to it and the aug or just the wurmy you get without the upgrade?
I'm using the group wurmy with energizing aug... and yeah it may have just been bad lag or glitch ...SK back to being a beast!