Win7 on a Macbook Pro


New member
Feb 8, 2007
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My school gave all students a new macbook pro an ipad as part of a technology initative, however I can't play my Aion on a mac haha. Was wondering if any who have a macbook or any mac have put Windows on it, and would the game work than?
You can install windows on most macs. they are after all now mostly PC components.
Make a BootCamp partition of about 60GB minimum (assuming you have a large nuff HD. If not, scale it down accordingly) and install whatever version of Windows you want to it.

Works like a charm
Yep I have a MBP and XP installed. I have yet to get Win7 for it but Bootcamp seems to work well and VMWare can even access the bootcamp partition without rebooting (although I doubt that'll work for gaming).

WHoops, necroed a thread