Why can't I hide while using MMO Bugs


New member
Nov 4, 2021
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I play a rogue and every time I hit hide it it brings up an error, and in the MQ2 window it says "this error has occurred # times this session". I was able to turn on my sneak and it works, however when I try to turn on my hide by typing /melee hide=on nothing happens but the error and exception. Please help. its awful hard to get around without hide.
Only thing I can think of is MQ2DoCrack is breaking it from a bad offset?

Try unloading MQ2DoCrack and see if that solves it.
Well it works only when I turn of MQ2 completely and relog without the bot. I just cant hide when I Have it on. I went into do crack and I dont see anything in there that would keep me from hiding
It has to be a certain plugin doing the problem. Do "/plugin mq2docrack unload" and see if it solves the problem. If not, keep unloading plugins until the problem stops then let us know which one it was so we can investigate it.

You could post what plugins you have loaded as it's more than likely a very niche plugin or others would be experiencing the problem.
It has to be a certain plugin doing the problem. Do "/plugin mq2docrack unload" and see if it solves the problem. If not, keep unloading plugins until the problem stops then let us know which one it was so we can investigate it.

You could post what plugins you have loaded as it's more than likely a very niche plugin or others would be experiencing the problem.

I figured it out. All I Did was unplug MQ2Bot and MQ2Botbeta in the Plugin manager, and then I plugged them back in. I restarted My Computer and EQ and Now everything is working as it should